The world of Detective Conan!

Conan's mouth twitched.

All right...

Even he himself had to admit that Xiaozhi...Although what Zhao said was a bit unpleasant, it was indeed the truth. Conan felt that what Xiaozhi said was not wrong. This was a bloody reality.

The world he lives in does not have a high level of power. Although Conan has the title of 'Death Schoolboy', in fact this so-called title is more of a joke.

Compared with the doomsday world, the world he lives in is not very peaceful.

Moreover, Conan's time in the group was too short.

In the Zhutian chat group, people can gradually become stronger over time. For example, Xia Shizi, a member of the Daily World who was among the first batch to join the group, has some strength now.

She is a member of 'Magical Girl"Seven-00"'.

The old days!

The world of the passerby heroine was invaded by another world. She once used the ultimate flash of light magic to hunt down a giant dragon. Although the energy in Kasumi Shiko's body was directly drained after the blow, she also She can confidently say that she is a 'Dragon Slayer'. If she were in Valoran, she would probably be able to get a set of exclusive Dragon Slayer skins like Jarvan IV and Vayne.

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"@All members, okay, now let's hand over the affairs of our respective worlds. I have opened the permission to travel to the world." The

Elf of Time:"Copy that!" The Lord of Baiyun City:"Yes."

Tiandao Souji:"Grandma said that the way of man is the way of man, and the way of man is the way of heaven. Since I am the center of the world, then I will save the world."

Passing Kamen Rider:"Look , This is forcing the king."

He is worthy of being a person who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything.

Tiandao's words are unique among the group.

Grandma Tiandao must be a reclusive philosopher in the world of armor. General Tiandao always prefixes almost every sentence with"Grandma said", which is obviously not a wild idea.

Kyushu cultivation world.

Red Leaf Peak.

Qin Mo put Yuetu from his arms on the table, and asked Hongye and Yingcao to take care of her. Hongye Yingcao is now only one step away from transforming into a human form. Even without a physical body, she can still exert very powerful strength. If the transformation is successful, the spirit transformation stage will start with adequate strength. Compared with ordinary cultivators who start in the Qi refining period, they are naturally much more powerful.

It would be no problem to let them take care of Yu'er, and Qin Mo was very relieved.

After all, Moon Rabbit...

To be precise, she was sealed by Fairy Xiyue at the end of the Second Era when the Era Catastrophe destroyed the Age of Mythology, and thus slept on the moon for tens of millions of years. The sealed she was in a state of suspended animation. The original she may have The strength of the Tribulation Stage, but at this time, has long been gone. It is thankful to be able to exert the strength of the Golden Core Stage.

After explaining everything.

Qin Mo stood up leisurely.

Yan Miaozhu is still in deep sleep and retreat. In the eyes of ordinary people, the sword of Emperor Yama is more than tenApart from its simplicity, there is nothing powerful now. There is even no precious light shining on the sword of Yama Emperor Sword. However, Qin Mo, relying on the connection between his soul and Yan Miaozhu, can clearly sense that this person is in that kind of situation. A state of mystery and mystery.

Breakthrough is just a matter of time.

Qin Mo smiled softly.

Then, he opened the time-travel passage. This time it was obviously a welfare mission. This group of people directly formed a group to go on an expedition. In the world of Academy Apocalypse, who can stop it?

Koichi Wisteria? never mind!

Go to sleep, the level of the world limits his imagination. Even if Koichi Koichi, a time traveler, reaches the top level in the world of Academy Apocalypse, he cannot even reach the level of the world of Naruto.

Dimensional channel.


At this moment, a whirlpool with white light and incomparable holy brilliance suddenly appeared in front of Qin Mo. There was still darkness in the vortex, but as long as you walked in, you could clearly see countless worlds in the dimensional passage. Emerging outside the barriers on both sides, if one accidentally falls into it, he may be lost directly in the gap between time and space.

This dimensional passage is indeed extraordinary.

Qin Mo speculated more than once about the origin of the chat group in the heavens. Perhaps it was bigger than he thought, and even directly above the heavens. After all, even the Jiuzhou cultivation world can open the dimensional channel...........

Shaking his head, Qin Mo didn't think much more and walked in directly.

A moment!

The dimensional channel is closed.

Hongyefeng Villa.

On the stone table.

Yue'er, the only Jade Rabbit in the Third Era in this world, blinked in confusion. She didn't have much memory about the Second Era, but she still knew some basic things.

For example, Qin Mo’s move...

Spatial ability?

To know! space, time.

Even in the age of mythology, there were not many people with this kind of talent. This kind of talent is considered a magical power. In other words, it is God's reward. Most people can achieve this effect by using magic weapons, and it is based on space and time. Magic weapons are also very rare.

It can be said that Qin Mo's skills are very strong in Yue Tu's opinion.

Moon Rabbit squatted on the stone table.

Eyes twinkling

‘Gu Gu...’

It seems that the person entrusted by Fairy Xiyue is not an ordinary mortal. at the same time.

The world of Academy Apocalypse.

On the top of a building near Fujimi Academy, you can almost have a bird's eye view of the entire Fujimi Academy, and the person behind all the changes in the world of Academy Apocalypse, the time traveler Koichi Wisteria, is sitting on the rooftop at this time 4.1 Go up, lowered his head, he pushed up his glasses, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, he himself is a gloomy person, destroying the world? It was a rare pleasure for him.

Before, he could only dream!

There is everything in the dream.

But things are different now. Ever since he traveled through time and obtained the Doomsday System, everything around him seems to have changed. In this world, he can rely on the system to do whatever he wants.

Everything is under his control! this

The corners of his lips raised slightly, revealing a strange smile......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you for your monthly ticket support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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