Moon Rabbit: 嘤嘤嘤?

On the stone table. at this time.

Yu'er, the pet moon rabbit of Fairy Xi Yue of the Moon Palace in the Second Era, was put down by Qin Mo and was lying on the stone table. A pair of red eyes followed Qin Mo's body.

She now looks like a moon rabbit and has not transformed, so there is no expression on her face. if so.


‘Men are all big pig hooves'!

Qin Mo walked straight to the door.

Push the door and enter.

Enter the purpose.

It was the alchemy furnace that the former Master of the Medicine King Valley obtained from the ancient secret realm. However, it was already the property of Qin Mo thousands of years ago. There was a vague fragrance of medicine permeating the alchemy room.

Many rare medicinal herbs in the world of cultivation were placed in a haphazard manner. but!

These were not of concern to Qin Mo. what he values...

In the corner.


The treasures that Qin Mo brought back from the 'Gate of Huangquan' and the Underworld of the Styx were placed there as a gift from King Yama, the master of the fifth palace of the Underworld.

Book of Life and Death, Judge's Pen, Three Life Stone Fragments...

Qin Mo has been throwing these there.

After all, for him, the Yama Emperor Sword is enough, and the true effectiveness of these magic weapons cannot be fully demonstrated in this era. The reason is for no other reason than that it is the third era.

Heaven is destroyed and the underworld is empty.

Reincarnation? no longer...

Qin Mo leaned over and picked up the fragments of the Sansheng Stone and looked at them carefully.

"The smell and appearance are somewhat familiar."

He whispered to himself in a low voice. He searched for memories in his mind.

Qin Mo has the ability of 'photographic memory'. The past things are buried deeply in his mind. This does not mean that he has forgotten it. As long as he recalls it carefully, Qin Mo can easily Think about it.

Two thousand years ago.


Southern Territory!

At that time, the world of Jiuzhou cultivation was still immersed in the shadow of being suppressed by Qin Mo’s master... a loose cultivator. Although he experienced a painful invasion of evil spirits, the cultivation world The structure of the world has not really changed, but remains the same as before.

At that time, Qin Mo did not establish a sect. Since the master passed through the catastrophe and ascended to heaven, Qin Mo went down the mountain and traveled around the world. At that time, I met a strange woman.

They hit it off immediately.


They walked together, and later he established a sect. A hundred years later, the girl established an all-female sect on the top of the snowy mountains of the Tianshan Mountains, named Tianshan Lingjiu Palace.

Memories flashed in Qin Mo's mind.

And this memory condensed into a special picture, and the projection appeared on Qin Mo, just like the video appearing in the chat group of the heavens, 360 degrees of immersion without blind spots.

He remembered that they picked up a stone that was very similar to the fragments of the Sansei Stone.

He remembered that the girl's name was Ruan Ling

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?..."

Qin Mo was a little surprised. some...Speechless.

Reminisced for a while.

Qin Mo returned to the yard and sat in his previous position, thoughtfully. However, this state did not last long, and his consciousness was connected to the chat group of the heavens again.

As for things in the world of cultivation, he has done everything he can.

And heaven...

After the road to the Moon Palace was cut off, Qin Mo had no choice but to let Bai Yunzi launch the forces of Dao Zong and Zhengqi Dao Alliance to search for possible traces of Heavenly Court all over the world. However, Qin Mo actually knew that it was probably not possible, most likely I can only rely on the memories of Yu'er and Yan Miaozhu to recover.

╮(▽╰)╭ at this time.

A helpless and melancholy temperament suddenly surged out of Qin Mo's body.

Moon Rabbit jumped into Qin Mo's arms.

And this moment.

She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Qin Mo suddenly had a temperament that was different from ordinary people, which attracted her deeply. Yu'er is now unable to transform due to the difference in eras, and has been sleeping for too long. There is also something wrong with her memory, so she cannot remember it. There were too many things in the past, but at this moment, she was also deeply attracted by Qin Mo's temperament. perhaps...

It was because Qin Mo was dressed in white, had white hair, and had red eyes. Such a similar appearance made Yue Tu Yu'er feel like she was seeing a relative.

‘Humans are really strange creatures. '

Yu'er's eyes flashed.

I thought to myself!

Qin Mo calmly"played the rabbit" and did not notice that Yu'er's reaction was a bit strange. Most of his consciousness was still immersed in the Zhutian chat group. In his own words, it should be...

Water group.

From now on, things in the Second Era still need to be done step by step and slowly.

More haste less speed.

In the chat group.

Qin Mo flipped through the chat history after he temporarily quit the chat group. Senju Hashirama's"My best friend Madara" still didn't bubble up to speak. Only Uchiha Madara occasionally said a few words. Qin Mo guessed that the current Senju Hashirama is probably still immersed in the supplement.

However, I guess it won’t take long to finish reading it.

After all, the reincarnation version of the perpetual motion machine is so terrifying!

At this time, the group was discussing a topic.


Naruto World! usually.

There aren't many conversations about Naruto World in the chat group. The current situation, Qin Mo guessed, is probably because Senju Hashirama has joined. Speaking of which, Naruto World is also special.

You know, if there are more than three members of the same world in the group, the Naruto world will still be the only one.

Kasumi Shiko has always wanted to invite a certain 'blonde loser', but she hasn't had much luck.

Invite new people like Little Tornado and get mission points...

That was the first time.

It can only be attributed to Xiao Longjuan being an European Emperor.

Tsunade said that the reason why Ou Huang was probably because the small tornado was a tablet.

The angry little tornado bared its teeth and claws

(Li Li's from Konoha Village...Hokage

Village chief position. but.

This is different from the village chief in the ordinary world. The ninja village in the Naruto world is attached to the country, similar to the country's army, or it can be called a mercenary organization. The head of a village has considerable rights.

That’s a meme!

Hashirama: 'As the pillars of Konoha, we must be honest and honest as officials. We cannot rely on connections to get to the top.

Tobirama:"Brother, what a shame!"

Hiruzen:"Yes, teacher." Buy '

Minato: 'Okay, Master. '

Tsunade: 'Got it, grandpa. '

Kakashi: 'Understood, Grandmaster. '

Naruto:' Got it, teacher's teacher's teacher. '


The atmosphere becomes increasingly awkward...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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