Qin Mo found a comfortable position. thump... moment.

An unknown object fell into Qin Mo's arms. Qin Mo could clearly feel the coldness against his lower abdomen. Qin Mo opened his slightly squinted eyes and looked at the unknown 'object'.

In his eyes, everything is white!

That's a rabbit.

Moon Rabbit!

"It is you..."

Qin Mo glanced at the ancient sword leaning against the wall - the Yama Emperor Sword. At this time, Yan Miaozhu was still sleeping, and her soul was getting stronger. Qin Mo signed a soul contract with her, so he naturally knew her current situation. She is now completing the most critical moment in her life that has spanned eras. This is her destiny....When she wakes up this time, she will definitely gain a lot.

Medicine garden.

Red maple formation!

The transformation journey of Yingcao and Hongye has not been completed, but it has reached the most critical moment. The day for their transformation is not far away and is just around the corner....

Seeing this, Qin Mo felt helpless


He is lightTouched Yu'er's eyebrows

"you ah you..."


Yue Tu made a slightly strange sound from his mouth. Qin Mo was obviously stunned for a moment, and then smiled softly. As expected of Fairy Xiyue's pet, he was really a little sensitive.

Immediately afterwards.

Qin Mo ignored it and squinted his eyes slightly.

Consciousness connects the heavens chat group. at this time.

The group was as lively as ever, everyone was chatting away, and the atmosphere was very good. Most of the time they were just joking around, just like Uchiha Madara and Tsunade before, at most they were just a nuisance. , and there were cases of beatings to death.

Although all they can do is PK in the duel arena.

If you touch the real world...

This is impossible!

Because the chat group has unique abilities... No, they are both members of the Zhutian chat group, and they are protected by the chat group at the same time. Members of the same group cannot hurt each other, so they can naturally attack each other, but even if they fight Even if the world falls apart and the sun and moon lose light, they will not be hurt by each other's attacks.

This also avoids the situation where they (ccai) have a disagreement, get into a fight in anger, and start to regret it afterwards.

In that case, if you kill your friend by mistake, you will probably feel guilty for the rest of your life.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Hey, what are we discussing?"

Qin Mo said casually.

Little Dragon Girl:"(*▽*)"

The Elf of Time:"The tiger in the front row is touching the leader of the group."

The seventeen-year-old girl:"嘤嘤嘤..."

NEE Ji:"@ Seventeen Girl, slap a hammer."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"???"

Angel Yan:"The little expert who seeks death

【Welcome new member 'My best friend Mada La' to join the Zhutian chat group. 】

Dongfang Bai:"Welcome the newcomers."

Thunder God Thor:"Welcome the newcomers!"

Thor is not a fat nerd:"Welcome the newcomers +1"

Trembling Tatsumaki:"Wait! @ninja大fatsheep@UchihaDanceKing , do you think the newcomer’s nickname is a bit...look familiar?"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"......"

Uchiha Dance King:"......"


Gale Swordsman:"Moda is hot?"

Qianwu Girl:"Haxi hot mom?"


In the group.

For a moment, there was an inexplicable silence, exuding a very strange atmosphere, which was very embarrassing.

Where is Ludo?

What is gay

? Everyone in the group, including Conan, the Shinigami who joined the group last, have all seen the memory copy in the group. The memory copy of"Naruto" is no stranger to them.

Especially the shouts from Yasuo and Xiaomi’s personal practice before.

Enter the drama in one second!

My best friend Madara:"@UchihaDanceKing, from the Uchiha clan? DanceKing.. What a strange name. Do you know Uchiha Madara? He is that arrogant guy, and I am his friend."

The world of Naruto - the underworld.

Well, after the battle with Uchiha Madara, which was about the twelve years of Konoha, Senju Hashirama may have been bitten by Uchiha Madara in the heart, or he was depressed because of the death of his best friend. Unhappy, he passed away.

The world of Naruto today.

Tsunade returns to the village.

The Third Ninja War ended, probably...

Konoha for more than forty years. this period!

Senju Hashirama was not reincarnated by the dirty earth, and was sealed into the stomach of the God of Death by Sarutobi Hiruzen with the corpse ghost seal. Therefore, although he is cold now, he is still in the underworld.

Well..the world of Naruto.

In the underworld.

He is confused all day long. Perhaps as the reincarnation of Asura Chakra, the son of the Six Paths Sage, Senju Hashirama himself is quite special, so he is not like other wandering souls, but no one talks to him. He is very nervous. It's a bit boring. certainly.

This point was not mentioned in the original work. It was probably mentioned in the chat group of all heavens....The Butterfly Effect.

After decades, someone finally spoke, and it seemed that it was still the strange screen that appeared in his mind. Although Senju Hashirama was a little confused, he was more excited, and although he didn't recognize most of the names in the group , but he is very familiar with the name Uchiha.

His name is also very good.

My best friend is hot!

Isn't this a true portrayal of him?

Uchiha Madara.

They were 'childhood sweethearts' who had known each other since they were young, and they fell in love and fought together to bring peace to the troubled times of the Warring States Period. They were the first to establish villages like Konoha, and started the trend of the one-country-one-village system in the ninja world. after his death. underworld...

Uchiha Madara was not found, and he had a vague guess in his mind. However, in this group, he could meet a 'live' Uchiha tribesman for a long time. How could Senju Hashirama not be excited?

How not...

Feeling overwhelmed?

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Cover your forehead.jpg"

Naruto World.

Ninja world. at this time.

Tsunade in the Hokage's office in Konoha Village and Madara Uchiha in the underground cave of Mist Ninja Village were both speechless. how to say!

This overwhelming sense of sight.

It's really him!...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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