The remnant soul of Xiyue, the Fairy of the Moon Palace, stood there, with the moonlight shining on her body. Her face was as cold as a snow lotus in full bloom. She was a fairy from the Heavenly Palace, and she was completely different from ordinary people.

Qin Mo was thoughtful. what's the situation?

When he was on the Styx River, Qin Mo saw the prosperity of the underworld in the past on the Naihe Bridge, and saw Po Meng who extradited the souls of the dead on the Naihe Bridge. However, Qin Mo was convinced that before that, he did not understand anything about the Second Era. seem...

There are layers of fog that cover up all the truth.

However, Qin Mo didn't care.

The corners of his lips raised slightly.

Puzzle game... interesting.

At this time.

Xiyue looked at the ancient long sword covered with mysterious runes on Qin Mo's waist, with a nostalgic emotion on her face. Naturally, the heaven and the underworld in the second era were not inseparable. She and the man in the underworld The daughter is a best friend

"She is at your place. Xiyue said.

She smiled.

The fairy smiled.

The flowers bloomed....

Perhaps, in the Second Era, this situation might occur in the Moon Palace, but at this time, it is absolutely impossible. Don't you see, the once prosperous palace has turned into ruins and ruins.

On the entire moon, only the teleportation array connected to the moon well was intact. Qin Mo didn't know what materials it was made of. Qin Mo was proficient in alchemy and weapon refining, but he had never seen it. over that material.

Perhaps, it exists in some ancient secret realm that has not been discovered. As for the specifics, it is unknown.

The woman in Xiyue's mouth is Yan Miaozhu.

The daughter of King Yama, the lord of the fifth palace of the underworld. at the same time!

She is also Xiyue's best friend.

Qin Mo knew this. When Yan Miaozhu remembered something about the Moon Palace, he was on the Red Leaf Peak. Yan Miaozhu looked at the moon and told Qin Mo about it.

She and Xiyue are good friends!

"I want to know more about the Second Age. Qin

Mo nodded and said

"I don't know much."

Xiyue shook her head

"But, I know you."

She looked at Qin Mo. She looked serious!


Qin Mo was a little confused. He was from the third era. There was no doubt about it. Moreover, he traveled through time three thousand years ago and grew up slowly. Qin Mo could keep these experiences in mind. However

, to say that he knows Xiyue?

This is unscientific!

Qin Mo can only say this, although there is no need to talk about science in the world of cultivation for the time being. In the end, cultivation is the realm of Daluo, and Daluo is quite For a saint, even if the world is destroyed, Da Luo is still at ease, and what is above Da Luo?

Xiyue seemed to see Qin Mo's doubts, and said slowly:

"Before the great catastrophe of the Second Age, foreign evil spirits invaded in large numbers. Immortals and gods fought with them. The Moon Palace collapsed, causing a world-destroying flood. However, the development of things is beyond our control.

The catastrophe is coming!

The stars in the universe broke through the formation defense of Kyushu and rushed directly to the three realms. The black thunder destroyed the world, and that was not all. The catastrophe brought not only the disaster of destroying the world...."

Evil? wrong!

According to Xiyue, the strength of foreign evil spirits is about the same as that of the former Three Realms of Kyushu. Even if there is a big war, the monks in the world, the heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven, and the underworld soldiers in the underworld can still fight against the evil spirits, and even win. There were many scenes, but at the last moment, the so-called catastrophe of the era brought a disaster called 'destruction' to the mythical age.

"what is that? Qin

Mo asked.

He frowned. In this situation, Qin Mo thought of the situation when the insects from the Armor World came to the earth from the universe. The falling meteorite did not bring the destruction of the city, but the destruction of the city. It's a creature called an insect.

Could it be the Tribulation of the Era, too?

"have no idea"

"Time has passed, and my memory retention is incomplete. Heaven may have the answer, but the overpass from the Moon Palace to Heaven was broken in the last era, and my memory is not complete. Xiyue then shook her head and said

"That's it..."

Qin Mo nodded. have no choice. but...There is nothing you can do!

The same is true for King Yama.

There wasn't much information they could provide Qin Mo. The gap between the Second Era and this time was too long. Although they were immortal gods with powerful souls, their soul power was weakened all the time. When Qin Mo found them, they were about to disappear, and Xi Yue's figure became more and more illusory, as if she would disappear at any time.

As the power of the soul weakens, the memory will also disappear. in fact...

Yan Miaozhu was in the same situation, but it was different.

Yan Miaozhu has no divine status. therefore!

Her strength is inferior to Xi Yue or King Yama, and Yan Miaozhu sacrificed his body to the sword to become the sword spirit. In doing so, she enhanced the destructive power of the Emperor Yama Sword, but her own soul was The power is undoubtedly weakened.

Now, through signing a divine soul contract with Qin Mo, and through the connection with the Yama Emperor Sword, Qin Mo's special true energy has been absorbed. The divine soul has been strengthened, and the memory has gradually recovered.

"At the end of the second era, there was a voice reminding us that we are waiting for someone to find us in the third era. That person is very special, and I think it must be you."Xi Yue looked at Qin Mo.

A voice?

Okay, indeed...

Quite special.

Whether it is refining Qi for three thousand years, or the vision of heaven and earth, or the current half-step golden elixir realm, they are all very special. Looking at the history of the cultivation world in the third era, Qin Mo is also the only one.


"Xiyue...Can I ask you a favor, fellow Taoist? Xiyue asked cautiously.

Qin Mo nodded.

"Yu'er is naughty, so she asks Taoist friends to take care of her."

She smiled charmingly.

The figure slowly dissipated.

A trace of crystal light flew towards the torrent of the universe and dissipated between heaven and earth.


Who is it?

At this moment, inside the moon, a life The breath slowly spread out...

Qin Mo was stunned!

This is.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks 'yanyanqingqing’,‘*??point of no return??*’,‘Beans' big monthly ticket support!

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