Just say it.

Du'e seemed to be frozen, standing still on the spot, reciting the salvation sutra, and then the golden Buddha light suddenly appeared on his body, as if lotus flowers full of Buddha nature were blooming.

At this moment, he was like a living Buddha!

Runes spread all over the body.

There are bursts of Sanskrit sounds all around.

It seems like a vision from heaven and earth. at the same time.

The Imperial City of Zhao State.

Inside the city.

Many people stopped and looked at the direction of the palace from a distance. The purple-black and golden gases collided with each other, exuding a very terrifying aura. One side was a demon, and the other side was a demon.


For a moment, these two words popped up in my mind involuntarily.

Presumably, looking up close in the palace is the real wonder!

The beast control gate.

This is the only cultivation sect in the imperial city of Zhao State. It is a second- and third-rate sect in the cultivation world of the Four Regions of Kyushu. In the Beast Control Sect, on a roof, there are two monks wearing sect costumes. Looking in the direction of the palace from a distance.

And looking at each other from behind


"He is worthy of being Master Duer!"

The two of them coincidentally...


The 'unfortunate relationship' between them and Du'e started from the ancient secret realm outside Chang'an City, where the Gate of the Underworld opens every 500 years, to the Stone City on the coast of the East China Sea, and then to the Imperial City.

It can be said.

As their peers, in the ancient secret realm, they were in the foundation building stage and Du'e was in the Qi refining stage. Now they are still in the foundation building stage, but Du'e has condensed the golden elixir and become powerful golden elixir stage monks.

This time is only two years. Maybe before this, they didn't know what a genius was, but now they know that people like Du'e and Ning Xue, the young master of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, are the geniuses of an era.!

As for them, they are just cannon fodder.

Outside Jingxuan Palace.

In the entire Zhao Kingdom Imperial City, if you want to see the vision in the sky, the positions of Zhao Wuji and Xiao Lizi are the most intuitive. They can clearly see the Buddha's breath and the devil's breath intertwined.

The phantom of the Buddha is humming, and the demons are roaring and hissing.

This strange phenomenon is centered inside the Jingxuan Palace, as if a storm caused by nature is spreading to all directions. The wind is sweeping, as cold and sharp as a knife, and it causes pain on people's faces, which is very scary.

One light, one dark!

A side of heaven!

One side of hell!

Du'e and a black shadow were at the center of the storm.

This also seems to be a battle between good and evil.

It seems...Balance of power


At this time,

Du'e softly recited the Buddha's name again. In fact, this kind of fighting is not what he is good at. Compared with this, he is better at physical salvation. This is inherited from Namo Gatling Bodhisattva and Tang Sanyang Master. This is the traditional craftsmanship of Buddhist masters

‘"Shua Yiyi" is at this moment.

Du'e's body moved, the relics and golden elixirs in the Zifu were running wildly, and the Buddha's light that saved everything suddenly converged. This look was a bit like the golden light spell cast by Wu Bilian.

Defense all around!

However, the defense is obviously much stronger.

At this time, he converged the Buddha's light. Not only did the power displayed not weaken at all, but on the contrary, it became stronger. The white monk's robes on his body exploded directly.

Solid muscles exposed.

He was like a sharp sword unsheathed, piercing straight in the direction of the demon. This demon was not a reincarnation, but it invaded the child's body and fought for control before his intelligence was fully developed.

His strength is not strong.

Only at the Nascent Soul level. therefore!

Du'e is very confident. As for leapfrog challenges, isn't this a basic operation? During the Qi Refining Stage, Du'e was able to fight against the monsters in the Foundation Establishment Stage. If it weren't for the blue flame dragon bone Zhu Wushi suddenly condensing the golden elixir, he would have been able to beat it to death with just a pair of iron fists.

He is as powerful as a broken bamboo.

The hands were engraved with runes, exuding a faint light. At this moment, a pair of fleshy palms seemed to turn into pig iron, with great force and weight, as if...One palm can separate the road of life and death

‘Kaka - One by one, the demon's demonic energy condensed into a ball, forming a defense similar to armor. If he wanted to withstand Du'e's offensive, he would still be in a powerful posture and collide with it.

There seemed to be some cracks on the armor.

···Asking for flowers......

Bai Yujing.

Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Here, the location is relatively remote compared to the main hall, but compared to Qin Mo’s bookstore on Hongye Peak, I don’t know how much bigger it is. Qin Mo handed the identity plate given by the head of Bai Yujing to the gatekeeper elder. Qin Mo walked in slowly.

The top of the house.

Inlaid with many luminous pearls, the whole room is illuminated brightly. These luminous pearls are treasures that many people dream of in the secular world. However, in the eyes of cultivators, they cannot be used to set up formations and can only be used as lighting objects.

The Sutra Pavilion has only one floor.

But it’s all-encompassing!

"small world?"Qin Mo looked around and couldn't help but whisper to himself. The Sutra Pavilion didn't look big, but there was something inside it. It seemed to be a small world of its own.....................

Very spacious. at this time!

An illusory book exuded a dense light, floating in the air, and slowly appeared in front of Qin Mo.

Book spirit?


He smiled softly.

Right! Qin Mo was no stranger to it. Not to mention other things, on his Hongye Peak, the formation spirit Hongye of the Red Maple Formation and the Yingcao cultivated with the Sky Star Grass were almost transformed into human form. but...

He also knows that transformation is very rare in the world of cultivation in the third era now, even for the five permanent director sects of the Zhengqi Dao Alliance, including the Yiyi Sect, the Great Leiyin Temple, and the Western Region Holy Sect. , except for Qin Mo’s Daozong, there is no one! therefore.

From this, we can see Bai Yujing's background.

Mysterious and ancient!

"Please check."

At this time, the shadow of the book shook, and a milky sound sounded.

"Second Age"

"No record, please change the keywords and check again."

Is that really the case?...

Qin Mo thought

"moon well"

"Searching..."...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you Yusheng’,‘1ove', dragon’,‘b83xx23'Big monthly ticket supports eight_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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