"Uchiha Madara!"

The moment he saw Uchiha Madara, Danzo moved back involuntarily, and his eyes full of disgust were temporarily hidden by him. In terms of persecuting and hating Uchiha, Danzo can be said to be the best. The second generation Senju Tobirama is true.

However, it has always been said verbally. If he were to face the legendary Uchiha Madara, Shimura Danzo would not have the courage. He knew his own strength level and faced the monkey. He didn't have any confidence in the Sannin taught by Hiruzen.

Let alone the young Uchiha Madara!

At this time...

This is probably Madara Uchiha's peak form, right?

Danzo Shimura thought.

Fortunately, he is just a small person, even worse than Sarutobi Hiruzen. Otherwise, Uchiha Madara might have said a few words to him, 'Have you seen me in my heyday?' in this way!

Full of strength, Uchiha Madara is full of chuuni aura.

Not only that.

At the same time, his B skill points are also full. but...

Uchiha Madara's words can't help but make people suspicious.

What's coming? enemy?

"that is...?"Konoha Village's successor to Senju Tobirama was responsible for space ninjutsu. As mentioned before, Namikaze Minato was very sensitive to space fluctuations. He had sensed Uchiha Obito's divine power before others saw it. Fluctuations in space.


This time, it's different. ahead.

In an open space in front of the Konoha Meeting Gate, five white whirlpools appeared out of thin air. The blooming light seemed to be brighter than the day in this world, emitting an unparalleled brilliance.

"Minato, is that space?"

Jiraiya came closer to his disciple and asked in a low voice. The thing that Jiraiya is most proud of in his life is not becoming a Sannin, nor being lost in the ninja world, but receiving This disciple of Namikaze Minato

"Not sure."

When Namikaze Minato heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. This was completely beyond his understanding. It was not like the Flying Thunder God who needed coordinates to break through space, nor was it like the power of the Space System Mangekyō Sharingan.

This seemed...

It's not a spatial fluctuation, but it seems like it.

What a headache!

"That's it."Jiraiya looked intently in the direction of the white whirlpool, and then looked at Tsunade. He felt that Tsunade had changed since she returned to Konoha Village to succeed the Fourth Hokage.

"interesting..." aside.

Orochimaru, the royal scientist of Konoha Village, had an interesting smile on his face.

He is a 'scientist'.

He is also a master of forbidden arts, so he naturally likes these very novel gadgets. A pair of snake eyes looked in the direction of the white whirlpool, but most ninjas became wary.

The unknown makes people want to explore it involuntarily, but the unknown is also terrifying because no one knows what will happen. at this time!

In the vortex.

Five figures slowly walked out of the vortex that turned the surroundings into daylight. Then, the vortex, which was white on the outside and black on the inside, closed directly, as if it had never existed. who are they? for a while...

Doubts shrouded the minds of Konoha ninjas. They were very puzzled. After the resurrection, Uchiha Madara was"rejuvenated". After all, he was once a member of the ninja world and a famous figure.


Who are these guys? Their outfits are incompatible with the world of Naruto, and their style of painting is wrong.

"Is this the world of Naruto?"

Wearing a yellow combat uniform and a white cape, Teacher Saitama touched his bald head. At this time, he was in his usual salty state, and his style looked very crude.


At this time.

Tsunade, who was standing at the front of Konoha's group, took a deep breath, looked at Teacher Saitama and his group and shouted.

Ying Zheng was wearing imperial robes, and the emperor's aura on his body made people dare not look directly at him.

There was a flash of light in him.

At the same time!

His senses reached out.

"Putting aside all this, the enemy is coming."

Among them, apart from Angel Yan, only Ying Zheng's perception is astonishing. Ying Zheng practices the"Emperor's True Dragon Scripture", which is the method for creating the immortal dynasty. Similarly, this is also a The method of cultivating immortality.

After practicing...

One person, Ying Zheng, is a country.

Very domineering!


Tsunade nodded. The Samsara team chose their Konoha village as the first target, so they cannot be underestimated and suppress them with lightning speed.

In this way, they can also form a powerful force. This deterrence prevented the three major ninja villages except Kirigakure from making any rash move.

"Reincarnators, I hope they can do more."

Mr. Saitama murmured to himself.

Don't let him...


He became bald, stronger, invincible, and lonely at the same time.

In the one-punch world, no one is his opponent. He even begins to look forward to the invasion of the universe emperor Boros. He wonders if Boros can withstand his ordinary punch after he has strengthened it.

In the live broadcast room.

Kasumi Shiko:"Look at this awesome character, he is indeed Saitama-sensei."

Kasumi Shiko said with emotion.

The bald cloaked man:"Don't brag about me. If you put it in the Dragon Ball world, I would be dead."

The trembling tornado:"(⊙o⊙)…"

This feels like a subtle metaphor.

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"@孙武公"

Sun Wukong:"Huh?"

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Ying Zheng's tyranny is rare in the world. Even in my world, the founding emperors of the four southern kingdoms are not as innocent as Ying Zheng. The domineering power of Heaven."

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"I think of the famous names in our world and feel deeply...."

Uchiha Dance King:"Daimyo? Oh, it's just a decoration."

Uncle Madara was still so indifferent.

Power is everything!

Compared to this.

In the hands of the five great powers, the so-called 'Steel Division'’,‘"Tiejun" is just used to bully ordinary people. Ninjas like him, not to mention Tianzhen Zhenxing, will die a lot if they are extinguished.

Extremely boring!

Ganwumei:"The Ninja World Expeditionary Force, start gathering!"

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"The Ninja World Expeditionary Army?"

What a fitting name........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Regret 1' for your huge monthly support!

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