A sect master peak.

Here, it is not as red maple-like as Hongye Peak, but it is more pure and elegant. The main peak of the sect is located on the dragon vein of the continuous Baiyun Mountains. It is a place where spiritual energy gathers. White clouds can be seen in the mountains, like a fairyland.

Look from afar.

It is like a quiet and aura-filled world, as clear and elegant as crystal, as refreshing as a vacuum, with endless charm.

Here, the terrain is also high.

From here, you can see a group of peaks, green forests, E'e towers, and fairy palaces....In a sect, the disciples of the Immortal family practice, absorbing spiritual energy, and seeming to reflect the colorful rays of light, which is extremely beautiful. actually...

The entire Baiyun Mountain Range is the place where the dragon veins of the surrounding mountains gather, and where the luck gathers. Therefore, a sect has the blessing of protecting the dragon veins of Kyushu, which is of great benefit to the practice of its disciples. at this time.

The main peak is in the leader's courtyard.

Bai Yunzi sat under the eaves, gently playing the piano, and the music came out. yard.

A light green figure was as light as a young swallow. Accompanied by the faint sound of the piano, Qingyou stretched out her hand and pulled out the green sword from the scabbard. She gently rotated her wrist, and the green sword flashed as fast as lightning. The sword light flashed, but Fusion with Qingyou's delicate cyan figure.

The green sword light drew an arc in the air, and the woman's figure fell along the sword light.

Qin Mo landed quietly on the roof without disturbing them and watched with interest.

Immediately afterwards.

The music played by Bai Yunzi was like a war song, gradually becoming more exciting.

Qingyou moved accordingly, with a smile on her face.

This picture is quite beautiful. from time to time.

Just a song

‘Bang bang bang'

Qin Mo stood up and landed in the yard, applauding. silence! for a while...

Bai Yunzi and Qingyou were both stunned.


Bai Yunzi murmured.

Qingyou sheathed her sword and her delicate face was stained with a hint of red."Qingyou has seen the ancestor."

"No need to be restrained."

These two people are interested in love and concubine. It would be a good story if they could come together and become a Taoist couple."

"By the way, where is Qing'e? Qin

Mo asked

"Qing'e is in retreat, preparing to enter the foundation building stage."

Bai Yunzi replied

"Then we won't see him this time."

Qin Mo smiled.

However, he was also surprised by Qing'e's talent. Qing'e has been practicing for only a year and a half, and she is already about to break through from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Building Stage. Compared with his own, Qing'e is full of heartache....

You know, Qin Mo was stuck in the Qi refining stage for three thousand years.

Three thousand years of trying to break through but not being able!

And Qing'e...

I only stayed in the Qi refining period for one year.

Qin Mo:→_→

"Where is the Patriarch going?"

From Qin Mo's words, Bai Yunzi guessed that Qin Mo should leave the sect and come to the main peak to talk to him and see Qing'e, so Bai Yunzi asked

"Northern Territory"

"Northern Territory?"


Bai Yunzi couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and then said:"Master, it is said that the 'Demon Slaying and Sword Conference' in the Northern Territory is about to begin. If Master is interested, you can go to Sifang City to have a look."

"I didn't expect it would be like this again..."

"I'll go take a look when I have time"

"Happy journey, Patriarch."

Bai Yunzi and Qingyou quickly clasped their fists and bowed.

Qin Mo nodded.

‘Swish 11'

In the space mustard bag, under Qin Mo's guidance, an ordinary stainless steel long sword appeared in front of Qin Mo. With the blessing of the true energy, it was directly suspended in the air.

As for the Yama Emperor Sword, it was pinned to Qin Mo's waist.

Yan Miaozhu is practicing in the space inside the sword. at this time.

Qin Mo made a sword hand with his hand, and rode the wind with his sword. Then a voice came,"Bai Yunzi, be nice to others. If I hear bad gossip, you will suffer the most.""

"Senior brother, the slave family is being protected by someone now. Qingyou looked at Bai Yunzi and smiled.

Bai Yunzi:"......"

Spurting blood.jpg!

He looked to the horizon. Patriarch Qin Mo had quickly moved away with his sword and disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Bai Yunzi's spiritual consciousness belonging to the Mahayana monks spread out, but there was no gain.

"The aura on the Patriarch's body is becoming more and more terrifying. Senior Brother, what do you say?...What state is the Patriarch in now?"

Qingyou asked with some doubts.

If it had been before...

Qingyou will definitely say the words 'qi refining stage' without hesitation. Although there is a high probability that the head brother will be beaten by the ancestor after saying it, the ancestor has already broken through to the foundation building stage.

She didn't know.

She only knows...

Now that I have reached the peak of the infant transformation stage, when I sense the aura of my ancestor, I feel as if I have encountered the vast starry sky in the universe, and my spiritual consciousness is like an insignificant star in the universe.

Like dust!


Bai Yunzi couldn't help but squinted his eyes, with a hint of emotion in his expression. Not long ago, he went to Red Leaf Peak, and at that time the Patriarch told him what state he was in now. only...

"Half-step golden elixir."


She looked confused.

Then he reached out and touched Bai Yunzi's forehead and muttered:"I don't have a fever either, why are you talking nonsense?"

Bai Yunzi's mouth twitched slightly.

An old slot is stuck.

If you don’t vomit, you won’t be happy!

He is a cultivator in the Mahayana stage. In the Kyushu cultivation world, although his strength cannot be said to be invincible, he is still among the best compared with his peers. He is not an ordinary person, so how can he catch a cold? but...

He didn't say it.

Bai Yunzi was helpless.

All he had to say was:

"This is what the patriarch told me personally a few days ago"


Qingyou's eyes lit up and she was a little surprised.


"hiss...As expected of the ancestor!"

In an instant,

Qingyou turned into Qin Mo's little crush.

Bai Yunzi:"???"

The Patriarch was indeed right. Women are all fickle creatures. This is true whether they are ordinary people in the secular world or"above and above" cultivators in the eyes of ordinary people. Now Bai Yunzi discovered...

I have a deep understanding! Thinking of this, Bai Yunzi stroked his long beard and felt a little dizzy. at the same time.

Southern Kyushu, Tianshan Mountains, Tianshan Lingjiu Palace.

The weather is cold and the snow is falling.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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