
At this time.

The members of the task force who were originally stunned became even more confused. What kind of gods are these? Even Alice, who had been registered in the umbrella company, showed something beyond their knowledge.

Such as now.

The glow flashes!

Alice's entire body was bathed in colorful light. Soon, all the light shrunk and disappeared into Alice's body, disappearing without a trace.

Everything is back to normal.

But there is a difference.

Alice's body seems to have a hint of divinity, which is very strange.


Even Qin Mo was somewhat interested in this situation. moment.

In his pair of red eyes, there was a hint of golden light. In Qin Mo's eyes, the original rules of the world of Resident Evil were manifested in front of his eyes.

By the way, this is a new function added after the Zhutian chat group reaches thirty people, and the group leader has +1 privileges.

You can explore the origin of the world of group members.

In front of Qin Mo, there seemed to be strange things...The unpredictable rules manifested, and after Alice's body perfectly absorbed the T-virus, a trace of her breath connected to the heaven and earth.

Create a god? perhaps...

The rules of heaven and earth in the Resident Evil world are not perfect, and the way of heaven is not perfect. Perhaps there is no vague consciousness, just a trace of instinct. It is incomparable with the prehistoric world and the Jiuzhou cultivation world.

And this is probably the world's instinctive reaction, because once the zombie crisis breaks out completely, the whole world will become purgatory.

Qin Mo shrugged slightly


Alice came to her senses.

Busujima Saeko:"@ Alice, how is sister Alice feeling now?"

Alice:"It feels good, better than ever."

She suddenly grinned. indeed!

Now, her body's speed, strength, cell activity, nerve response speed and other attributes have increased ten times compared to before. She can be said to be a superhuman.

‘Didi...’ at this time!

An inexplicable beeping sound sounded, and everyone in the task force came to their senses. Although Matthew Edson was still a little afraid of Qin Mo and the others, after all, the power they displayed was too weird.

What they believe in is the gun in their hands, but in front of Qin Mo and others, the gun is useless.

But at this time.

Most of the mission time has passed

"that...Alice, what are your plans next?"Matthew Edson stepped forward bravely, looked at Alice and asked, for some reason, perhaps because it was strengthened by the T virus and connected to heaven and earth, Alice had an inexplicable extra... Such an aura of shock.

Don’t be angry!

Matthew couldn’t help but speak intermittently.

Hearing this,

Alice frowned and thought about her next plan.... is a problem!

She glanced at the task panel, and two different tasks were refreshed in the personal task column. The first one was a short-term task, cleaning all the zombies in the hive. The second task is to solve the biological crisis, which is undoubtedly a long-term task.

Alice spoke slowly, pointed at Spencer and sneered:"Because he smashed the T virus, causing the virus to leak, the T virus mutated, invaded the air conditioning and ventilation system, and spread to the entire hive base. More than 500 people inside were all infected and turned into zombies"

"If infected with the T virus, they will become zombies. They only have mobility and occasionally retain a little memory. They do not have any intelligence and only retain the instinct of crazy eating. They can only be killed by hitting their brains. , if bitten or scratched, it will become infected, and it will soon turn into a zombie. In order to prevent the T-virus from leaking out, the Red Queen sealed the entire hive, killed all the personnel in the institute, and disinfected and cleaned the entire institute."

"This is the current situation in the hive"

"Zombie, sister..."

Matt is worried


After listening to Alice's words, all the task force members had strange expressions on their faces. However, they probably believed Alice's words. After all, the abilities shown by Alice, Qin Mo and others were somewhat strange from the beginning. Evil

"The mission we received is that the Red Queen has a program error and has rebelled. Restart the Red Queen...."

J·D said in shock.

If what Alice said was true, wouldn't they have become the legendary cannon fodder?


Alice narrowed her eyes

"The hive must be cleaned"


Matthew wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Alice,"You can't go, leave it to me."

"Let's help too."

Tiandao stepped forward and said.

Although this is not a task...

But as members of the same group as Alice, they would help if they could. Moreover, just cleaning the hive was not too difficult. They all had the means to protect themselves.

Big Big Wolf grinned


In an instant!

He put a strange-looking belt on his waist and drank lightly. In an instant, as a strange electronic sound played, Big Gray Wolf was also covered with a layer of wolf-shaped armor.

Tiandao transformed accordingly.

Ai Li Si Ze is holding a gun exchanged from Qun Mall, looking heroic.........

The hive was cleaned, and the more than 500 zombies in it posed no threat at all. It was completely cleaned quickly, and Alice could only do the next thing.

Qin Mo and the other three returned to their respective worlds.

As for that virus and serum...

He was brought back to his own world by Big Big Wolf for research.

Red Leaf Peak.

A white vortex suddenly appeared, which was a passage connecting another dimension. Qin Mo quickly walked out of it slowly and returned to the courtyard of Hongye Peak. It seemed that some time had passed. There was no light rain either.

The air after the rain is very fresh.


Alice's world has come to an end for the time being.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Hanson Burke' for the big reward support!

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