The four reincarnators all looked evil!

They are no longer newbies who have only experienced the world once. Naturally, they know that people with the three characteristics of 'singularity' will bring undirected factors to their missions!

Just like now... soon.

The lockbox was cracked and opened by the Umbrella Company's task force, and it was just as Alice said.

"Couple them!"

Lane immediately took action, just like when she handcuffed Matt Addison.

At this time, Spencer, who was in an amnesia state and didn't know the truth, had no power to fight back.

Matt Addison frowned.

He had a An ominous premonition.


T-virus, serum, hive underground, what happened?

"What else do you know?"

Matthew looked at Alice.

Alice smiled.

"they are coming"

"them...?"J·D was stunned for a moment and looked around, a little confused.

Within the group.

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"@大太狼大王,@天道general director, are ready to go."

King Gray Wolf:"fully armed."

Tiandao General Director:"Yes."

Busujima Saeko:"Wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Saeko took a deep breath. at the same time.

Resident Evil World.

Honeycomb platform


At this moment, as several footsteps sounded, a member of the task force pointed a gun in one direction and exclaimed with a solemn expression on his face. At the same time, everyone's eyes were attracted to the platform. On the top, three white vortexes suddenly appeared, inside which was a forest of darkness, as if there was no end in sight, exuding an inexplicable terrifying aura. The

Pseudo-Reincarnation Sanye Team also invariably turned their gazes Throw it in.

Three figures walked out of the three whirlpools at the same time.

Three people!

One of them was dressed in white and snowy, as if an immortal from the sky had come to earth, making people addicted to it. One of them was wearing casual clothes, with the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he was extremely confident.

The remaining Next one...

It was a wolf, and not just an ordinary wolf. He stood like a human being.

This lineup is very weird!

The painting style is extremely weird.

The Samsara team was shocked!

What's happening here?

These three people are obviously not the people in the Resident Evil plot. The vortex seems to connect this world with another space, which is somewhat similar to the 'Lord God Space' from which they come.

The only woman in the reincarnation team frowned and whispered:"Are they also from the main god space?"

"The main god space? No."

Bao Xiong raised his eyebrows. The main god space is broken. They are the only reincarnators contracted by the main god space now. While completing the world plot, they are also completing the incompleteness of the main god space. They have a cooperative relationship with the main god space. If other reincarnations appear If so, there is no reason for them not to know

"Wait, look at that wolf, does it look a little like a gray wolf?"

The thin man suddenly said, with a flash of light in his eyes!

"Big Big Wolf...It really is!"

"Aboriginal reincarnators?"

The Asian man said.

By chance, they were bound by the broken main god space. They were both prosperous and devastated. The four of them teamed up to undergo the trial of the reincarnation space and became stronger step by step. The main god space only exchanged Gave them a complete plot and character introduction.

Big Gray Wolf is one of them!


Big Big Wolf is wearing the same tight-fitting suit as Bruce Lee. This is a suit invented by Big Big Wolf. Although it does not enhance strength, it can make it stronger. Big Big Wolf has learned a set of unparalleled martial arts. He can kill his enemies instantly with three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

He looked at the three-leaf reincarnation team and his group with frivolous brows.

"Do you know this king?"

Big Big Wolf dictates people's words

‘Swish, swish, swish! '

This moment!

After being stunned for a moment, the Samsara team and the Umbrella Company's task force all reacted in unison. The guns in their hands were pointed in the direction of Qin Mo and the others, murderous intent permeated the air!

Qin Mo said to Tiandao and Hui Tailang:"The reincarnation will be left to you."

"But it's disrespectful."

Tiandao smiled

"Leave it to this king!"Big Big Wolf is gearing up. This time he is fully armed and prepared. Even if he encounters a reincarnation, he will not be deterred at all, and he is even eager to give it a try!

"The leader of the group is Mr. Big Wolf and Mr. Tiandao."

Alice greeted them

"Do you know them?"

Matthew asked.

Alice nodded, then pointed at the four members of the Samsara team and said,"The group leader and the others are here mainly for those guys."


Captain Matthew frowned and looked in the direction Alice pointed. them...

A member of the task force?

(⊙o⊙)… seems like it.

Although Matthew Edson's memory of the four people was very vague, there was indeed a voice in his mind that kept telling him that they were special forces and were employed by the Umbrella Company. etc!

Why do they know the talking wolf?

He cleared his mind.

At this time.

It seemed as if a wave of waves spread, covering everyone present, and a faint crackling sound could be heard. When Matthew came back to his senses, he finally remembered that these people only appeared on the platform.!


Who are they?

Bao Xiong snorted coldly.

"Hey, have you been discovered?"

He touched his fists and made a dull sound.

"Ah fight!"

In an instant!

A very strange sound came out of Big Big Wolf's mouth, and he disappeared instantly. When he reappeared the next moment, he was already beside the thin man, and he suddenly swept down with a whip leg!


The thin man's expression was gloomy. He reacted at that moment and crossed his arms to resist the Gray Wolf's attack. But the Gray Wolf's attack was not that simple. The thin man felt a huge force spreading throughout his body.

In an instant, he was bleeding and flying backwards.

Big Big Wolf quickly retreated to his original position.

Grinning, he pointed to a 'strong' symbol on his leg, blinked his eyes, and said slowly:"Strength Amplifier"....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks 'Yueying’,‘15xx62' Great monthly ticket support!

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