In the live broadcast room.

Kasumi Shiko:"Come on, come on, now I invite this pink Kamen Rider to slay demons live!"

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"...The style of slaying demons is a bit inconsistent."

The poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng said:"The old Taoist thinks so too. Murong Bai:"

That, isn't it a demon?"

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"There's nothing wrong with it.""

A world of one person.

The Heavenly Master smiled softly.

What is a demon?

For humans, only those who bring trouble to the world are demons.

If it is defined in this way...

The zerg are indeed monsters!

The big bones were boiled into soup:"'Pink'! Check the key points and write them down in a notebook for the exam."

Qianwu Girl:"Write down in a notebook.jpg"

The Elf of Time:"Oh? I feel like Mr. Shi is about to explode. , I bet on a pack of spicy strips!"

Thor is not a fat man:"I bet on two packs!"

Tiandao General Secretary:"@passing Kamen Rider"

Kasumi Shiko:"eat"

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"The thief shouts to catch the thief, funny.jpg!"

A passing Kamen Rider said:"......."

Decade knocked the bug away with a punch. Taking advantage of this moment, he turned his attention to the live broadcast room. However, when he saw the wave of rhythm brought by Kasumi Shiko, he almost left this beautiful world.

A passing Kamen Rider said:"What's pink? That's magenta!"

He twitched the corner of his mouth and corrected.

NEET Ji:"How should I put it? Mr. Shi's obsession with the color of the knight's armor is no less than that of an old woman in the group with her age."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"???"

NEET Ji:"@ Seventeen-year-old girl, Yakumo Purple, I'm not talking about you, please don't take it personally."

Li Xunhuan:"The desire to survive can be said to be very full."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"......"

‘Kaka one by one '

Fantasy Township.

A certain gap monster showed a weird smile, clenched its right fist, and made a"click" sound.

Beside, Yakumo Lan was holding Yakumo Orange and shivering.


Uchiha Dance King:"Hey, a truly strong person doesn't need to care about that kind of thing at all."

The big bones made soup:"Hashirama: That's not what you said when you said you loved me! Damn you..."

Benzi Na:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Gale Swordsman:"Pfft...Damn it, it smells like that. Xia

Shizi:"Mr. Dagu, you are trying to bully me. I, Xia Shizi, would like to call you the strongest!""

Uchiha Dance King:" Huh?"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"I'll do it this time....Do you want to dance too?"

Naruto World.

Uchiha Madara's brows jumped sharply.


Stealing his lines?

There was a strong wind around him. If it weren't for the fact that Tsunade is Hashirama's granddaughter, he would have exploded long ago, now....Not long ago, a sky-breaking earthquake star was thrown over Konoha, so forget it this time.

Uncle Madara thought to himself.

Angel Yan:"So, when it comes to tangled issues, I should @trembling tornado, what do you think?"

Trembling Tornado:"...Don't dare to think, don't dare to think."

Tatsumaki is very tired.


She looked at the private chat interface between herself and Tsunade. They were some private experiences shared by Tsunade. Although she and Tsunade had been fighting each other in the group, they were similar to the group's personality and active atmosphere. They have a very good relationship in private.

Tsunade is the most popular person in the world of Naruto(● ̄() ̄●)In addition to being memorable, it is her medical skills. It is worth mentioning that...Tsunade was not very young when she was a child, so she was the type to catch up from behind, which was why Tatsumaki was confident.

Therefore, recently she has been learning ancillary skills - Chakra.

Busujima Saeko:"@天道general secretary, Mr. Tiandao, is that you or the mimic of a zerg in the live broadcast room?"

Ganmonomei:"Wow! It's really Mr. Tiandao! The living Mr. Tiandao."

Gao Yao:"Hiss....Have you ever seen a dead person?"

Tiandao General Secretary:"'s me."

Tiandao General Secretary:"As for mimicry, grandma said that I am unique, and zerg naturally cannot mimic me."

As for Hei Jia Dou...

Tiandao said that it was an artificial protozoa created by the protozoa when he was a child. What does this have to do with the zerg?

Thor, God of Thunder:"It's still the same taste, it's still the same formula, wow~"

Lord Baiyun:"Mr. Shi's battle is also very pleasing to the eye."

Kasumi Shiko:"The Second Generation Mebi King.jpg!"

The battle is still going on.

At this time!

A strange and twisted light appeared on the insect's body, and just like the '' of the zect series armor that transformed from mask form to knight form, the thick shells on its body fell off layer by layer.

All fade away! molt!

It is not difficult for a zerg to transform from a larvae to an adult. Once it sheds its skin, its strength is a huge leap, with the ability to make bugs like 'clock.up'. moment!

The Zerg entered the realm of ultra-high speed and disappeared before everyone's eyes. However, ultra-high speed is not the 'turbidity' of the Old Driver series, which makes everything around it fall into chaos. On the contrary, ultra-high speed changes the time particles around itself, thereby achieving high speed. ization ability.

Tiandao stood across the street with a calm look on his face


‘clock.up! '

Decade also calmly took out two cards from the card box and put them into the drive one after the other. Instantly, the magenta armor on his body was transformed into armor, and he also entered the ultra-high-speed realm.

In the ultra-high-speed realm, everything around him is motionless.

However, everything can be seen clearly in the live broadcast room.

One punch, one kick!

The fist wind surged.

Decade undoubtedly suppressed the Zerg.

Pushing it into the ultra-high-speed realm.

Restore to Decade mode.

Kado Yaji took out a card from the card bag without any haste, with the image of Den-O printed on it. He seemed to recall the fear of being dominated by the four idiots in the memory copy, and twitched the corner of his mouth before taking out the card. Kill card

‘Kamen.Ride.De.De.Decade! '

Dimension Knight Kick.

The cards built a golden bridge, and Decade jumped up, shuttled through the cards, and kicked the zerg to pieces.

【Tip: 'Passing Kamen Rider' closed the live broadcast room] Passing Kamen Rider:"Slip away." After refining Qi for three thousand years:"It's a good fight."

At this time......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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