Goblin Talulu gritted her teeth and said:

"That's right, it's the origin, the power of the origin. Chen

Tianci grasped the key point and asked:

"Since it is the origin of our world, what problem does it have with you? Goblin

Talulu hesitated.

Chen Tianci reminded:

"You need to understand the situation you are facing at the moment and don't act irrationally."

Man is a swordsman and I am a fish.

This is the reality that Goblin Talulu does not need to accept at this moment.

Even though he cannot confirm whether Chen Tianci is a tiger who keeps his word.

But he has no choice at all. He can only send I hope that Yu Chen Tianci can keep his word and abide by the agreement with him.

Otherwise, he has nothing to do.

This is gambling.

The situation is still the worst situation for the gambler Goblin Talulu.

In Under the threat of Chen Tianci's eyes, Goblin Tower said:

"I am one of the rare goblins in the green-skin tribe who was born with the ability to awaken an affinity for the origin, so you need to rely on me to find the origin."

"As long as the origins of this plane can be found one by one, the power of the green-skinned tribe will become very powerful. Chen

Tianci said:

"Is the origin to enhance strength? Goblin

Talulu nodded.

Chen Tianci asked again:

"How to improve?"

After knowing the effect, you need to ask about the method of use.

Otherwise, the method is wrong.

It is easy to kill yourself.

No matter how good the tonic is, if the wrong dosage is used, it will have great side effects on the body. poison

"Just swallow it. Goblin

Talulu said:

"By devouring the source, the devourer's cultivation speed and perception talent will be improved by stages."

Chen Tianci squinted his eyes:

"From what you said before, it seems that the origin is far more than just torture. Goblin

Talulu nodded:

"Yes, how many formed forces there are in the original plane means how many origins there are. The strength of the forces represents the strength of the origin."

Goblin Talulu's statement immediately shocked Chen Tianci.

Origin actually means equivalent to one of a country. A strong country has a strong origin, and a weak country has a weak origin.

Chen Tianci made a decision immediately:

"So now, where is the origin of this force? Can you sense it? Goblin

Talulu nodded:

"Okay, if you don't hand me over to them, I'm willing to help you find that source."

Chen Tianci squinted his eyes and stared at Goblin Talulu and said:

"As a child of the high priest, why don't you help your tribe? With this ability, you should be very popular within the tribe."

Chen Tianci's eyes were full of murderous intent:

"Tell me, what else are you hiding from me?"

Goblin Talulu's original affinity ability is simply like a treasure-hunting radar.

As long as he is not an idiot, the tribe will treat Goblin Talulu well. How could he have such a trouble with him.

And it is impossible for Goblin Talulu to have such a big rift with the tribe.

She was unwilling to return to the tribe and even revealed her secret. This operation made Chen Tianci immediately realize that something was wrong. Come on.

If you really followed Goblin Talulu's idea, you might end up being sold by him and help him count the money.

Goblin Talulu's face became ugly.

There was something unspeakable about it. The expression is written on his face.

It seems that he is indeed hiding something from Chen Tianci.

"Don't worry, we'll think about it slowly, you can always remember it. Chen

Tianci said:

"And I feel that I should have more time and can afford to wait."

Chen Tianci turned around with Song Shuling and the Undead Anaconda, and said leisurely:

"So today's transaction agreement with those two guys will only be temporarily voided. Who gives you greater benefits than what they can give you? I still have this valuation ability."

Chen Tianci looked at Goblin Talulu who was rolled up by the undead anaconda and said:

"But you must understand one thing. My patience also has time. Once that point is passed, the consequences will not be something you can bear."


An arrow flew towards Chen Tianci from a tall building not far away.

The feather arrows are covered with special light and seem to have considerable power.

"How audacious..."

Split Qiqi flapped her wings and flew over Chen Tianci's head.

There is already a green ocean environment all around.

Using her own abilities, Rikou Qiqi accelerated the growth of vegetation, formed a shield according to her ideas, and blocked the flying arrows.

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