(The writer is really grateful to all the book friends for their support....thank you all...But it would be nice if there was some automatic subscription...Hahaha....I hope to keep all the book friends who have subscribed, so I will work hard to write wonderful stories. )

Viewed from the rear, the swing of the hindquarters caused by the tiger stride of this foreign tiger may be the cat's stride that humans can capture in form but not in spirit.

Tiger is a big cat after all...

I walk like this, right?

White Tiger Chen Tianci couldn't help but feel happy when he thought of the way he looked when walking.

Unfortunately, as a tiger, it’s hard to see how your rear hips swing when you walk.


Not far away, the alien tiger turned around and let out a loud roar towards the white tiger Chen Tianci.

But the effect of this tiger roar was not only to make the white tiger Chen Tianci fear him.

Similarly, Father Orange, the tiger king who really needs to take up the challenge, notices that an intruder has come to his territory.

Especially during this extremely sensitive period, coming into his territory during mating estrus.

He also announced his existence in such a high-profile way. There was no doubt that he was here to cause trouble, and Orange Dad An Neng ignored it.

Let alone this kind of challenger who has the intention to come here.

Even if an ordinary male tiger strays into Dad Orange's territory, he will declare to the other party who the king of this area is with an absolute king's attitude.

Here, we don’t want to have the contrived way of accompanying pigs and eating tigers as humans do, in the style of a master.

What is needed is the most direct strength to demonstrate strength and defend power.


A tiger roar that was equally loud and loud came from the forest, overwhelming the outsider tiger.

Birds flew away in fright, and all beasts shrank.

This kind of momentum and power cannot be compared to Brother Yiyi.

Dad Ju used the roar of a tiger to tell Brother Yiyi who is the real boss here.


The roar of the tiger continued, and Brother Accident stopped paying attention to the white tiger Chen Tianci. At this moment, he must have more important things to deal with.

The challenge that needs to be met is now urgent.

He didn't expect that the other party would decide to fight so quickly and accept his challenge.

However, King Tiger has no right to refuse the challenge.

Because everyone is a lone ranger, it is inevitable that I will not look for you again to decide the winner.


The roar of the tiger continued.

Brother Accident made a tiger roar while heading towards the location where Dad Ju made the tiger roar.

Similarly, Father Orange's roar became clearer and louder.

It seems that Father Orange and Brother Yiyi have the same idea, and they are both rushing towards each other.

When they meet, there will inevitably be a fight between two tigers.

The winner will get the territory here and a large number of female tigers, have the right to mate, and continue their bloodline.

The loser will lose everything and be alone.

Either seize the opportunity to counterattack, regain everything you have lost, and restore your past glory.

Or he would be defeated and go elsewhere, constantly challenge other territorial tigers, take away the other's territory and spouse, and continue his own bloodline again.

Or, in the process of constant challenges and failures, you realize your weakness and incompetence, become a wandering tiger with no territory, and finally die alone and miserably.

This is the life of a male tiger.

Compared to male tigers, female tigers have a slightly better experience.

But it is relatively better.

But considering that the female tiger needs to raise the cubs alone, the life situations of the male and female tigers are actually about the same.

Anyway, as non-human animals in the wild environment, life is very simple and definitely not easy.


The Amur leopard Xiaohua, who had been hiding aside from before, came out again at this time and returned to the white tiger Chen Tianci.

She rubbed her head against the white tiger Chen Tianci's neck, expressing her intimacy.

He also licked White Tiger Chen Tianci’s face and nose with his tongue, constantly using body touches to convey friendly messages.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's go hunting."

White Tiger Chen Tianci has no intention of continuing to play with Little Flower of the Far Eastern Leopard.

Moreover, his physiological structure is not mature yet and does not support him playing.

Although White Tiger Chen Tianci is looking forward to it.

After all, the rules of the animal world are It's very simple. There aren't as many playboys as there are in the human world.

Here, the strong have the right to mate and own everything. Those who are incompetent have to stand aside. There is no relationship to talk about. Big fists are the last word.

In addition, In the midst of fusion and tearing, the aesthetics of tigers and the aesthetics of humans are combined. The white tiger

Chen Tianci is very rare for female beasts, and also rare for beautiful human women. Anyway, it’s all fine.

"By the way, if you encounter this situation again next time, remember to leave quickly. You can't help us in the fight between our clans. Do you understand?...."

White Tiger Chen Tianci must remind Far Eastern Leopard Xiaohua, although the behavior she is showing now is very wise.

But who knows whether she will do some strange things occasionally when her brain gets hot.

If he accidentally loses his life, then this eye-catching leopard will not have a helper that can provide great help in hunting prey.

For White Tiger Chen Tianci, this is an immeasurable and unbearable loss.

You must know that the current evolution points of white tiger Chen Tianci can grow so steadily and gradually, which is inseparable from the help of the Far Eastern leopard Xiaohua to increase the success rate of hunting.


Amur leopard floret responds


But there was another overlap in the response, the roar of a tiger coming from not far away, which made Chen Tianci's expression change.

Damn it, how could there be more!

No surprise, no mistake, White Tiger Chen Tianci heard it right.

This is different from Father Orange, not Tiger Mother Big Orange, nor is it the tiger roar of Er Orange and Little Orange.

White Tiger Chen Tianci has a good memory, so he can be sure that this tiger roar will not be the tiger roar made by the unexpected brother before.

Then the answer is already obvious. This is the sound made by another outsider, the Siberian tiger.


Then, the roar of the Siberian tiger, which was different from the one made by this Siberian tiger, had a hint of sadness and fear, which made the white tiger Chen Tianci's nerves immediately tense up.

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