An Liang once gave Huang Guoxiang a reassurance, saying that after the future graphene industry is officially launched, priority will be given to enterprises within Xia State.

"Taking the Huaban M30Pro mobile phone as an example, have you ever calculated the cost of a graphene battery?"An Liang asked Zhao Wanxi

"The cost is 92 yuan."Zhao Wanxi responded.

The gap between this cost price and An Liang's guess is very small. An Liang's guess is that the cost price is about one hundred yuan.

"According to the cost of 92 yuan, our external sales are 200 yuan. Do you think the petal phone will pay for it? An Liang asked.

Zhao Wanxi affirmed without hesitation,"Of course!""

After all, the characteristics of graphene batteries are so powerful that the purchase cost of only 200 yuan is not a problem at all for Huaban mobile phones.

"While ensuring our own profits, we give priority to selling graphene batteries to domestic companies."An Liang explained.

One hundred percent profit is already very powerful!

"What if mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung and Apple offer higher prices?"Zhao Wanxi asked further.

"Can all the money be made?"An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi's eyes lit up and she shook her head in the negative.

"Are we a public company?"An Liang asked again.

Zhao Wanxi still shook her head.

"Since there is endless money to be made and we have no pressure from shareholders, why should we pursue the highest profits?"An Liang explained.

"There is no need to make some money. For example, Samsung Electronics, which produces the highest-grade screens, is always the first to supply them. Even Apple has to wait half a year. As for our domestic companies, they cannot get their most advanced screens at all."An Liang explained.

"Science has no borders, but technology companies have national borders. I hope you respect my choice. At least during the period when I control the graphene industry, I will implement a very strict sales sanctions strategy."An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi showed an appreciative smile.

""Dong dong dong~"

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"An Liang responded.

Zhou Tao walked in and said quickly,"Mr. An, Dong Dayu from Huaban Mobile has contacted me. He hopes to discuss graphene batteries with you. You see..."

"Give me his contact information!"An Liang responded

"OK Zhou Tao responded and left.

Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang and said,"Your goal has been achieved. Graphene batteries are now widely known. When are you going to negotiate for equity?""

"Now you can."An Liang responded

"Now?"Zhao Wanxi hesitated

"Is there a problem?"An Liang asked back.

"No, can you tell me your plan?"Zhao Wanxi probed

"Each of our four companies wants 10% of the equity, corresponding to an investment of 10 billion; the technology founder Wu Chunsheng wants 1% of the equity, and he uses graphene battery technology as a stake; for the other equity, I suggest 10% of the stock. Leave it to the Imperial City Circle, you can earn up to 49%"An Liang explained.

To be honest, this equity allocation is terrible, but Anliang has his own plan!

Zhao Wanxi looked at An Liang doubtfully,"We want 49%?"

"I want a veto! And if the four of us, plus Wu Chunsheng, agree unanimously, we also need the right to pass."An Liang told him his plan.

Zhao Wanxi asked directly,"Are there any other conditions?"

"Of course there is, but the right to veto with one vote and the right to approve with five votes are prerequisites. After all, we have given up a large amount of equity. To put it simply, we need to obtain more than 67% of the voting rights with 41% of the equity, similar to Google and Facebook. Wait for the company to implement the AB equity model. We all want Class B equity, and your equity is all Class A."An Liang said the answer

"We can give up some economic benefits, but we want control of the graphene company. Of course, daily operations will be handed over to professional managers, and Wu Chunsheng is an expert in operations. We will not interfere in daily operations. We will only use our power in major decisions."An Liang explained.

"For example, some shareholders want us to sell graphene batteries, but these graphene batteries may be used overseas. We may use special voting rights to deny such a decision, and may convene a shareholders' meeting to discuss such decisions. Shareholders were kicked out."An Liang added.

"What if you do evil?"Zhao Wanxi asked back

"Our right to pass is divided into five. I cannot do evil alone. If I want to do evil, will the Li family, Yun family, and Qian family follow me and go crazy? An Liang asked back.

Zhao Wanxi was silent for a while before asking,"Do you know?""

"What?"An Liang asked back.

"Are you willing to give us 49% of the shares? Do you also know that ours will be divided into five shares?"Zhao Wanxi said in a showdown.

An Liang did not deny it, because Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang had secretly revealed the news to An Liang

"We still have conditions. It’s not just AB shares. You are not just A-share stocks. When you enter the market, the valuation of graphene companies will also skyrocket."An Liang explained.

"What's the meaning?"Zhao Wanxi asked


The author of Humble Pujie: The Blessing Chapter asks for a monthly ticket for flowers, Humble Pujie wants flowers first!


Update time: September 8, 2020 06:49:21, old rules, ten updates in a row!


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