Eight o'clock in the morning.

The Xia Kingdom stock market has not yet opened, but twenty companies in the imperial capital circle have already started taking action.

Twenty companies in the Imperial Capital Circle have formed a temporary community of interests. Their goal is simple, that is, to find Tianyun Investment Company to withdraw the assets under their custody.

As for Tianyun Investment Company not giving it?

That is impossible!

If Tianyun Investment Company rejects the community of interests of the twenty companies in the Imperial City, Tianyun Investment Company will undoubtedly die.

Tianyun Investment Company does not know for the time being that Anxin Investment Company has raised the butcher's knife and that Anliang is about to use his decisive skills, so they will definitely choose the final struggle.

In fact, this is true!

When 20 interest communities in the imperial capital circle jointly requested Tianyun Investment Company to withdraw the corresponding custody assets, Tianyun Investment Company was originally prepared to delay, but the 20 groups in the imperial capital circle directly demanded stocks, bonds, and futures of equal value.

The biggest reason why Tianyun Investment Company is unwilling to agree to the divestment of the 20 companies in the Imperial City Circle is not because it is really unwilling to let them divest, but because of the negative losses caused by the divestment.

The 20 companies in the Imperial Capital area have approximately 40 billion assets under the custody of Tianyun Investment Company. If 40 billion cash is to be cashed out in a short period of time, according to internal estimates of Tianyun Investment Company, it is very likely that the loss will exceed 10 billion.

Such a loss cannot be accepted under any circumstances.

Because this loss of 10 billion will directly cause Tianyun Investment Company to collapse.

Now that everything has collapsed, they will naturally not be afraid of the threat from the twenty companies in the imperial capital circle.

However, twenty companies in the imperial capital circle have proposed stocks, bonds, and futures of equal value, so there is no problem. Tianyun Investment Company can completely accept it.

Because such a plan is equivalent to using 40 billion in cash from 20 families in the Imperial City Circle to directly take over the equivalent value of stocks and futures from Tianyun Investment Company, as well as a small amount of matching bonds.

As long as Tianyun Investment Company has no losses, it is naturally willing to solve the problems of the twenty companies in the Imperial Capital Circle.

After all, Tianyun Investment Company is currently at war with Anxin Investment Company...

All right!

To be precise, it should be that Tianyun Investment Company was pushed to the ground and humiliated by Anxin Investment Company, and the dignified 100-billion-level asset management investment company was easily suppressed by the underachiever Anxin Investment Company.

In view of having to deal with the aggressiveness of Anxin Investment Company, Tianyun Investment Company does not want to provoke the 20 companies in the Imperial Capital Circle.

Otherwise, will we have to fight on two fronts?

Logically speaking, the interest community composed of 20 companies in the imperial capital circle is much more threatening than Anxin Investment Company, so Tianyun Investment Company is naturally unwilling to offend them.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the settlement between Tianyun Investment Company and the 20 companies in the Imperial City Circle was completed. Under the control of the 20 companies in the Imperial City Circle, everything was handled very quickly. It took more than two hours to completely recover the money. 41.7 billion assets under entrusted management.


This is a recovery of the assets entrusted to be managed, not an asset transfer!

Twenty companies in the Imperial Capital Circle originally invested 41.7 billion in Tianyun Investment Company and entrusted Tianyun Investment Company to carry out investment management. Now they just revoked the entrustment and recovered their own funds.

The statement of transferring assets sounds like something illegal and criminal!

At 11 o'clock in the morning, friends from the Imperial City

‘Qian Xiaogang: @安梁: Brother Liang, are you awake?’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘Qian Xiaogang: I'm thinking that you have two girlfriends. Aren't you worried that you are overworked?’

‘An Liang: Brother Gangzi, you are poisonous!’

‘An Liang: What's the matter?’

‘Li Cunyuan: The capital in the Imperial Capital Circle has basically been withdrawn from Tianyun Investment Company. Even if there is still money, it is very small.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, what methods do you have?’

‘Yun Haiyang: Do we have to wait for the funds from the international spot gold market to come back and then directly force it?’

‘An Liang: Being tough costs money!’

‘An Liang: The situation will be announced at twelve o'clock. You can see for yourselves. I won't say any more. I'm still watching the market here! '

Anliang is checking the situation of the international spot gold market. The international gold price is still at a low price?

It is already February 13th, and the price of gold in the international spot gold market is only 355 yuan per gram.

If the Life Winner System had not clearly stated that the international gold price on February 24 was 450 yuan per gram, Anliang himself would not have been able to understand the gold price. After all, it was too weird.

There are still 11 days left for the international gold price to rise directly to 450 yuan per gram. Who believes this?

Even if Great Britain leaves the Europa Union, the impact it may have on the global economic market has only caused the international gold price to reach 399 yuan per gram, not even 400 yuan.

What will happen that will cause the international gold price to skyrocket in just 11 days?

Could it be that Bald Eagle Country was tricked?

If the Bald Eagle Country is deceived, it is indeed possible that the price of gold will skyrocket in just 11 days.

However, things in the international spot gold market are slightly delayed, and Anliang now wants to kill Tianyun Investment Company first.

At twelve o'clock sharp, Anxin Investment Company released an announcement on time.

The killing blow is coming!


The tenth update is coming today, can the humble author still ask for a monthly pass?


Update time: September 3, 2020 06:20:37, old rules, ten consecutive updates


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