January 26th, the second day of the Lunar New Year.

At 2:20 in the afternoon, An Liang was lying on the sofa in the living room of Li Xiyan's house comfortably, and he was checking the international gold price again.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the international gold price was 340 Xia Guoyuan per gram. Now at 2:20 in the afternoon, the international gold price is 349 yuan per gram.

The fluctuation range is 2.647%!

This fluctuation range is already killing the existence of leverage of more than 30 times. Isn’t it commonplace in the international spot gold market to have leverage ratios of more than 30 times?

An Liang checked the relevant economic news. There are already experts warning that gold prices fluctuate greatly, and he hopes everyone will be cautious when entering the market.

Of course, for stock market players, they may not understand that a single-day price fluctuation of 2.0% is a large fluctuation.

However, in the past ten years, the largest single-day fluctuation in the international spot gold market has been only 5.2%. It is completely impossible for stocks to fluctuate by 10% or even 20% in a single day.

Silver is more volatile, mainly because silver is cheaper.

In the past ten years of history, the largest single-day fluctuation of silver was 14.8%. That was the situation where the Bald Eagle Nation, the European Union, and the Great British Alliance jointly harvested retail investors around the world.

Not to mention retail investors, even smaller financial institutions are completely powerless when facing the national team!

Still taking table tennis as an example, retail investors are amateurs, small financial institutions are players on the municipal team, large financial institutions are players on the provincial team, and then the national team.

How can amateurs win against the national team or even the Olympic champions?

I'm afraid it will be 21 points to 0 points, and a clean sheet will be taken away, right?

Players from the city team may get 5 points, which saves a little face; players from the provincial team may get more than 10 points, barely able to protect themselves.

After An Liang checked the historical prices, he sent a message to the Imperial Capital friends group

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Are you here?’

‘Li Cunyuan: 1’

‘Cloud Ocean: 2’

‘Qian Xiaogang: 1024’

‘An Liang: I have basically finalized the investment plan, and the target is the international spot gold market.’

‘An Liang: The international spot gold market is currently very volatile. I think there are investment opportunities, but the risks are also very high.’

‘An Liang: This time it is venture capital. Whether you follow it or not, it is your choice.’

‘An Liang: Let me tell you in advance that no matter what you choose, our relationship will remain the same.’

‘An Liang: If you don’t invest, I respect your choice; if you invest, if you lose money, you must be prepared to take risks.’

‘An Liang: If some people invest, some don’t. Then those who have lost money will be treated to dinner by those who did not participate in the investment to comfort us for our loss.’

‘An Liang: Vice versa! If we make a profit, we will comfort the regret of not investing.’

‘An Liang: I think we four brothers have been able to speak openly, so we can speak freely.’

‘An Liang: Again, the risk of investment this time is relatively high. Our funds are just small shrimps in the international spot gold market.’

‘Li Cunyuan: I have already prepared the 2.5 billion for horse racing. I haven’t bought it yet. Let’s wait for the results!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I have already borrowed the money. If I lose money, I will have to go to your three houses to celebrate the New Year. After all, I have to avoid debts.’

‘Qian Xiaogang: There is no problem on my side. If you lose, you lose. Anyway, everything is a profit. I believe Brother Liang. Even if you lose everything this time, Brother Liang doesn’t have to worry. I still have a few cars that can be mortgaged. Let’s find a way to make a comeback! '

This spirited young man is indeed very upright!

To be precise, the three of them, Li Cunyuan, are very upright and they are willing to believe in An Liang.

In fact, to be honest, 2.5 billion is a huge amount of money. According to their family and status, if they use the 2.5 billion to make capital-guaranteed investments, they can live a glorious life, even Lasts for several generations.

But they are willing to believe in Anliang!

‘An Liang: Aren’t you afraid if we really lose everything?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Afraid!’

‘Li Cunyuan: But if you lose, you lose! Brother Gangzi is right, let’s find a way to make a comeback again!’

‘Yun Haiyang: It’s not a big problem! If you really lose money, I will follow Hu Xiaoyu, and when I get up, I will take you to fly! '

This cloud ocean... poisonous!

‘Qian Xiaogang: Brother Haiyang is awesome!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Haiyang is awesome!’

‘An Liang: As expected of you!’

‘Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, when will we start taking action?’

‘An Liang: Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow’

‘Yun Haiyang: I will arrive in Shengqing tomorrow too’

‘An Liang: OK! Do I want to pick you up?’

‘Yun Haiyang: No, I have all the arrangements here, and I only have time in the evening. Let’s make an appointment for a late-night supper?’

‘An Liang: Okay’

‘Li Cunyuan: Then I will transfer the funds today so that I can invest with peace of mind?’

‘Yun Haiyang: I can also mobilize funds today’

‘Qian Xiaogang: You can do it anytime!’

‘An Liang: No problem, just send the funds over!’

‘An Liang: Let me remind you one last time. Once the money is transferred, I will forget about it because the risk is really high and I am only half sure.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Let’s fight!’

‘Yun Haiyang: I’ll give it a try too!’

‘Qian Xiaogang: Together!

Looking at the three people's answers, An Liang sighed secretly. At first, the four of them only had a cooperative relationship of interest. Later, their friendship gradually deepened, and now they trust each other even more.

After all, the three of them were willing to hand over 2.5 billion funds to Anliang for operation without even signing a contract. Isn't that enough trust?

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