Did An Liang and Chen Siyu both ignore that Ning Ruoshuang was gone?

Ning Ruoshuang didn't leave!

Ning Ruoshuang is suffering in the guest room...

The next day.

On Saturday, January 11, major stock markets around the world will be closed.

At 6:30 in the morning, Liu Xingbang was already busy. He was sending messages in the banner operation management group, asking the 28 small managers to lead their small teams. They must arrive at the 28 benzene fields in the imperial capital before eight o'clock. The car 4S sales store is ready to put up the banner.

Twenty-eight small managers respectively determined the tasks released by Liu Xingbang, and then sent messages to their own small team's WeChat group to ensure the smooth progress of the banner operation.

At 7:30 in the morning, Liu Xingbang had already driven out. Naturally, he had to personally inspect the banners of the 28 Bentian Automobile 4S sales stores.

After all, he can earn more than 10,000 yuan a day, and his motivation is very high.

Near 7:50, when Liu Xingbang arrived at the first Dongben Automobile 4S sales store, a banner with black characters on a white background had already been put up here.

The tow hooks on the front of a Bentian Haoying and a Bentian Silu were modified. Two telescopic aluminum alloy poles were inserted into the tow hooks, and then four banners were pulled up.

‘Shameless Bentian! Quality defects!’

‘Bentian maliciously discriminates against Xiaguo consumers and ignores the life safety of Xiaguo consumers!’

‘Buy benzene field today, crematorium tomorrow!’

‘Invite the whole village to have a meal and look for Bentian! '

Because this is the 4S sales store of Dongben Automobile, a large speaker is placed on the roof of the Silk Road car to play the contents of the four banners.

Some pedestrians passing by stopped to watch the excitement, and some even took photos and posted them on WeChat.

The staff of Dongben Automobile 4S Sales Store originally wanted to come over and chase the person away, but the site chosen by the other person was a public parking area, so as long as the parking fee was paid, there was no problem.

And there were two old men with pale hair smoking cigarettes while looking at the staff of the Dongben Automobile 4S sales store who came over.

Faced with such a situation, what else can the staff of Dongben Automobile 4S Sales Store do?


That’s nonsense!

They just work in the 4S store, why should they work hard for the 4S store?

Such troublesome issues should be left to the leaders of the 4S stores to worry about!

After Liu Xingbang saw the situation at the first Bentian 4S sales store, he went to the second one, and then inspected more Bentian automobile 4S sales stores.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, An Liang sent a message to the friends group of the Imperial Capital.

‘An Liang: @everyone: Guys, are you up?’

‘Li Cunyuan: Just finished breakfast’

‘Yun Haiyang: Woke up, but didn’t get up’

‘Qian Xiaogang: +1’

‘An Liang: Get up quickly. According to the scheduled plan, we will patrol nine Bentian 4S sales stores alone. Everyone should keep a low profile.’

‘Li Cunyuan: Got it!’

‘Yun Haiyang: Get up now’

‘Qian Xiaogang: OK! '

While Liu Xingbang was inspecting, An Liang and three friends from Didu were also inspecting Bentian car 4S sales stores in Didu.

It's nearly ten o'clock in the morning.

The Dongben Automobile 4S Sales Store on Nanwu Road was a bit busy when An Liang arrived!

An Liang discovered that Liu Xingbang was also at the scene and had a dispute with the management of Dongben Automobile 4S Sales Store. An Liang pretended to watch the fun and walked over to blend in with the crowd.

"Ghost Hand Six, are you crazy?"A person from Dongben Automobile 4S sales store obviously knew Liu Xingbang.

"I'm warning you, hurry up and get your friends away, or we'll report it to the police!"The staff at Dongben Automobile 4S Sales Store said with a cold snort.

Liu Xingbang sneered,"Liu Enze, you are such an ungrateful white-eyed wolf! Open your eyes wide and look at these people. Do you call them cunning friends?"

"Uncle Zhou of Wutong Courtyard, have you forgotten?"Liu Xingbang sneered.

Uncle Zhou looked at Liu Enze and sighed,"It turns out that Ozawa has become famous. I mean I haven't seen Ozawa for many years.

Liu Xingbang mocked on the side,"Get ahead?" Just him? I bother!"

"Liu Enze, let me put it here, there is a problem with your Bentian cars, why can’t I raise a banner to report it?"Liu Xingbang snorted coldly.

Looking at more and more onlookers, Liu Enze walked to Liu Xingbang's side. He lowered his voice and said,"Tell me, what are your conditions and how much money do you want?"

"You think I want money?"Liu Xingbang snorted coldly.

"Others don’t know your Liu Xingbang’s urine properties, how can I know? Liu Enze snorted coldly,"Just tell me the number, take the money and get out of here!"

Liu Xingbang sneered,"I underestimated you!" Liu Enze, Liu Enze, you have really forgotten that we all grew up under the same root"

"Don't step on Mara's friendship!"Liu Enze stared at Liu Xingbang,"Speak directly, how much do you want to blackmail? Don't think about the lion opening its mouth, otherwise you will report the crime and wait for the patrol! Liu

Xingbang shook his head,"You are wrong. I don't want money. Whoever takes this kind of unconscionable money will cut off their children and grandchildren!""

"Liu Enze, I’m telling you today that I’m from Xia, and I want to expose the problems with your Bentian cars! Liu Xingbang snorted coldly.

"Innocent!"Liu Enze sneered.

Are their Bentian cars afraid of pulling up banners?

They're afraid they're living in a dream!


The humble author wants a monthly pass...

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