Life at Tianfu School of Economics is always boring and boring, especially when Brother Liang is writing notes, it becomes even more boring.

By Friday, An Liang discovered that Bai Yue's attributes had changed again.

Among them, the appearance is improved by 1 point, the figure is improved by 1 point, and the special attributes are improved by 2 points.

This change was because An Liang took Bai Yue to eat every day, even if it was just in the second cafeteria.

An Liang thought that Bai Yue's health was too poor, right?

At noon, An Liang sent a message to the class group

‘An Liang: @白京jing: Sir, have you chosen the place for dinner tonight?’

‘Bai Jingjing: Haoyoulai Hot Pot: 3 votes/Zao Wang Chinese Food: 4 votes/Sihaijia Buffet: 33 votes’

‘Bai Jingjing: @安梁: At present, you are the only one left in the Life Committee who did not vote. '

Does it make any difference whether An Liang votes or not?


‘Random task: As the end of the term approaches, how can we miss a pleasant dinner together?’

‘Task reward: The reward will be calculated based on the enjoyment of the classmates at the dinner party. '

That's it!

Life is full of surprises!

‘An Liang: Where are the plug-ins? '

The so-called cheaters are boyfriends or girlfriends who work outside the home.

‘Bai Jingjing: Not one!’

‘An Liang:? ? ? '

Excuse me, what should I do if my classmates are all love losers?

Let’s exclude Lu Wenshan first!

This person is on a blind date!

‘Chen Le: Boss of the Life Committee, you know, I am Zhizunbao. The person I like is in this class and does not occupy a quota.’

‘An Liang: The king of words?’

‘Chen Le: [Grieved]’

‘Shen Shizhong: You are so aggrieved. Every time you drink to boldly confess your feelings, you pretend to be drunk. How can you still feel aggrieved?’

‘Chen Le: Gentleman, please stop talking. I’m scared. I’m scared!’

‘An Liang: @白京jing: What did the squad leader say?’

‘Bai Jingjing: I’ll say it with my mouth!’

‘Lu Wenshan: As the only single person in this class, I need to give you some popular science on how to fall in love.’

‘Malone: ​​Take note of what the boss says!’

‘Chen Le: Get out of the high school party!’

‘Ding Caiyun: Get out of the high school party!’

‘Wei Liyue: Get out of the high school party!’

‘An Liang: Wenshan, do you know you have a problem now?’

‘Lu Wenshan: No, no, no, I am not wrong, it is the world that is wrong!’

‘An Liang: Why are you so stubborn? Brothers, send Wenshan on his way tonight!’

‘Shen Shizhong: Got it!’

‘Chen Le: Listen to the arrangements of the life committee boss!’

‘Ma Long: I want to follow Wenshan. Wenshan’s girlfriend’s deskmate is quite good-looking.’

‘An Liang:? ? ?’

‘Shen Shizhong:? ? ?’

‘Chen Le: This...’

‘Bai Jingjing: Her thick eyebrows and big eyes are revealed!’

‘An Liang: Brother Champion, I think there is something wrong with your thinking. You died in love in the class, do you understand?’

‘Shen Shizhong: Silence!’

‘Chen Le: Competitor -1!’

‘An Liang: @everyone: It will be six o'clock tonight at Sihaijia Buffet Nanfeng 3rd Road Store. I will make a reservation later and everyone can go there together.’

‘An Liang: This event is sponsored by Nanfeng Sanlu [Feather Moon]’

‘An Liang: Don’t ask, it’s my shop!’

‘An Liang: I’ll take some photos on the way later and post them on WeChat Moments, just to be perfunctory about me as a sponsor.’

‘An Liang: @万云飞: Does the counselor have a girlfriend? If you have a girlfriend, you are welcome to bring her with you.’

‘Wan Yunfei:......’

‘Shen Shizhong: I seem to feel the despair of the counselor’

‘Wan Yunfei:......’

An Liang was already familiar with Wan Yunfei, and some small jokes were harmless.

An Liang chatted in the class WeChat group for a while, and then sent a message to Feng Jie, asking Feng Jie to reserve the buffet at Sihaijia and ask Sihaijia to reserve the corresponding seat.

Half past five in the evening.

At the entrance of Tianfu School of Economics, students from the third class of 2019 in the Department of Finance were gathering.

Bai Jingjing is counting the number of people. This monitor is very competent.

What if An Liang were to be the monitor?

Probably put a QR code at the self-service door of Sihaijia, so that students can scan the code to sign in when they come?

When Finance Class 3 was gathering at the door, a boy came over and asked,"Liu Qiang, is your class causing trouble again?"

Liu Qiang knew the other person. The other person was Wang Wen, the life committee member of Finance Class 1. He smiled evilly and said,"Don't you would like to know"

"Uh, what's going on?"Wang Wen was a little slow.

Liu Qiang continued to smile evilly,"Our class life committee took us to help ourselves at Sihai's house. Can you, the life committee next door, get to know us?"

"......"Wang Wen was really speechless. He really didn't want to know the answer.

As more and more students asked, Finance Class 3 went up to the campus wall when they were having a class dinner again, and all kinds of envy, jealousy, and hatred were all over the place for a while.

Especially the freshmen from the other two classes of the Finance Department this year, why are they not in Class Three?

Is the difference between one class so big?

"Life Committee, everyone in our class is here, let’s go now?"Bai Jingjing asked

"Let's go, let's start quickly. If we don't leave, I'm afraid the life committees of the other two classes will challenge me."An Liang said jokingly to himself.

Even if it's really a one-on-one fight, would you like to know more about Brother Liang's proficiency-level free fighting?

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