
After former Chief Minister Abe Shinzan concluded his exchange with Anliang, he communicated with colleagues from the Liberal Democratic Party about the relevant situation.

Relevant personnel who came this time include the deputy minister of the Ministry of the Environment, Furi Kenyasu, the deputy director of the Legislative Yuan, Obo Takeuchi, and the review officer of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Tomie Tiangai.

The three of them are all important figures in the Liberal Democratic Party, and they are also the right-hand men of An Bei Jinshan.

Anbei Jinshan first explained the situation discussed between him and Anliang, and then explained what kind of solutions Anliang could provide. Finally, he added,"What do you think about this cooperation?"

The deputy minister of the Ministry of Environment, Gu Yi Jianan, spoke first,"Mr. President, do you mean that the other party can really completely solve the problem of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant?"

Abe Jinshan answered affirmatively,"Yes. You should also know the other party's How powerful the Guardian series robots are. As long as the other party is willing to make a special version to protect against radiation, those robots can go deep into the Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant and completely solve the problem."

"Then we will definitely win!"Gu Yi Jian'an said confidently.

"As long as we have the ability to solve the problem of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, we will definitely be able to acquire Dongjing Electric Power Company."Guyi Jian'an said confidently.

Legislative Yuan Vice Chairman Daiho Takeuchi also seconded the affirmation,"I agree with Guyijun's view. As long as the other party has the ability to solve the problem of Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant, then we can provide legal support."

Tabe Tomie, the review officer of the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, added,"We can also start from the public opinion aspect. We can release some gossip, such as spreading the news on the Internet that the Natsu Kingdom Guardian robot can solve the Tomishima nuclear power plant, and inciting national sentiment. , let the citizens petition and ask Dongjing Electric Power Company to purchase the Xia Guo Guardian robot to solve the problem."

Tabei Tomie added,"We don't have to worry about Dongjing Electric Power Company actually buying the Xia Kingdom's guardian robots, because those robots are really expensive!"

When this question was mentioned, everyone smiled.

This is because Anbei Jinshan is the agent of the Guardian series robots in Winter Kyoto!

Each home-type Guardian robot sells for up to 1 billion in Neon Japanese yen, which is almost 50 million Xia Guoyuan.

Where can Dongjing Electric Power Company afford it?

After all, solving the problem of Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant cannot be solved by one or two Guardian series robots. Who knows how many Guardians are needed? Only Guardian series robots can solve the trouble?

So there is no need to worry about Tokyo Electric Power Company purchasing the Guardian series robots on its own to solve the trouble.

Legislative Yuan Vice Chairman Obo Takeuchi added,"If the President can promote the solution of the Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant's troubles this time, and do it completely Solving the trouble will become the political capital of the President, thereby promoting the President to become the Chief Minister again.

Tianbei Tomie asked worriedly,"How is your physical condition, President?""

Guyi Jian'an and Tianbei Fujiang also looked at Anbe Jinshan with concern. If Anbe Jinshan's health condition is too bad, according to the laws of Neon, Anbe Jinshan will not be able to become the chief minister of Neon.

Anbei Jinshan Bei Jinshan smiled and replied,"If I have the possibility to become the chief minister, they will give me thousand-year-old astragalus, so there will definitely be no problem with my physical health.""

"Gentlemen, please take care of Dongjing Electric Power Company this time!"Anbei Jinshan bowed deeply.

The other three people also bowed quickly and responded in unison:"Hi!"

Only half an hour later, relevant public opinion guidance posts appeared on Neon's Internet.


《How to completely solve the problem of Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant? 》

On March 11, 2011, a nuclear leakage safety accident occurred at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Since then, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has become a serious problem for our neon!

More than 200,000 people were affected in the surrounding Futaba County, Namie Town, Okuma Town, Fukuoka Town, and even the more distant Minamisoma City, etc.

The nuclear leak at Tomishima Nuclear Power Plant poses an extremely serious threat, and the inaction of Tokyo Electric Power Company poses an even more serious threat.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company and the Cabinet are currently resuming the plan to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea. Once such a plan is actually implemented, it will cause irreversible damage to our neon international image and our Yamato national spirit.

More importantly, it will affect the living environment of more than 100,000 fishermen and cause huge reputation loss to our neon fishery.

In view of this situation, after our detailed research, we found a complete solution to the Tomshima Nuclear Power Plant

【Link address: Xia Guo Dream Future Graphene Technology Group-Guardian Series Robot Configuration Details]

Please take a look!

This is a humanoid robot from Xia Kingdom. I believe many people know this kind of robot. After all, it is also sold in Neon.

If Dongkye Electric Power Company can purchase these robots and arrange for these robots to enter the accident area of ​​Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to deal with it, then we have hope to completely solve the problem of Fushishima Nuclear Power Plant!

Please Dongjing Electric Power Company assume its responsibility, please Dongjing Electric Power Company not kidnap all the citizens of Neon!


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