"Are you coming to play?"An Liang asked

"If you want to come over to play, I will make arrangements to send you here." An Liang added.

Li Cunyuan responded affirmatively,"Then we'll come right away. Qian

Xiaogang added,"I'm going to come over for sea fishing. My fishing skills are pretty good!"

An Liang said jokingly,"The last person who said this ended up becoming an air force officer.""

Yun Haiyang had a bitter look on his face. He had just talked about fishing in a clear and logical manner, and then finally became an air force officer.

Anyi Manor.

Chief Butler Zhu Jiafu took Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang to the aviation berth of Anyi Manor. Hong Kong, the two took a high-performance version of the multi-crew flying motorcycle to Koh Samui, accompanied by two armed versions of the flying motorcycle.

Almost an hour and a half later, Li Cunyuan and Qian Xiaogang arrived. Qian Xiaogang originally wanted to go fishing, but he heard that After An Liang and Hu Xiaoyu's achievements, Qian Xiaogang also gave up.

In the end, the four brothers rode a motorboat on the sea.

An Liang also tried motorboat paragliding, and this project felt quite good.

Yun Xin This naughty kid tried snorkeling. An Liang found that this naughty kid was a bit courageous. He wanted to reach out and grab everything he saw. If An Liang hadn't stopped him, he might have even wanted to catch a sea anemone. In the evening, the sunset was shining. On the sea, a large area of ​​​​the ocean was dyed red.

An Liang leaned against the railing of the yacht and checked his mobile phone. Both No. 1 and No. 2 of Renyi Security Company sent messages.

No. 1: BOSS, we have obtained the mastermind behind the sarin gas incident. No.

2: The man behind the sarin gas incident this time is really not the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. They took the blame this time!

No. 0: Tell me about the specific situation.

No. 1: We passed [Night Bat 】Corresponding intelligence obtained, but this time the intelligence paid [Yebat] TAM tokens worth 5 million US dollars.

TAM tokens are currently popular in the online world!

Although TAM tokens have little room for appreciation, and there are no hype stories, But the TAM virtual token does not run away, its value is stable, and it even has collateral.

This is outrageous!

Therefore, TAM is very popular in the online world, quickly surpassing other virtual tokens and directly becoming one of the three major virtual tokens. , and is one of the most accepted virtual tokens.

No. 2: According to the information provided by [Night Bat], this time the sarin gas incident was not done by the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. Previously, their Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did [ After the plane poisoning incident], we are not prepared to continue to do similar things.

No. 1: The real mastermind behind the scenes is the Bald Eagle Counter-Intelligence Foreign Activity Group, which is affiliated to the Bald Eagle Ministry of Defense. The internal abbreviation of CIFA in Bald Eagle is a secret organization kept confidential to the outside world. is a black organization that mainly engages in counter-intelligence activities around the world.

No. 1: We have been defined as a hostile intelligence organization by the CIFA Intelligence Foreign Activities Group and are on the CIFA blacklist.

No. 2: Yes, BOSS, we are on the CIFA Blacklist.

No. 2: According to the feedback from [Night Bat], CIFA has no intention of stopping after the failure of the sarin gas incident and will continue with the next operation.

No. 1: BOSS, Night Bat wants us to pay 2,000 Ten thousand US dollars in TAM tokens, he will help us investigate who is executing the plan against us in CIFA.

No. 1: As long as we find the executor of CIFA, we can directly kill the executor, thus deterring others in CIFA.

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Just like after the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau executed the [aircraft poisoning incident], Anliang directly carried out retaliatory actions, not only killing the two initiators who planned the aircraft poisoning Killed, and also killed some relevant personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, thus completely shocking the relevant personnel of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

It is true that An Liang cannot defeat the Bald Eagle, and An Liang cannot defeat the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, but An Liang can defeat certain staff members of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau is very strong as a whole, but one or a few staff members are vulnerable to An Liang.

To put it simply, as long as the specific executor of CIFA is found, Renyi Security Company can kill the corresponding executor and then the relevant auxiliary executors.

Although such an operation cannot deter the CIFA Intelligence Foreign Activity Team, let alone the Bald Eagle Federal Court, it can deter the relevant personnel working at CIFA.

After all, as the saying goes: How much is your monthly salary? Is it worth working so hard for?

Number Zero: Then pay $20 million in TAM tokens!

Number Zero: Investigate the specific person!

No. 1: Received.

Number 2: Got it.

No. 0: Let me know the follow-up results.

An Liang finished communicating with No. 1 and No. 2 of Renyi Security Company. He was thinking to himself, what should he do if he found the relevant mastermind of the CIFA Intelligence Foreign Activity Group?

Just kill the mastermind?

Or expand the targets of attack?

While An Liang was thinking, Zhao Wanxi came to An Liang and asked casually,"What happened?"

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