Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Bai Yue sighed,"The previous work-study program has been adjusted properly by Manager Feng, part of the staff structure has been optimized, and new rules have been re-formulated to better help needy students in the work-study program."

"But now a new problem does arise."Bai Yue added

"oh? An Liang was confused,"What new problems are there now?""

"Because some poor students who were working as part of a work-study program were lazy during their work, some of them were fired by Manager Feng, so some people started to spread rumors." Bai said

"These poor students who were dismissed by Yuyue Supermarket spread various rumors on campus walls and in small groups at school, saying that they were dismissed by Yuyue without any reason."Bai Yue - added

"Some people even said that Yuyue Boutique Supermarket laid off employees due to operating difficulties. They kindly reminded those Yuyue members to refund the pre-recharge or spend in advance to prevent us Yuyue from running away.-"Bai Yue continues.

An Liang sighed secretly, he really helped others to get revenge!

The work-study program of Yuyue Boutique Supermarket is a good thing, and it has indeed helped a considerable number of students in need, but there are always some rats among the group of students in need.

So Feng Jie cleaned up this part of the rat shit.

Are these rats still causing trouble now?

"besides..."Bai Yue paused for a moment

"There are also some people who make pornographic rumors."Bai Yue sighed. She couldn't understand why someone would make pornographic rumors.

"ah?"An Liang was stunned!

He had previously thought about whether Feng Jie would use his power to stage a film called"Poor Girls: You don't want to lose your work-study quota, right?".

But now Bai Yue said that Yuyue Boutique Supermarket was actually Making pornographic rumors?

This is too exciting, right?

"What nonsense?"Anliang asked curiously.

Of course Anliang is also interested in things like gossip!

"At first, a girl posted anonymously on the campus wall, saying that she had been fired from Yuyue Boutique Supermarket Optimization, but in subsequent exchanges it was hinted that as long as...You know, and then you can stay."Bai Yue explained

"Originally, this post did not attract attention. After all, it was anonymous and had no actual evidence, so it was naturally impossible to attract everyone's attention."Bai Yue added

"However, many students who responded to this post said that they had also encountered such a problem, and they also uploaded our Yuyue's temporary employment agreement, but only the personal information was coded."Bai Yue added

"Not only that, more picture information was also circulated in this post, such as a photo of Manager Feng Jie walking past in the corner of Yuyue, etc., and said that he was called to the corner alone by Manager Feng to do some Bad things."Bai Yue gave an example.

An Liang responded directly in the negative,"It shouldn't be possible!"

"Do you know what the annual salary Yuyue gives Lao Feng? An Liang asked back.

Bai Yue responded affirmatively,"I know.""

Bai Yue has also coordinated and managed Yuyue Boutique Supermarket before, so she naturally knows the salary structure of Yuyue Boutique Supermarket.

"Now that you know, you should understand, how can a professional manager with an annual salary of one million do this kind of workplace harassment?"An Liang said calmly. Is a professional manager with an annual salary of one million harassing a female college student who is working on a work-study program?

Have you watched too many stupid workplace TV series? (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Or is it in Little Green Book? Who knows after seeing too many family members?

A professional manager with this kind of income, wouldn’t he spend some money?

As long as he spends a little money, whether it is drinking in a club or sponsoring the final payment, it is not an easy thing ?

How could he risk losing his job by going to the workplace to harass poor female college students?

Regarding such pornographic rumors, An Liang could only shake his head slightly, saying that these people who spread pornographic rumors are too low-level to understand what a million-dollar annual salary is. Such a level, that's why we can create such a yellow ballad

"I understand."Bai Yue sighed

"Is this yellow rumor still spreading?"An Liang asked

"No more. When Huang Yao spread on the campus wall, Manager Feng contacted the corresponding school and asked for a public confrontation with the poster and asked the corresponding school to find out the identity of the corresponding student."Bai Yue explained

"In line with the attitude of protecting students, the school did not provide the identity of the corresponding poster, but deleted the post on the campus wall, and stated on the campus wall that after the school's investigation, the corresponding poster was an outsider who used special means. Logged into the campus wall and slandered Yuyue Boutique Supermarket. Bai Yue added.

An Liang sighed,"Which school?" It seems that there are experts in this school. Their solution not only protects the students, but also does not offend us Yuyue, and also shifts the responsibility to unwarranted external personnel. It is simply killing three birds with one stone!"

This is indeed a good way to kill three birds with one stone!

Even if An Liang is asked to handle it, he can only handle it in this way and cannot do better, so An Liang laments that there are thousands of experts.

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