Hearing Chen Mu express his willingness to sell solid-state battery technology, Lin Shitao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Our group has given quite a few preferential conditions."Lin Shitao was ready to throw away the king first,"First of all, based on your quotation, we are willing to buy out the relevant technology at a price of 20 million Xia Guoyuan."

Yang Feng proposed the conditions for 2 million angel investments to be exchanged for 10% of the equity. The valuation of the entire project is naturally 20 million.

Chen Mu nodded slightly without comment.

Lin Shitao continued to add,"We will also provide you with an offer from our group. , and build a R&D team with you as the core, while providing a corresponding R&D environment and technical support within the group."

Chen Mu and Yang Feng looked at each other. They had already guessed this condition before.

Yang Feng asked,"Director Lin, what is the salary of this offer?"

"After you join our group and before the research and development is successful, the salary of this offer is at least 300,000 annual salary. Lin Shitao explained.

Yang Feng was surprised,"Are all of us?""

"certainly! As for Chen Mu’s salary, I can further strive to increase it."Lin Shitao added

"In addition, if you complete the research and development of corresponding technologies within the group, your salary will be doubled directly, and you will also receive a team bonus of at least 10 million yuan. Lin Shitao added.

Lin Shitao has learned about the salary level of students graduating from Shuimu University. According to the answer given by Shuimu University itself, the average salary level of solid wood university students who graduated three years ago is 1.49+. The salary level for an annual salary of 300,000 is 25,000 per month. far above average

"By the way, regarding the 20 million yuan to buy out the technology, our group has a hard condition, that is, this amount of funds can only be obtained after your successful research and development." Lin Shitao explained the restrictions. Yang Feng frowned slightly, but Chen Mu looked calm.

"This condition is fair. We originally wanted to obtain R&D funds to continue R&D. Now that your group is willing to provide all conditions for continued R&D, we have nothing to say."Chen Mu said clearly.

"But I have a small request." Chen Mu added.

Lin Shitao responded,"I would like to hear the details."

"We hope to retain a certain share of equity. After all, this solid-state battery technology was developed by us. We hope to retain some equity, even if it is very small."Chen Mu explained

"How much equity does Mr. Chen want to retain?"Lin Shitao asked back.

Chen Mu fell silent. He was very smart and naturally understood that the room for bargaining they had now was very small.

After all, the conditions given by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group were already very good.

First of all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group would provide them with Provide complete R&D conditions and environment, and then buy out the solid-state battery technology at a price of 20 million Xia Guoyuan.

Although this buyout is a bit confusing, he can understand it, because the current solid-state battery technology has not yet been perfected, and he dreams of future graphene technology. The group is also worried that they will waste the money after getting it, and they will not seriously research and develop at all.

However, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has also provided an offer with an annual salary of at least 300,000 as compensation.

Now Dream Future Graphene Technology Group may even agree to keep some of his shares. He thought about it secretly and finally responded with a decision,"I hope our team will retain one percent of the equity and not be diluted."

Chen Mu is indeed very smart. He only wants 1% of the equity, but he also wants the right not to be diluted.

Otherwise, this 1% of equity may be diluted to 0.1% or 0.01%. Even to the extent of 0.001%.

After all, the solid-state battery project is valued at 20 million. If Dream Graphene Technology Group injects more capital in the future, if the total equity capital is injected to 200 million, the 1% equity obtained by Chen Mu will become 0.1% welcome.

If the capital is injected to 2 billion, isn’t it the case of 0.01%?

If the capital is injected to 20 billion, it will naturally be diluted to the level of 0.001%. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In order to avoid With his equity diluted, Chen Mu gave up bargaining and the possibility of getting more, and simply took only 1% of the equity, but he wanted to avoid being diluted. It can only be said that Chen Mu is indeed very sensible. , and very smart.

Lin Shitao did not agree. He nodded slightly and said,"Okay, I have recorded the request of (Wang Nuozhao) Chen, but I have no right to make a decision. I can only record the request of Classmate Chen Conveyed to the senior management of the group, who will make the decision."

Chen Mu didn't expect the other party to make a decision the first time he came to negotiate. He said politely,"Then I'll bother Director Lin."

"It’s not troublesome, this is all work. If I finish your project, if your project is really successful in the future, it will also be my achievement!" Lin Shitao's generous and frank response.

This frank attitude won Chen Mu's favor. He secretly hoped that his request for 1% of the undiluted equity could be agreed, and after all, he could join the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Who can refuse such a legendary company?.

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