In fact, whether it is the light chip of carbon-based graphene or the everything chip of ternary computer technology, all have been iteratively updated.

It’s just that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company did not announce it to the public. They only announced some improvements in data.

For example, it only indicates how many percentage points the image recognition speed has been improved, but it does not say that the Guangming series of graphics processing chips have been upgraded.

"How are you going to end up personally?"Zhao Wanxi asked with interest

"At present, Shengxing Ping An smart taxis are not sold to the outside world. All Shengxing Ping An smart taxis in Xiaguo are directly operated. Neon and Bald Eagle's Shengxing Ping An smart taxis are also operated by partners. How are you going to dismantle them? Xie Shengxing Ping An Smart Taxi will not arouse other people's suspicion?" Zhao Wanxi added a question.

An Liang wanted to reveal the carbon-based chip by dismantling the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi without raising suspicion, so how to dismantle the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi has become a huge problem. What if If you say that you took a Shengxing Ping An smart taxi to an auto repair shop and cut it into pieces, it would definitely be considered a show.

After all, as Zhao Wanxi said, Shengxing Ping An smart taxi has not disclosed it to the outside world. Selling, this kind of dismantling behavior, is very likely to be considered as a proactive show.

So how to avoid such a situation is a technical job!

However, before An Liang could answer, the Tianji artificial intelligence system once again passed An Liang The mobile phone sent a reminder message.

Tianji: Found new important news about carbon-based chips.

Tianji: Transmission link:"The development process of carbon-based chips may exceed all of our guesses!"

An Liang immediately clicked on it The transmission link sent by Tianji Artificial Intelligence System, this is a Face message from Neon Internet


《The development process of carbon-based chips may exceed all of our guesses! 》

Why do you say that?

Because there is evidence that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company have mastered more advanced carbon-based chip technology.

Evidence first!

Neon Winter Car Accident Scene on the West Side of Sensoji Temple in Kyoto.Jpg

From this picture, we can see that a Mercedes-Benz SUV and a Katsuyuki Ping An smart taxi had a violent car accident.

I am not trying to prove that the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi is unsafe, because we can already see from the picture that the road where the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi is located is in a traffic jam, which makes the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi unable to move.

The party fully responsible for the car accident was the Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle, which crashed directly into the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi from the intersection and hit the front of the car.

Details of the internal motherboard chip of Shengxing Ping An Smart Taxi. Mp4

Through the above video, everyone pays careful attention to the information marked by the red border.

Previously, the Mensa janitor dismantled the third-generation Beacon helmet and found a carbon-based chip code-named GM-2020-1. Is the chip code-named GM-2021-3 marked by the red border in the video now?

Based on previous discussion information released by the gatekeepers of the Mensa club, we speculate that GM is the chip code, most likely the abbreviation of Xia Guoyu’s pinyin for Xia Guoyu Guangming. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guangming fits the product definition of a lighthouse helmet in the Xia Mandarin environment.

The 2020 and 2021 numbers should be year numbers.

1 and 3 are probably iteration numbers.

This means that this carbon-based chip has evolved from the first generation in 2020 to the third generation in 2021.

In fact, a comparison of the image recognition capabilities of the lighthouse helmet and the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi can support this speculation.

Shengxing Ping An Smart Taxi far surpasses the lighthouse helmet in terms of image recognition capabilities, especially its high-speed image recognition capabilities.

In addition, we also found T printed in the video-AIO-The chip numbered 2021-2, which means that another unknown chip previously found in the third-generation Beacon Helmet has also been updated.

In view of these image data, do you still think that carbon-based chip technology is in the distant future?

Some people have said before that carbon-based chips are a scam thrown by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, just to get everyone involved in the field of carbon-based chips, so that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company have the opportunity to surpass from scratch. other people.

But now I have to wonder, is it possible that such remarks were deliberately made by Dream Future Graphene (Zhao) Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company to confuse the public?

Because these two companies have already achieved results in the field of carbon-based chips, they don't want others to enter the field of carbon-based chips, so that they can dominate the world in the field of carbon-based chips?

The above conclusion is just my guess. If I don’t release any news within a week, it means that I have been murdered by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company!

I urge all netizens to pay attention to me!


When An Liang saw the message at the end, he almost couldn't stand it anymore. God was assassinated by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and Dark Core Technology Company!

In order to gain traffic, these self-media bloggers really dare to say anything?.

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