This so-called inside information is actually to establish a better image for Dream Graphene Technology Group in the future.

Because what this internal message means is that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not in a hurry to bring new products to the market, allowing users to become guinea pigs for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s new products.

"Let’s get back to business and first tell you about the basic situation of Baize’s artificial intelligence chip."Zhao Kaixin brought the topic back.

"In the field of artificial intelligence, there are four main types of chips, namely: CPU.GPU.ASIC, and FPGA." When Zhao Kaixin introduced it, the screen wall showed four types of chips.

"We will not discuss niche chips, such as inte1's brain-inspired chips and Google's quantum chips. These chips have too little data and are not very mature." Zhao Kaixin added

"Of course, it is also necessary to exclude the carbon-based chip technology being developed by Dark Core Technology Company. The carbon-based chip technology of Dark Core Technology Company is also immature."Zhao Kaixin naturally brought up the topic of carbon-based chips.

This was naturally a bait-and-switch!

However, Zhao Kaixin did not continue the discussion on the carbon-based 530 chip technology because it would appear too deliberate.

"Based on four different types of chips, our group has set five dimensions of evaluation, namely: performance, power consumption, cost, flexibility, and isomorphism."When Zhao Kaixin introduces it, the screen wall will display the corresponding information.

The performance is naturally the computing performance of the chip, which is the most important parameter.

The power consumption is the function of the chip. If the computing performance is the same, A film The power consumption of the chip is 20 watts, and the power consumption of the C chip is 120 watts. In terms of power consumption, the A chip is naturally better. The cost includes three aspects, from the initial chip design to the production and production of the chip. Deployment, as well as final operation and maintenance, must be calculated into the cost.

As for flexibility, it is whether the chip can be applied to various artificial intelligence algorithms and applications in different scenarios.

The final isomorphism is large-scale deployment In the case of chips, can we make full use of the existing software and hardware foundation and reduce other conditions to make the chip work?

"We set a score from 1 to 5 for the five dimensions of evaluation, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest."Zhao Kaixin introduced the scoring plan

"The first is the application in the field of CPU artificial intelligence. We have rated it like this. Please look at the big screen!"Zhao Kaixin motioned to the news media practitioners and the audience to check the screen wall.

The screen wall displayed a five-sided pattern.


CPU dimension score:

Performance: 1

Power consumption: 2

Cost: 3

Flexibility: 5

Isomorphism: 5


"The traditional CPU performance score is indeed only 1 point. I think everyone has heard that in the field of artificial intelligence, GPU is preferred to train artificial intelligence, right?"Zhao Kaixin asked back something that was barely common sense.

In the traditional field of artificial intelligence, GPUs are indeed preferred to practice artificial intelligence.

Following Zhao Kaixin's words, the five-dimensional data of GPUs was displayed on the screen wall.


GPU dimension score:

Performance: 4

Power consumption: 1

Cost: 2

Flexibility: 3

Isomorphism: 3

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"(bfec) is based on the high performance of GPU, so a considerable number of entry-level users usually purchase some graphics cards instead when training artificial intelligence systems."Introduced by Zhao Kaixin

"There are also some users who use GPU as a tool to obtain virtual tokens based on its high performance, thereby driving up the price of graphics card products!"Zhao Kaixin was joking

"However, to obtain things like virtual tokens, you do not actually need a graphics card, because you can use ASIC series products, which far exceed the performance of GPU products."Zhao Kaixin explained the ASIC chip again.

The ASIC chip is indeed what Zhao Kaixin said. Its most famous function is to obtain virtual tokens, which is why the general public knows it.


ASIC five-dimensional rating:

Performance: 5

Power consumption: 5

Cost: 1

Flexibility: 1

Isomorphism: 2


Judging from the five-dimensional data of ASIC chips, it does have powerful capabilities of high performance and low power consumption, but it is very poor in other aspects, whether it is high research and development costs, poor flexibility, etc.

Take the ASIC virtual token acquisition machine as an example. It has no other purpose except to obtain virtual tokens.

"Finally, there is the FPGA chip. Let me first reveal that our Baize chip is an FPGA chip. This chip is also unfamiliar to everyone because its application range is indeed very narrow. It was once mainly used for verification instead of ASIC chips. , a bit like a clay mold for producing a car."Zhao Kaixin gave an example

"However, now FPGA chips have gained a foothold in the core computing units of data centers, new energy vehicles and other fields, and have become a new force in the chip field." Zhao Kaixin added.

The five-dimensional information corresponding to the FPGA chip was also displayed on the screen wall behind Zhao Kaixin.


FPGA five-dimensional score:

Performance: 3

Power consumption: 4

Cost: 4

Flexibility: 4

Isomorphism: 4


Judging from the pentagon diagram, FPGA is really powerful!.

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