Facing the question posed by Yang Xiaoxiao, the late-night news reporter of Imperial TV, Hao Zhipeng deliberately coughed twice before responding,"Each journalist friend can only have one question. Reporter Yang, you are openly violating the rules."

Yang Xiaoxiao joked ,"Am I not a shill for your group? I have one more question!"

"Okay, okay, other people have to ask these questions anyway, and we have to answer them anyway, right?"Hao Zhipeng responded with a fake sigh.

"Let’s answer the first question first, regarding the price of the second-generation home guardian robot. Although we have simplified the hardware and materials on the second-generation home guardian robot, we have updated the second-generation home guardian robot. The operating system of the Guardian robot and the artificial intelligence chip it carries make the second generation of the home Guardian robot even better at handling housework."Hao Zhipeng explained

"And before each second-generation home-use Guardian Robot 15 leaves the factory, we will provide an additional random human facial image, which is equivalent to saving image customization costs."Hao Zhipeng added

"Of course, if users want to define the image of the second-generation home guardian robot themselves, they will still have to pay additional fees under the premise of complying with local laws and our group's regulations."Hao Zhipeng added

"Finally, back to the topic, the price of the second-generation home guardian robot is still 13.33 million Xia Guoyuan in Xiaguo District. The relevant prices in other countries and regions have not yet been determined."Hao Zhipeng mentioned the pricing without any intention of lowering the price.

In fact, the pricing in other countries and regions will also follow the export price of the first-generation home guardian robot, but there is a huge price difference between the two. Hao Zhipeng did not say it directly, thereby avoiding A reporter at the scene raised the issue of seed discrimination and regional discrimination.

"As for the problem of the second-generation home-use Guardian robot backstabbing users who purchased the first-generation home-use Guardian robot, our group has already prepared corresponding solutions."Hao Zhipeng explained the second question.

"Any user around the world who has purchased the first-generation home-use Guardian robot only needs to bear the round-trip transportation costs, and can replace the first-generation home-use Guardian robot with the second-generation home-use Guardian robot for free, and receive one Free virtual human facial image and voice customization solution."Hao Zhipeng said specific solutions

"This is equivalent to the fact that users who purchased the first-generation home-type Guardian robot only need to pay a little shipping fee to get a brand new customized version of the second-generation home-type Guardian robot. Everyone still thinks that the second-generation home-type Guardian robot Did the Guardian robot backstab the first-generation home-use Guardian robot? Hao Zhipeng asked loudly

"Reporter Yang, what do you think of my answer?"Hao Zhipeng looked at Yang Xiaoxiao

"Thank you, Manager Hao, for your answer. Your group’s measures are really great! Yang Xiaoxiao said with praise.

"I would like to invite the next friend who is a journalist from the news media."Hao Zhipeng motioned Miao Yaqing to click on another news media reporter.

Miao Yaqing looked around and she clicked on a news reporter from Neon NHK TV station.

Neon NHK TV station is a pro-Xia TV station; NTV Hong TV station and FUJI Fuji TV station are relatively The TV station was anti-Xia, so Miao Yaqing chose to be a news reporter at NHK TV station

"Hello, Director Hao, I am Gao Anmeijia from Neon NHK TV station. I am very happy to get this opportunity to ask questions."Gao Anmeijia's authentic Xia Mandarin made her become a news reporter for NHK TV station in Xia Kingdom's imperial capital.

"Hello, Gao'an reporter, do you have any questions?"Hao Zhipeng asked

"I would like to ask if your group has ever considered launching a relatively cheap household guardian robot to satisfy some ordinary families. After all, a considerable number of ordinary families need household guardian robots, but cannot afford the high cost."Gao An Meijia asked.

Hao Zhipeng understood the subtext of Gao An Meijia. The other party was indeed a reporter from NHK TV station. He had a pro-Xia attitude. Even if he asked about the price of the home-type guardian robot in Neon, which was too high at 850, he still chose It was a tactful way of asking.

However, neither the question raised by Takagishi Mika nor the problem that Takagishi Mika hinted that home-type guardian robots are too expensive in neon are not problems that Hao Zhipeng can solve. (Read Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because Anliang has always been responsible for the pricing strategy!

Anliang obviously considered more when setting prices.

For example, the problem of the high price of the home-type guardian robot is because if the price of the home-type guardian robot is too high, It will cause a complete collapse of the large-scale middle and low-end labor market.

This situation is absolutely a very bad thing, and Anliang certainly cannot do this.

Even if Anliang wants to do such a thing, sell the home-type guardian robot The price has been lowered to less than 1 million Xia Guoyuan, but it will definitely be banned by the imperial court.

Therefore, no matter which kind of household guardian robot it is, the price is very expensive at present, and there is no possibility of any price reduction!.

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