"I think it can be announced to the public."Zhao Wanxi put forward her own opinion

"Unlike other companies, we currently have the resources to not be afraid of bald eagles blocking us."Zhao Wanxi explained the reason.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group fully learned from the historical lessons of Petal Company being suppressed by the Bald Eagle, so it learned from the Sansang Consortium next door to Corea, and likes to research and manufacture everything by itself. For example The Guardian series robots, from mechanical components to chips, are almost all self-developed and designed, and produced with the help of the military's supply chain. Although some core components are purchased from external sources, such as lidar, millimeter wave radar, depth-of-field cameras, etc. etc., but the manufacturers that provide these core components are all Xia Guo companies.

The Guardian series robots all use Xia Guo technology!

As for the DUV ultraviolet lithography machines produced by Asmail, they are currently in the hands of Dark Core Technology Company , is that considered Xia Guo’s technology?

Currently, Dark Core Technology Company has 128 DUV lithography machines. Although most of them are still being assembled and debugged, these DUV lithography machines have temporarily made Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Get rid of the threat of Bald Eagle's technological blockade

"Bald Eagle will certainly not allow EUV lithography machines to be sold to us, and Bald Eagle also knows that we have DUV lithography machines. Although Bald Eagle has not yet openly blocked us, it has actually begun to restrict it, so I think we Even if Baize artificial intelligence chip is announced, there will be no problems."Zhao Wanxi concluded.

An Liang affirmatively agreed,"You are right. Although Bald Eagle has not banned us on the surface, it has actually started to target us. Since it is impossible for us to obtain an EUV lithography machine, we might as well announce the Baize artificial intelligence chip to boost our business. Give me confidence and disgust the bald eagle."

An Liang added,"Since we are going to announce the Baize artificial intelligence chip, let us also announce the research and development work of the carbon-based chip."

Zhao Wanxi reminded,"Our carbon The carbon-based chip process doesn't seem to be ideal, right?"

An Liang teased, stroking Zhao Wanxi's waist,"You can be more confident and remove it. The research and development of carbon-based chips is still in the trial and error stage, and the wrong directions will be eliminated one by one.."

As the saying goes: Failure is the mother of success.

But the current research and development work of Dark Core Technology Company in the field of carbon-based chips has indeed failed too many times. Although every failure is to eliminate the wrong direction, who knows how many wrong directions there are? one?

Ten thousand?

Or 100 million?

No one knows!

In 2020, the investment in research and development of dark core technology exceeded 24.7 billion Xia Guoyuan, and the human resources expenditure exceeded 2 billion Xia Guoyuan, but the research and development results in the field of carbon-based chips were almost zero.

On the contrary, it has broken through to the 7-nanometer process technology in the field of silicon-based chips, and the yield rate has increased to more than 85%.

This should be: if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

Dark Core Technology's annual R&D budget in 2021 has reached 82 billion Xia Guoyuan.

In the first quarter, 26 billion Xia Guoyuan's R&D funds were consumed, but there were still no important results in the field of carbon-based chips, just some insignificant progress.

Fortunately, An Liang is very patient, and An Liang is not a pure capitalist. He is willing to continuously invest in research and development funds for carbon-based chips. Whether it is 100 billion Xia Guoyuan, 200 billion Xia Guoyuan, or even 1 trillion Xia Guoyuan, An Liang is willing to do it. Keep investing.

This is because Anliang knows very well that current dark core technology cannot take the path of silicon-based chips.

The road to silicon-based chips is dead! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Whether it is the patents of various giant companies blocking the road ahead, or the physical limits hanging overhead, they have completely blocked the road to silicon-based chips.

Therefore, we can only change a track, jump from the silicon-based chip field to the carbon-based chip field, and find a new way out in this new track.

In order to open up a path in the field of carbon-based chips, Anliang will naturally invest money at all costs.

After all, money is just a string of numbers, and Anliang needs to use these numbers to create real resources and technology, otherwise the numbers will fail at critical times.

For example, when Bald Eagle is blocked, Anliang cannot purchase EUV ultraviolet lithography machines digitally.

".So what do we announce?"Zhao Wanxi hesitated

"We can draw the pie first, just like the Bald Eagle and the Northern Bear Country competed with each other during the Cold War. We can throw out the concept of carbon-based chips first and let others know that we (Noble's) are opening up a new track.."An Liang showed a wicked smile.

"As long as we announce carbon-based chips, whether it's Bald Eagle, Europa, or even Neon and Corea, these guys will definitely keep up."An Liang is determined

"After all, if they don't follow, they will be particularly uncomfortable once we gain dominance in the field of carbon-based chips, just like we are currently restricted in the field of silicon-based chips."An Liang has planned an aboveboard conspiracy.

An Liang wants to tell other countries that their Dark Core Technology Company is developing carbon-based chips. Should other countries follow suit?

If they really don't follow suit and enter the field of carbon-based chips, they will fall behind. It’s not a pleasant feeling for people!.

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