In less than a quarter of an hour, the multi-passenger version of the flying motorcycle landed at a temporary parking space on Campus Road, School of Economics, Teito University.

The sound of the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle landing attracted the attention of students passing by. Even students from Imperial University were not exempt from this. After all, the price of flying motorcycles was indeed too expensive.

An Liang walked out of the crew cabin. While sending a message to Zhao Wanxi, he used his cell phone camera to identify the road.

In fact, it was the Tianji artificial intelligence system that assisted Anliang in identifying the route.

An Liang: Wanxi, I'm already here. Where can I find you?

Zhao Wanxi: I manage the banquet hall in the new building in Guanghua.

Zhao Wanxi: Location information: Guanghua Management New Building, Imperial University.

Zhao Wanxi: Where are you?

Zhao Wanxi: I'm coming to find you~ to prevent you from getting lost.

An Liang: It’s okay to get lost...

An Liang: Real-scene navigation.Jpg

An Liang: I have an artificial intelligence system to help with real-scene navigation.

An Liang: Just wait over there. I'll be here in a few minutes.

Zhao Wanxi: Okay.

In fact, even without the live navigation of the Tianji artificial intelligence system, An Liang could easily find the location of Guanghua Management's new building. After all, An Liang was not a social phobia, he would ask for directions.

A few minutes later, An Liang arrived at the new Guanghua Management Building and saw Zhao Wanxi standing outside.

Today, Zhao Wanxi is wearing sportswear, but the sportswear does not cover up Zhao Wanxi's beauty at all. Instead, she feels like a pure school beauty.

An Liang naturally saw Zhao Wanxi and walked over quickly.

Waiting for An Liang to come over, Zhao Wanxi directly held An Liang's arm, not caring about the looks of other students around her. She liked An Liang, so naturally she didn't care about making their relationship public.

"Why did you come out?"An Liang asked casually

"I don't really like the atmosphere inside." Zhao Wanxi responded casually.

An Liang teased,"Is there still someone who doesn't open their eyes?"

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang. Why couldn't she, being so smart, not understand what An Liang meant?

"I just can't stand some of the behavior."Zhao Wanxi responded.

An Liang also understood what Zhao Wanxi meant, and he responded with a smile,"Everyone has their own thoughts. Who are the people inside?"

"I didn't pay attention."Zhao Wanxi responded that she didn't need to know who was inside, because to Zhao Wanxi, these people were basically two worlds apart.

Guanghua Management New Building Banquet Hall.

School leaders of the School of Economics and the invited Business managers were communicating in small groups, and some students from the School of Economics acted as listeners.

One of them, a slightly fat middle-aged man, was talking incessantly. There were more than ten people gathered around him. Everyone complimented the middle-aged man who was speaking

"Lao Zhou, can your production capacity keep up? Tang Jiajun asked casually.

Zhou Quan responded affirmatively,"Don't worry, Mr. Tang, our production capacity will definitely keep up. If Mr. Tang has greater demand, we can also adjust the production capacity quickly and win-win."

Tang Jiajun responded with a smile,"That's good!" We, Imperial Precision, are going to have a big fight with Dream Future. Everyone, please pay attention to avoid falling off the chain. I will definitely not be able to withstand the harsh punishment from Dream Future."

"Mr. Tang, please rest assured!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Tang, we will definitely solve all the problems"

"Mr. Tang, relax! An

Liang looked at Tang Jiajun from a distance, who was scolding Fang Qiu. He smiled and leaned into Zhao Wanxi's ear and said,"There are acquaintances of ours over there!""

"ah?"Zhao Wanxi followed An Liang's prompts and looked over, and then discovered Tang Jiajun.

"Imperial Capital Precision Tang Jiajun?"Zhao Wanxi has a good memory. In addition, Shendu Precision Manufacturing Company is an important partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group and has undertaken a large number of OEM business, so Zhao Wanxi naturally remembers Tang Jiajun.

"Yes, there seems to be a big contrast between this high-spirited Old Tang and the old Tang we know, right?"An Liang said jokingly.

Tang Jiajun always looked attentive and flattering in front of An Liang and Zhao Wanxi, just like a fat translator. As a result, when the scene changed and the crowd around him changed, Tang Jiajun became energetic and scolded Fang. Qiu.

Zhao Wanxi also smiled. This situation is normal. After all, Didu Precision is a very powerful company in Didu.

"Should we go over and say hello?"Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang smiled and shook his head,"It's better not to let Old Tang become a fat translator again, and others will not know how embarrassing it is! Zhao

Wanxi smiled,"Isn't that interesting?""

An Liang raised his eyebrows, does Zhao Wanxi still have such a bad taste?

"Okay, let's go over and say hello."An Liang walked over with Zhao Wanxi.

When An Liang and Zhao Wanxi walked over to Tang Jiajun, Tang Jiajun had already seen the two of them. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately stopped talking, his face He showed an attentive smile, and then trotted towards An Liang and Zhao Wanxi.

He looked like a fat translator...

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