Shengchun Smart Travel Technology Co., Ltd.’s debut on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of the A-market has come to an end, and the final closing price was set at 999 yuan.

The current valuation of Shengchun Smart Travel has created a miracle in the big A market, reaching 9.99 trillion Xia Guoyuan.

This valuation is the highest in the Big A market, leaving other listed companies in the Big A market unqualified to catch up.

Although such a valuation is somewhat artificially high, and the stock price will definitely fall sharply after the A-market reopens next week, at least numerically speaking, Shengchun Smart Travel’s valuation is indeed 9.99 trillion.

In fact, Shengchun Smart Travel’s valuation of 9.99 trillion is not shocking. What really shocked some insiders is that Shengchun Smart Travel Technology Co., Ltd. is just a technology integration and application company under the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. That’s all.

The Shengxing Ping An smart taxi project operated by Shengchun Smart Travel looks very high-end, but in fact all the technologies it possesses are products put together by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

For example, the 060 has an L5 level fully autonomous driving system. It is derived from the intelligent flight control system of the flying motorcycle, coupled with the optimization of the Titan project, and thus transplanted to the Shengxing Ping An smart taxi project.

Another example is the energy system, which also comes from the aluminum-ion battery technology of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Aluminum Ion Battery Technology


This technology seems to have been snatched away by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, but the source of the technology is not important. What is important is that the aluminum-ion battery technology currently belongs to the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

To put it simply, a technology integration and application company under the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has such a high value, so how much is the value of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group that controls the core technology?

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group masters many core technologies!

Graphene lithium-ion battery; aluminum-ion battery; sodium-ion battery; lighthouse project;

Guardian series robot project; flying motorcycle project; graphene reverse osmosis membrane seawater desalination technology;



Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has too many core technologies, and more importantly, these technologies are still being iteratively upgraded.

For example, the flying motorcycle project has now reached its third generation; another example is the guardian robot project, which has also reached its second generation.

At the same time, the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is still exploring new technologies. For example, the new award that Anliang received previously, Wu Chunsheng, who developed the graphene lithium-ion battery, is doing research that is not doing his job.

This unprofessional research is to develop new materials based on graphene technology to achieve a new hydrogen storage technology, avoid hydrogen embrittlement during hydrogen storage, and achieve a safer hydrogen storage method. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Dream Future Graphene Technology Group already has very powerful graphene lithium-ion battery technology, if Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can develop new energy technology based on hydrogen , that is naturally a better thing (ahad).

In addition, the technology of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can also be applied in the military field.

Whether it is the flying motorcycle project, the Guardian robot project, or battery energy technology, they can all be applied in the military field.

In fact, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s flying motorcycle project has now developed a variety of drones in the military field.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group always likes to call its aircraft flying motorcycles. In fact, it is downplaying its military concept to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

But in fact, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does reserve some technologies in the military field and even has the ability to develop equipment in the military field.

For example, the small manned aircraft already equipped by Renyi Safety Company is actually based on the multi-crew version of the flying motorcycle.

Combining these various technologies, and based on Shengchun Smart Travel’s ultra-high valuation of 9.99 trillion Xia Guoyuan, then if we estimate the valuation of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, wouldn’t it be a breakthrough?

It's just that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has no plans to go public at all, and it is impossible to go public.

Listing means openness, and openness means information transparency.

However, much of the information of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not suitable for openness and transparency, such as the source of certain technologies, the identity of shareholders, and the direction of technology research and development, etc.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to go public.

An Liang took another look at the closing stock price of Shengchun Smart Travel, and he smiled. This stock price will stabilize the unity of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

After all, the members of the Sky Bai Yujing Club are not fools. Since Shengchun Smart Travel is so valuable, they who hold the shares of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group will naturally support the Sky Bai Yujing Club and unite closely with An Liang!.

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