The newly established tax category [providing transportation industry services based on intelligent driving systems] by the National Taxation Department is major news for Shengchun Smart Travel, and the big A market also gave positive feedback.

At 10:37 in the morning, Shengchun Smart Travel’s share price had reached a height of 539.96 Xia Guoyuan, but it also stopped at this price.

The reason why Shengchun Smart Travel's stock price stopped at this price is not simply because of market concerns, but also because Shengchun Smart Travel has too few circulating shares.

Although Shengchun Smart Travel previously released another 1% of its shares into the circulation market, all these 100 million shares were directly swallowed up by major customers, leaving no chance for ordinary shareholders at all.

Therefore, there is still a lack of circulating shares in the market.

In view of this situation, Anliang is prepared to release a certain amount of tradable shares as the market changes to reserve funds for Shengchun Smart Travel.

The subsequent development of Shengchun Smart Travel requires a large amount of funds, including the establishment of ultra-large comprehensive service stations across the country, the purchase of more Shengxing Ping An smart taxis, further research and development of new generation smart driving technology, etc.

These all cost a lot of money!

What's more critical is that Shengchun Smart Travel also needs to support the Tianqiong plan, so Shengchun Smart Travel requires a large amount of capital reserves.

This time, Anliang did not notify the members of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club in advance, but planned to directly invest the shares of Shengchun Smart Travel in the big A market, thereby stimulating the big A market.

At 10:50 in the morning, Anliang offered 100 million Shengchun Smart Travel shares at a time at a listing price of 540 yuan per share.

One minute later, Anliang once again listed 100 million shares of Shengchun Smart Travel at a listing price of 545 yuan per share, and another minute later, for the third time, at a stock price of 550 yuan per share. One hundred million shares of Shengchun Smart Travel were listed.

As a result, three super sell orders for 100 million shares of Shengchun Smart Travel suddenly appeared on the big A market, and the listing prices all exceeded the current stock price.

After the three super large sell orders were placed, both small retail investors and financial institutions all chose to wait and see and did not act immediately.

Ron Klein of Berkshire Hathaway looked at the three super sell orders. He gritted his teeth, sneered and said to himself,"Dennis, that idiot, will definitely regret it!

" The risk control director of Xir Hathaway, Ron reported to the top before, hoping to obtain greater funding authorization to purchase more Shengchun Smart Travel stocks.

But such an application was rejected by Dennis on the grounds that the risk was too great.

After all, the stock price of Shengchun Smart Travel is already high enough now. What if Shengchun Smart Travel is caused by Anxin Investment Company again this time?

Berkshire Hathaway suffered too much at the hands of Anxin Investment Company, so Dennis was particularly cautious!

However, Berkshire Hathaway is being cautious, while Neon's financial institutions and consortiums are beginning to make secret arrangements.

The Neon Consortium has a lot of overseas assets, and they mobilize funds very quickly. After the Neon Consortium prepares sufficient funds, it will make a one-time move to avoid raising the stock price and thereby increasing the cost of building a position. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the big A market, when Anliang continuously released 300 million shares of Shengchun Smart Travel stock, it also severely suppressed the stock price of Shengchun Smart Travel..

After all, a super sell order of 300 million shares was placed at one time. Some retail investors were worried that Shengchun Smart Travel was cutting leeks, so they simply chose to leave the market early.

If retail investors choose to leave the market early, they naturally have to sell at a lower price to achieve rapid transactions.

When there was a record of successful trading of Shengchun Smart Travel's stocks in the big A market at a lower price, the real-time stock price was naturally depressed a little.

However, this situation did not affect Anliang at all, and Anliang had no intention of adjusting prices.

The rise and fall of stock prices is originally a battle between many-to-many English auctions and Dutch auctions in compliance with the three major principles of the stock market.

The so-called three major principles of the stock market are: price priority, time priority, volume priority.

Taking the current situation of Shengchun 230 Smart Travel as an example, Anliang placed 300 million shares of Shengchun Smart Travel at prices of 540 yuan, 545 yuan, and 550 yuan respectively.

If individual investor A and individual investor C both want to buy the stock of Shengchun Smart Travel at a price of 540 yuan, refer to individual investor A and individual investor C who places a buy order first, and then whose purchase order will be processed first. Place an order.

For example, individual investor A placed a buy order of 540 yuan for Shengchun Smart Travel at 10:50:03, and individual investor C placed the same buy order at 10:50:04.

The brokerage firm in the big market A will give priority to the buy orders of individual investor A.

If the number of sell orders posted by Anliang is relatively small, it is possible that individual investor A bought the shares of Shengchun Smart Travel, while individual investor C could not buy the shares of Shengchun Smart Travel.

This is the so-called [time priority] principle..

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