Faced with Zachary's inquiry, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan responded with a message.

Greedy: We have a surprise for you!

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculator believes that after Zachary knows the answer, he will definitely be very satisfied with their arrangement, because their arrangement is indeed very reasonable and not for making money.

Greedy: For once, you choose drugs, and $150,000 in legal funds, right?

Zachary looked at the message sent by No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation. He took a deep breath and finally replied to the message with certainty.

ZKK: I'm sure!

As for the surprise mentioned by No. 4 Tianji Shensuan, Zachary only hoped that it wouldn't be a shock!

Greedy: Received.

Greedy: We will send you an invitation letter for the second phase clinical trial of Miracle Danshen Pills through Anxin Life Sciences Group, inviting you to accept the clinical trial in Bald Eagle. This invitation letter will solve the problem of how you explain it to your wife. trouble.

Greedy: But in order to avoid accidents, we hope you can convince your wife to keep this matter secret.

Greedy: After all, you have a special status. We did not directly arrange for your son to go to Xia Kingdom for treatment. In fact, it was also based on your status.

Zachary looked at the other party's unabashed confession that he knew his identity. What else could he do besides sighing secretly?

But the other party actually thought about how to explain it to his wife. It seems that the other party still wants to take advantage of him, right?

Zachary is not afraid of being used, Zachary is only afraid of being useless.

ZKK: Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I will convince my wife.

Greedy: If there are no other questions, we will start preparing the relevant rewards, and we will tell you the follow-up situation through a confidential email.

ZKK: I have no questions.

After the two parties ended the communication, in less than a minute, Zachary received an invitation from Anxin Life Sciences Group in his personal email. He quickly read the specific content.

This invitation letter included the treatment plan provided by Anxin Life Sciences Group, and asked Zachary's son to provide relevant heart rate and pulse data, health status, etc., as well as confidentiality clauses, and US$20 million. Sky-high liquidated damages limits.

Zachary looked at the invitation and made sure there was no problem. He walked into the kitchen and saw his wife cooking. He proactively said,"Mary, come here."

Mary asked in confusion,"What's the matter? Is it something? I'm busy now."

"You turn off the heat first. I have something important to discuss with you."Zachary said solemnly.

Mary was silent for a moment before turning off the flame on the stove. She took a deep breath and asked,"Is that right?...Are we broke?"

Zachary didn't answer. He directly pulled Mary to the sofa in the living room, and then motioned Mary to check the invitation for the second phase clinical trial of Miracle Salvia Pills sent by Anxin Life Sciences Group on her laptop.

"Honey, look what this is?"Zachary put his hands on Mary's shoulders.

Mary also knew about Anxin Life Sciences Group and Miracle Salvia Pills, because Miracle Salvia Pills once became famous on the Internet, and it was accompanied by debates about regional discrimination and seed discrimination. (Watch the storm. For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, whether it is regional discrimination or seed discrimination, it has not affected Anxin Life Sciences Group’s highly respected status in the field of heart disease.

"We got a place in the second phase clinical trial of Anxin Life Sciences Group’s Miracle Danshen Pills?"Mary looked at Zachary in surprise.

Zachary nodded affirmatively,"Of course!"

"However, this clause requires us to keep it confidential, conduct remote clinical trials, and provide relevant data."Zachary warned.

Mary responded without hesitation,"These are small things. Let's agree to each other quickly. I have investigated Anxin Life Sciences Group and their drugs are very safe and not dangerous. Listen. It is said that those medicines have been used in Xia Kingdom for thousands of years."[]

"But the liquidated damages of 20 million are a bit too high, I'm worried..."It's hard for Zachary to do the same thing.

Mary responded with a snort,"As long as we don’t say anything, we won’t break the contract!"

"In this case, I will reply to the message immediately."Zachary replied.

Waiting for Zachary's reply to the email, he then received a reply from Anxin Life Sciences Group, stating that they had included Zachary's son Peter Kolar in Miracle Salvia Pills After the secret personnel of the second phase clinical trial, Mary jumped with excitement

"Very good!"Mary said happily

"Zachary, this is great!"Mary pulled Zachary, her face was full of joy.

Seeing his wife's happy look, Zachary was also infected, and he responded affirmatively,"It's really great!"

Until this moment, Zachary felt that he was not wrong. He was just fighting for a chance for his son. What was wrong with him?

As for betraying the national interests of the Bald Eagle?

When he was in despair, he needed help. Where was the bald eagle?.

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