Chen Hai is a member of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's deep dive program. He has been lurking in the Xia Kingdom for a long time, so he has naturally heard about Renyi Security Company.

Chen Hai is very aware of the power of Renyi Security Company. If he wants to confront Renyi Security Company head-on, Chen Hai feels that he has no chance of winning.

Therefore, Chen Hai hoped that after reporting the situation at Tianjin Port, he could escape unscathed.

After all, if he was left exposed, he would be dead.

Deep Dive No. 7: Urgent information!

Deep Diving No. 7: SCT-004-911-22011

This string of codes is Chen Hai’s identification code to prevent others from impersonating him.

Center No. 3: CCT-300-110-99511

Center No. 3: What is the emergency?

The liaison officer responsible for single-line contact with Chen Hai first gave his identification code and then asked about the situation.

Deep Dive No. 7: I just discovered that [Target R] behaved abnormally at Tianjin Port.

Chen Hai explained the identity review by Renyi Security Company.

Deep Dive No. 7: If there is no accident, I will definitely be exposed tomorrow. How should I deal with it now?

Center No. 3: Are you sure that the target will definitely transport goods through Tianjin Port?

Deep Dive 7: Unable to determine.

Deep Dive No. 7: But I found that the situation at Tianjin Port has changed. The security defense level has been improved a lot, and this time it is also promoting the identity review and screening of all personnel. I suspect that this is Renyi Security Company behind the scenes, so Renyi Security The public has a high probability of choosing Tianjin Port as the transportation point.

Center 3: Your analysis makes sense, but we can’t be sure.

Center No. 3: I'll report it to the headquarters first. Please wait a moment.

Deep Dive 7: Received.

Chen Hai waited uneasily. He was not willing to stay. After all, who wants to die?

After waiting for almost five minutes, Chen Hai finally received a reply message from the single-line contact [Center No. 3].

Center No. 3: Are you sure [Target R is conducting the identity verification of all personnel operating at Tianjin Port?

Deep Dive 7: I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s them.

Deep Dive No. 7: My cover of identity is not perfect. Once the identity verification is conducted tomorrow, my identity will definitely be exposed!

Deep Dive No. 7: If my identity is exposed, I don’t know the consequences.

A former employee of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, previously codenamed"Albatross", rebelled, causing huge losses to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau. There are rumors within the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau that Renyi Security Company instigated the rebellion of"Albatross".

Therefore, Chen Hai gave a subtle reminder that if the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau asked him to execute the death plan, he could not guarantee the result.

Center No. 3: Let me ask about the follow-up tasks of the headquarters.

After almost three minutes, Center No. 3 sent another message.

Center No. 3: The headquarters agrees with your request for evacuation, but the headquarters wants you to stay in Tianjin and observe the situation at Tianjin Port from a distance.

Center No. 3: In addition, the headquarters is worried that your departure from Tianjin Port will arouse the suspicion of Renyi Security Company. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Deep Dive No. 7: I just joined the job yesterday and am a temporary worker. It is normal not to go here under such circumstances. (bhdh)

Deep Dive No. 7: Even if my departure aroused the suspicion of [Target R, the level of suspicion is far less than if I was caught on the spot.

Theoretically, it is exactly as Chen Hai said.

But it's a pity that Chen Hai's fictitious identity has been discovered long ago. The news he heard from the porter was actually the news that was made known to him after careful calculation. thus forcing Chen Hai to react[]

Chen Hai thought he had discovered the actions of Renyi Security Company in advance, but in fact everything was planned by Renyi Security Company behind the scenes.

Center No. 3: In this case, please refer to the opinions of the headquarters. You will temporarily withdraw from Tianjin Port and continue to monitor Tianjin Port from a distance. Once the target is determined, report as soon as possible!

Deep Dive No. 7: Got it!

After Chen Hai finished communicating with the only one-line contact of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, he breathed a long sigh of relief. At least the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau did not let him die.

Chen Hai, who breathed a sigh of relief, went to the bathroom to take a shower. He was going to completely cleanse his disguise before changing his identity and leaving.

However, after Chen Hai entered the bathroom, in a room opposite Chen Hai, two employees of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau were observing Chen Hai's room through infrared thermal radiation detectors.

"Number 7 has already entered the bathroom, shall we execute the tail docking plan?"One of the surveillance personnel asked.

Another surveillance personnel replied with a smile,"No. 7 was indeed cautious enough to discover the target's actions in advance, but he forgot one thing. He himself is the biggest suspect."

"In addition, he dared to threaten the headquarters, how could the headquarters let him go?"The latter surveillance officer added.

The former surveillance officer seconded,"Only after he dies unexpectedly will this doubt disappear!"

"Should I go or should you go?"The latter surveillance officer asked

"I recommend going along!"The former surveillance officer responded

"Prevent accidents?"The latter surveillance officer joked...

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