Xia Kingdom, a transit station on the northern border.

This includes border inspection points, border freight transfer stations, border train inspection stations, etc.

The train track parameters of Xia Country and Beixiong Country are different, so cross-border trains need to change the chassis at the Beifeng Border Transfer Station.

Secondly, the imported and exported goods must also be comprehensively inspected here, including the corresponding means of transportation, to ensure that no contraband enters or exits the border crossing.

At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, without all the staff at the northern border transfer station feeling anything, the smart city project went online quietly and took over all security monitoring systems.

As the security monitoring system of the northern border transfer station was taken over, the human facial feature recognition system and the human behavior dynamic feature recognition system were simultaneously launched, and everyone in the entire northern border transfer station began to be identified through the security monitoring system.

Whether they are staff at the northern border transfer station, passengers waiting for the bus, or other freight-related staff, they are all being silently reviewed by the security monitoring system.

Such reviews are conducted quietly, with all data sent to the National Security Bureau, which is linked to the national population database for verification.

If there are no problems after verification, no private information will be fed back to Renyi Security Company. If there are problems, the National Security Investigation Bureau will feed back relevant information.

However, if the National Security Investigation Agency does not feedback relevant data but the smart city project discovers anomalies, further investigation will still be conducted.

For example, the smart city project discovered through the security monitoring system that Target A was behaving abnormally, including but not limited to wandering around the northern border transfer station, being sneaky, etc.

Once such a situation occurs, even if the information fed back by the National Security Investigation Agency shows that there is no problem with Target A, Target A will still be targeted by the smart city project.

The northern border transfer station is not large in scale. Less than half an hour after the smart city project was launched quietly, all personnel at the northern border transfer station were screened and reviewed.

In particular, relevant staff have been set up separate files by the smart city project, so that each staff member can be continuously reviewed.

Imperial City, National Security Investigation Agency.

Shi Feng, a technical elite in the information security class, is checking relevant information checked from the national population database.

The National Security Bureau does not allow Renyi Security Company to directly connect to the national population database in order to prevent Renyi Security Company from controlling the national population data information.

Huang Guoxiang walked to Shi Feng and asked casually,"Xiao Shi, is there any problem with the information sent over there?"

"has a problem! There are serious problems with the information of two of them."Shi Feng responded immediately, and retrieved relevant information while responding.

"This person named Li Hua joined the transport worker position at the northern border transfer station yesterday. There is a big problem with his information."Shi Feng explained

"According to the information sent over there, Li Hua should look like this."Shi Feng showed the screenshot of the surveillance video sent by Renyi Security Company.

"But according to the information we obtained from the national population database, Li Hua should look like this."Shi Feng showed the pictures from the national population database again.

"We have ruled out factors such as duplicate names, image errors, and incorrect ID numbers, so we judge that this Li Hua should have been impersonated by someone else. Shi Feng added.

Huang Guoxiang immediately asked,"Has this guy's identity been matched through human facial feature recognition in the national population database?""

Although Huang Guoxiang doesn't understand very sophisticated technology, he still knows a thing or two about comparing the database through the human facial feature recognition system.

Shi Feng responded negatively,"We have traversed the national population database twice, and there is still no one. Matches [fake Li Hua]"

"But we investigated the situation of fake Li Hua and discovered a more serious problem!" Shi Feng added

"A more serious problem?"Huang Guoxiang raised his eyebrows

"We found that the fake Li Hua inherited all the identity information of the real Li Hua, including the mobile phone card and bank account opened using Li Hua’s identity."Shi Feng explained

"Among them, the time for opening a mobile phone card account has been traced back to 16 months ago, and the bank card was also processed at the same time. The processing location is Baihe City (Noma Zhao) in the north.)"Shi Feng added

"We traced the traces of the real Li Hua's life and also traced them to Baihe City." Shi Feng added. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Huang Guoxiang frowned,"You mean that when we were in White Crane City, the fake Li Hua replaced the real Li Hua, thus pretending to be Li Hua all the time. Huayi?"

"Yes, the life trajectory before the counterfeit Li Hua has been in Baihe City. All his records are normal. He works honestly and lives an ordinary life. If the counterfeit Li Hua's identity hadn't been sent over this time, we wouldn't have known him at all. I would pay attention to such an ordinary person." Shi Feng explained.

Huang Guoxiang understood what Shi Feng meant. There must be something wrong with this Li Hua!

So Huang Guoxiang asked,"What do you think?".

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