Bai Yue understands what An Liang means. Whether some of the part-time poor students in Yu Yue can stay in Yu Yue will depend on this due diligence work.

"Classmate An, I can help you handle this matter myself. You don’t need to..."Bai Yue said there was no need for donations.

Anyway, the Animal Star Rescue Foundation is also good. Yuyue donated charity to the Animal Star Rescue Foundation. Doesn’t that mean that the left hand should be given to the right hand?

An Liang interrupted Bai Yue,"Yuyue and the Animal Star Rescue Foundation operate independently of each other, and the Animal Star Rescue Foundation is a non-profit organization. We cannot use the resources of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation to deal with Yuyue's affairs for free." An

Liang knew that Animal The Star Rescue Foundation’s teams on each campus are basically composed of volunteers, and they volunteer to help the Animal Star Rescue Foundation rescue stray animals.

"For those who participate in the due diligence work this time, we at Yuyue will also distribute points worth a total of 200,000 Xia Guoyuan. You can make your own arrangements based on the due diligence situation."An Liang added.

Bai Yue was a little confused. She understood what An Liang meant. If Yu Yue directly used the resources of the Animal Star Rescue Foundation for free, there would indeed be some criticism.

But An Liang gave too much, right?

Although in Yu Yue, There are more than 200 part-time employees, but according to the price given by Anliang, the due diligence work of each part-time employee costs more than 3,000 yuan.

This investigation cost can be completely hired by a professional investigation company, and the price will be cheaper

"Is it too much to give?"Bai Yue hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

Faced with Bai Yue's inquiry, An Liang replied with a smile,"Then complete this due diligence work well."

"good."Bai Yue nodded seriously.

"By the way, does Bai Yue have anything to do after school?"An Liang asked knowingly.

Even if Bai Yue had something to do after school, Bai Yue would only answer that there was nothing.

That was indeed the case.

After school, Bai Yue was supposed to go to the second phase of the Animal Planet Protection Home to check on the progress, but An Liang asked Afterwards, Bai Yue responded directly in the negative,"I have nothing to do.""

"How about having dinner together?"An Liang suggested.

Bai Yue was secretly happy in her heart, with a look of joy on her face, and she answered quickly and firmly,"Okay."

"What do you want to eat?"An Liang asked

"Can we go to Daliangshan Brazier BBQ?"Bai Yue looked at An Liang expectantly.

Last semester, An Liang took Bai Yue to have a brazier barbecue at Daliang Mountain. Bai Yue missed the time when she and An Liang had brazier barbecue together.

Because at that time, for a moment, Bai Yue felt She has An Liang.

Even if it's just for a moment.

Even if it's just an illusion.

Even the illusion will be fleeting.

But Bai Yue is already satisfied. Her wish is very humble, just to stay with An Liang.

Faced with Bai Yue's proposal, An Liang nodded slightly,"No problem."

When An Liang agreed, Bai Yue felt that the whole world became gentle, but time also became longer. She looked forward to finishing class early, but felt that every minute and every second was as long as January of a year.

307 Dormitory group, Anliang sends messages casually...,..,...,..,...,.., this Ma Long is very self-aware, he really can't control the school girls Shen Shizhong befriends!.

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