Faced with Song Yuanhang's inquiry, Liang Junwei hesitated for a moment, then shook his head in denial,"I'm sorry, Mr. Song, I still don't understand.""

"Then I will use an inappropriate example to illustrate the corresponding problem."Song Yuanhang responded

"If Reporter Liang imagined murdering me, is this illegal? Song Yuanhang began to give examples.

Liang Junwei replied jokingly,"Attempted murder is a crime!""

Song Yuanhang answered negatively,"Although attempted murder is a crime, but just thinking about it, there is no problem. Now based on this idea, Reporter Liang began to implement it, such as buying a kitchen knife, and then in order to murder me, Reporter Liang began to visit places to observe my activities."

Liang Junwei nodded in agreement,"This assumption is very reasonable. It is indeed necessary to observe the target's condition before finding the opportunity for a fatal blow."

Song Yuanhang smiled and shook his head,"This is indeed a reasonable criminal mentality, but such behavior will inevitably be marked as suspicious by the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project, and will be focused on it."

"If Reporter Liang had just observed and then given up on further observation and further action, then this matter would have dissipated without a trace like smoke. But if Reporter Liang wanted to take further action, then the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project would definitely They will make corresponding judgments and even arrange traps in advance waiting for Reporter Liang to jump in." Song Yuanhang explained.

Liang Junwei was surprised,"Can the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project do this?"

"certainly!" Song Yuanhang responded,"Look at our current crime detection rate. Among the nine districts in the main city, except for Beiyu District, Shafu District, and Jiudukou, the detection rate is 98%. The detection rate of other districts exceeds 99%, and the detection rate of Zhongyu District even reaches 100%."

"Take the case of flour trading crimes as an example. Now there is no case of flour trading crimes in the nine districts of the main city. Because the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project focuses on combating this crime, once there is suspicion of flour trading, not only will It is focused on by the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project, and the artificial intelligence system will also call our police officers to deal with it together."Song Yuanhang added

"In fact, the most critical point is that once the criminals are identified, it is impossible for them to leave Shengqing, because Shengqing's long-distance bus station, train station, and international airport have all updated their security monitoring systems. The current security The surveillance system has reached the level of coverage without blind spots. How can criminals escape?"Song Yuanhang added

"As for leaving Shengqing by self-driving, it is also impossible, because all of our road traffic safety monitoring systems in Shengqing are connected to the smart city project. The safety monitoring systems along the way, the ETC payment system, and the toll station monitoring system are all covered. Identify the driver and passengers. Song Yuanhang revealed some information.

Liang Junwei asked,"What if someone else is allowed to drive and the criminal hides in the trunk?""

Song Yuanhang glanced at Liang Junwei, and he responded,"Reporter Liang's question is a bit tricky. This question involves the confidentiality clause of the smart city project. I can't say too much, but I can tell you one thing. In smart city, Similar cases have occurred since the city project went online. There were three cases in total, all of which were discovered by the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project, and all criminals were arrested."

"So please don’t take any chances. The artificial intelligence system of the smart city project is more powerful than everyone thinks. It is precisely because of this that our crime detection rate can be as high as over 98%, and the average detection time is no more than 24 hours."Song Yuanhang reminded.

The news media practitioners on the scene discussed in low voices the ultra-high crime detection rate announced by the Shengqing Patrol Station.

Such a high crime detection rate, and the ultra-high efficiency of the average detection time of no more than 24 hours, These news media practitioners were full of shock and suspicion.

If these data were false, the news media practitioners present could not figure out why the Shengqing Patrol Headquarters would reveal a false news?

So the only answer is that these data must be true. Yes!

However, if these data are true, wouldn’t it be too scary?

"Please be quiet. Song Yuanhang signaled the news media practitioners at the scene to be quiet,"I guess everyone is discussing whether the data we released are true or false, right?""

The news media practitioners present all looked at Song Yuanhang. They really suspected that the data released by the Shengqing Patrol Station was falsified. After all, these data looked too fake, right?

"I can only say that all the data we published are true. When the smart city project comes online, our Shengqing has become the safest city in Asia!"Song Yuanhang said confidently.

The news media practitioners present took pictures and recorded Song Yuanhang's bold words. This is big news!

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