Thousands of meters in the air.

Inside the Gulfstream G650ER business jet, Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing were exchanging gossip information. An Liang took out his mobile phone to read the news.

The global situation has been a bit strange recently, and the development of the entire world has taken a completely different direction from what it once was.

For example, the original WTO World Trade Organization now has a very weak sense of existence.

Another example is that the concepts of global village and global integration that were once promoted are also falling apart.

In the commercial field, the concept of global foundries is also weakening, and the development momentum of regional economies is getting stronger and stronger.

If An Liang was an ordinary person, he would naturally not need to pay attention to these changes, but since An Liang controls a huge amount of wealth and resources, he would naturally need to pay attention to these changes.

Because any slight change may affect Anliang's industrial chain.

For example, the overseas agricultural planting base plan is mainly carried out in Africa. If turmoil occurs in Africa, it is very likely to affect the promotion of the overseas agricultural planting base plan.

When An Liang was watching the news on his mobile phone, he received a message from the Tianji artificial intelligence system:

【Data on the number of crimes and crime detection rates in Shengqing after the smart city project went online]

An Liang directly clicked on the information to view the details. This information details the seventeen days before and after the smart city project in Shengqing went online. Data comparison.

Looking at the relevant data, An Liang raised his eyebrows because he was as shocked by this data as Song Yuanhang.

‘It’s so powerful! 'An Liang sighed at the performance of the Tianji artificial intelligence system in the smart city project


Shengqing Patrol Headquarters, large conference room, press conference site.

Reporters from local news media in Shengqing, as well as reporters from national television stations, as well as a large number of self-media practitioners, all gathered in the large conference room to wait for the news to be released by the Shengqing Patrol Headquarters.

Liang Junwei, a news reporter from the national TV news channel, stood next to Zhou Lu, a reporter from the Shengqing TV news channel. He lowered his voice and asked,"Sister Zhou, is there any inside information about this press conference at the Shengqing Patrol Headquarters?"

Zhou Lu complained. Said,"Don't say I don't have inside information. If I have inside information, will I tell you?""

"Is Sister Zhou too heartless?"Liang Junwei pretended to be pitiful.

Zhou Lu hummed and teased,"I still like your arrogant look!"

In fact, Liang Junwei and Zhou Lu are friends, and their relationship is quite good. When they joke, Liang Junwei likes to pretend to be arrogant and explain that he is a reporter from the national TV news channel, thus expressing his contempt for the Shengqing TV news reporter.

Facing Zhou Liang Junwei quickly raised his hands to surrender,"I was wrong, I was wrong."

The self-media practitioners at the scene also gathered together in twos and threes to discuss in low voices the reasons why the Shengqing Patrol Station held a press conference. Under normal circumstances, the patrol station would not hold a press conference at all. At most, it would only issue an announcement online through its official account..

But this time the Shengqing Patrol Station not only held a press conference, but also proactively notified a large number of media, and even the self-media was notified. At

11:15 in the morning.

Chief Inspector Song Yuanhang of the Shengqing Patrol Station led a group of When everyone walked into the conference room, he walked directly to the main podium in the conference room, then picked up the microphone and said hello.

"Hello everyone, my name is Song Yuanhang. Welcome all friends in the media industry to pay attention to our press conference."Song Yuanhang first expressed his welcome

"I guess everyone must be very curious as to why our Shengqing Patrol Headquarters holds a press conference and what information we will announce at the press conference, right?"Song Yuanhang deliberately sold it out.

"Does everyone know about the smart city project?"Song Yuanhang changed the question.

The news media practitioners on the scene all responded affirmatively. At present, there are very few people in the main urban area of ​​Shengqing who do not know about the smart city project.

"Have you ever thought about what the smart city project will bring to us in Shengqing after it goes online?"Song Yuanhang added another question.

Liang Junwei raised his right hand high, indicating that he wanted to speak.

Song Yuanhang naturally saw that the microphone in Liang Junwei's hand had the logo of the National Television Station, so he clicked on Liang Junwei,"This journalist friend Any ideas?"

"Hello, Mr. Song, I am Liang Junwei, a news reporter based in Shengqing of the National Television News Channel. Liang Junwei introduced himself first.

Song Yuanhang nodded slightly,"What changes does Reporter Liang think the smart city project has brought to Shengqing?""

Liang Junwei responded,"From my personal experience, the biggest change is the traffic congestion. I have lived in Shengqing for a long time, and I am deeply aware of the traffic congestion in Shengqing, especially during the morning peak and evening peak hours. The situation simply makes people doubt their life"

"But since the smart city project went online, I found that the traffic congestion in Shengqing has been greatly alleviated, whether it is the morning peak or the evening peak, all have been effectively alleviated."Liang Junwei added

"For example, I work in the Information Industry Park in Beiyu District. I live in Shafu District. I get off work at 5:30 every afternoon. It used to take at least an hour to return from the Information Industry Park in Beiyu District to Shafu District, and even when it was particularly congested. It takes an hour and a half, but after the smart city project went online, my commuting time was reduced by at least a quarter of an hour."Liang Junwei still uses his own experience as an example.

Calculated based on the longest commuting time of one and a half hours, if it is only reduced by a quarter of an hour, it is equivalent to a reduction of one-sixth of the commuting time, which is equivalent to an increase of about ten percent. Commuting efficiency of six.

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