Faced with the question of suspected confidentiality clauses prompted by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system, Deng Chengping quickly refused,"Since it is very complicated, there is no need to explain it. I just ask, if something like this happens again next time, the system can predict it in advance." Solved?"

"sure."Zhitianming artificial intelligence system answered affirmatively.

"The system can not only predict human trafficking cases in advance, but also identify a variety of criminal behaviors, including but not limited to theft, robbery, forced buying and selling, personal injury, etc."Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System Description

"It would be great!"Deng Chengping replied with a smile on his face,"I need a copy of our Shengqing's criminal records after the smart city project goes online."

"Sorry, Webmaster Deng, your authority is insufficient. The system can only provide you with criminal record information in Beiyu District."Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System responded.

Deng Chengping is only the chief of the Beiyu District Patrol Station, not the chief arrester of the Shengqing Patrol Station. Naturally, he cannot obtain the criminal record information of the entire Shengqing

"What should I do if I want to get the corresponding information?"Deng Chengping asked

"You need to contact Chief Song Yuanhang of the Shengqing Patrol Station and Deputy Chief Huang Jie to obtain joint authorization. If you need record information related to traffic accidents, you also need to obtain authorization from the director of the transportation department, Zhong Xueming."The Zhitianming artificial intelligence system listed the information that required authorization.

Deng Chengping thought about it for a moment before responding,"Wait a moment."

Deng Chengping immediately contacted Song Yuanhang. After waiting for the call to be connected, Deng Chengping spoke first,"Captain Song, I have a case report about Dongfang Yuan...."

Song Yuanhang directly interrupted Deng Chengping,"I received the report from the Zhitianming System, and I also read the briefing."

"Well..."Deng Chengping was stunned for a moment, and then added,"I would like to apply to the Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System to extract the criminal record information of our entire Shengqing after the smart city project goes online."

Deng Chengping explained,"I feel this This data should be very nice. After all, this time a human trafficking case occurred in our Beiyu District, it was predicted in advance by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system. In addition, many of our previous cases were also solved by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system, so I I guess the crime detection rate will be very good."

"If we hold a press conference to announce Shengqing's crime detection rate and publicize the role of smart city projects, it will effectively enhance the city image of Shengqing."Deng Chengping explained his purpose.

After Song Yuanhang heard Deng Chengping's statement, his eyes lit up,"What a great idea! This matter will be left to our main station to handle. Our main station will commend your Beiyu station for your contribution at the press conference."

"..."Deng Chengping was speechless

"Anything else?"Song Yuanhang asked.

What else can Deng Chengping say?

This matter should have been handled by the Shengqing Patrol Station. After all, isn't it natural for the Shengqing Patrol Station to release the criminal record information and crime detection rate of the entire Shengqing? Is it something?

It would be a bit inappropriate to ask the Beiyu District Patrol Station to report the criminal record information and crime detection rate of the entire Shengqing

"How should we deal with the two suspects in this human trafficking incident?"Deng Chengping asked.

Song Yuanhang responded,"Of course it must be dealt with severely!"

"clear!"Deng Chengping answered affirmatively.

After waiting for the call to end, Deng Chengping sighed helplessly, but there was nothing he could do.

Shengqing Patrol Headquarters.

After Song Yuanhang ended the call, he immediately contacted the Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System,"System, I need a smart city After the project is launched, our criminal record information in Shengqing needs to be comprehensively compared with previous criminal record information, as well as specific data on the crime detection rate."

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Song, the system is sorting out the corresponding information."The Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System replied.

About five seconds later, the Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System sent out a prompt message,"Captain Song, the corresponding information will be sent to your computer. Please open the police system to view it."

The smart city project is connected to the Shengqing police system, and the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system can naturally connect to the police system.

Song Yuanhang immediately checked the [crime rate comparison information before and after the smart city project was launched] sent by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system.

Shengqing The smart city project was launched on February 16th. Today is March 5th, and the online operation time is seventeen days. The comparison of criminal record information by the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system also uses February 16th as the center point, and intercepts were taken before and after It took seventeen days to make the comparison.

Song Yuanhang quickly checked the crime record information comparison data, as well as the crime detection rate. These data are hard to understand, but they are shocking at first glance.

Because these data are so amazing!

The smart city project is online After that, the crime rate in Shengqing dropped to a great extent, and the detection rate increased a lot.

"System, are you sure the information you provide is true and reliable?"Faced with such gorgeous data, Song Yuanhang couldn't help but question it.

After all, the corresponding data was too outrageous!

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