‘Yang Maoyi: Youtube does not agree with our offer’

‘An Liang: It’s normal for YouTube to disagree. '

It would be weird if Youtube agreed!

After all, considering the human resource cost gap between Bald Eagle and Xia Guo, plus the source language gap of"Xia Guo Restaurant" being Xia Guoyu, it is impossible for YouTube to personally produce translated subtitles and translation dubbing in 60 languages. It is also impossible to spend 600 Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

An Liang estimates that YouTube's translation production costs may be between 3.5 million and 4 million.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for YouTube to agree to Yang Maoyi’s translation and production quotation of US$6 million.

‘An Liang: What quote did YouTube reply to?’

‘Yang Maoyi: Your Majesty, can you give me a guess?’

‘An Liang: Is there something to be done with again?’

‘Yang Maoyi: If the king guesses correctly, I will...King, you understand!’

‘An Liang: What do I understand?’

‘Yang Maoyi: [Picture: Daji COS Clothing]’

‘Yang Maoyi: Does your Majesty understand? Looking at the COS costume pictures sent by Yang Maoyi, An Liang sighed in his heart, this little vixen is really good at it!

‘An Liang: Youtube will definitely not agree to the translation production quotation of 6 million US dollars, and we will definitely not accept the translation production cost of 2 million US dollars, so the price will definitely be between 2 million US dollars and 6 million US dollars.’

‘Yang Maoyi: Your Majesty!’

‘Yang Maoyi: Your guess is too broad. The difference between the king’s guess and the actual quotation can only be 200,000 at most.’

‘An Liang: OK!’

‘An Liang: We still conduct analysis based on translation costs.’

‘An Liang: I learned about the translation cost of Bald Eagle, which is about twice as much as ours.’

‘An Liang: Based on this cost as the anchor point, and based on the comprehensive analysis of Youtube’s last quotation, Youtube’s quotation may double this time.’

‘An Liang: However, considering that Youtube will also think that we are in Xiaguo District, thereby reducing translation costs, the other party will definitely lower the price.’

‘An Liang: Based on the above circumstances, I guess a price of 3 million US dollars. According to your rules, as long as Youtube’s offer is between 2.8 million US dollars and 3.2 million US dollars, I will win, right?’

‘An Liang: So what is the final quote? Yang

Maoyi looked at An Liang's analysis with joy in her eyes, because An Liang's analysis was very reasonable. Seeing An Liang being so powerful, Yang Maoyi naturally felt proud and happy.

This little vixen’s heart is completely set on Taoist An, the giant of righteousness!

‘Yang Maoyi: Your Majesty is so awesome!’

‘Yang Maoyi: Youtube’s final offer was US$3 million. '

This quotation is US$600,000 lower than the cost calculation done by the YouTube film purchase review team, and it also exceeds the results of their translation price cost survey for the Xiaguo region.

In the view of the YouTube film purchase review team, this quotation is very reasonable, because based on the translation and production quotation of 3 million US dollars, they can save YouTube 600,000 US dollars, and Yang Maoyi can also earn at least 600,000 US dollars.

Based on this consideration, Youtube made an intermediate offer of US$3 million to strive for a win-win situation.

‘Yang Maoyi: Your Majesty, what do you think of the translation production quotation of US$3 million?’

‘An Liang: This price is very beneficial to both YouTube and us. '

An Liang naturally also wants to get this offer. It is a win-win situation.

‘Yang Maoyi: Then we agree with Youtube’s offer?’

‘An Liang: Wait a moment. I’ll come over first. I’ll decide later.’

‘Yang Maoyi: Is the king coming?’

‘An Liang: Well, I’ll be here soon.’

‘Yang Maoyi: Then the employees of the studio will be happy again’

‘An Liang: What's going on?’

‘Yang Maoyi: The last time the king came over, he gave out red envelopes and invited coffee and cakes. They will definitely miss him again.’

‘An Liang: It's okay. '

For Anliang, these are small things.

How much does it cost for coffee and pastries?

Even though the number of employees at Nanruo Photography Studio has expanded to 118, it only costs seven to eight thousand yuan at most.

For ordinary people, seven to eight thousand yuan may be one or two months' salary, but for An Liang, it is a blink of an eye.

An Liang rode a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to Mulingshan Entrepreneurship Incubator Park, landed in the temporary parking space outside the building where Nanruo Photography Studio is located, and then walked into Nanruo Photography Studio.

The young lady in charge of reception immediately greeted warmly,"Hello, Mr. An!"

"Hello."An Liang nodded slightly. Although he didn't know the other party, after the other party greeted him, An Liang naturally didn't respond coldly.

An Liang came to Yang Maoyi's office with greetings all the way, and he took the initiative to say jokingly,"Little fox, I found out I am very popular in your studio!"

Yang Maoyi rolled her eyes at An Liang charmingly.

An Liang said remindingly,"You send a notice to the work group, and I'll treat everyone to coffee and pastries. Yang

Maoyi naturally understood that An Liang was trying to earn face for her again. She looked at An Liang tenderly and said,"Thank you, Your Majesty.""

An Liang looked at this little vixen dotingly, he was always so easily satisfied!

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