Almost an hour later, An Liang and Li Xiyan came out of Mulingshan Summit Hotel, and then took the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to Lao Cai.

Less than five minutes later, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle landed in a temporary roadside parking space at Laojiekou. An Liang and Li Xiyan walked into the old street with their fingers intertwined.

In the familiar environment of the old street, Li Xiyan hummed an inexplicably cheerful song, and also walked and jumped twice. Obviously, she left many happy memories in the old street.

"An Liang, do you still remember that when you were in your second year of high school, Lin Fei’s BBQ restaurant was doing innovative dishes, and their family had a barbecued durian. Li Xiyan asked and laughed happily. An

Liang complained,"Why don't you remember?""

"It was almost summer vacation at that time, and that bitch Lin Fei insisted on making some barbecue innovations, and made a charcoal-grilled durian. As a result, the whole old street was filled with the smell of barbecue, which made everyone sick!"An Liang complained.

Li Xiyan answered,"Feifei and I were eating stinky tofu at that time. After smelling the smell, Feifei vomited directly. I saw Feifei vomiting and she also vomited.

An Liang laughed,"I know, the classmate group discussed it for a long time.""

Li Xiyan said happily,"Fortunately no one took the video, otherwise it would be black history forever."

"Mainly because it was so smelly at the time and everyone was busy running away, otherwise they would have taken a video. An Liang said teasingly.

Li Xiyan snorted,"Then I should also thank the barbecue durian?""

"Let’s go check out Lin Fei’s BBQ restaurant?"An Liang suggested casually.

"Yeah, let's go and have a look. I'd like to see what other innovative dishes he comes up with."Li Xiyan responded.

The two of them walked hand in hand on the stone road of the old street. Looking at the familiar scenery and familiar people around them, they suddenly felt like they were going back in time to high school. Li Xiyan couldn't help but tighten her arms and be held by An Liang. holding hands

"I heard that the old street is going to be demolished, right?" Li Xiyan asked.

An Liang answered affirmatively,"Currently there is a planning project. According to the ideas of the Beiyu District court, they are planning to completely demolish the old street and change it into a small commercial district."

"it's a pity."Li Xiyan said with regret,"I still remember when I was in elementary school, I liked to eat the pea noodles in the old street. It's a pity that after Uncle Qian passed away, their family closed the shop."

"Now the entire old street has to be demolished, and it will only remain in memory."Li Xiyan sighed.

An Liang also sighed,"Yes, after all, it can no longer keep up with the development of the times. Let's go and see the new tricks of Lin Fei's barbecue first"

"Uh-huh."Li Xiyan took the initiative to lead the way.

The two came to Lin Fei's barbecue. Lin Fei looked at An Liang and then at Li Xiyan. He took the initiative to say hello,"An Liang, you are a bit awesome. When you were in high school, , I just said that this little girl likes you, do you believe it now? Li

Xiyan's face turned slightly red.

An Liang responded carelessly,"Brother Fei, what new tricks has your family done recently?" Lin

Fei chuckled,"Our family has newly opened Nanyun specialties. Learn about the charcoal-grilled giant spider, charcoal-grilled cicada pupa, and charcoal-grilled long dragon.""

"What is charcoal grilled dragon?"Anliang is curious.

"Of course it’s the charcoal grilled giant centipede! Lin Fei responded.

Li Xiyan frowned when he heard this.

An Liang also waved his hand in thanks,"Thank you!" Lin

Fei was a little regretful,"Actually, these are quite delicious, especially the charcoal-grilled spider. Mr. Bei is right. After charcoal grilling, it really tastes like chicken. Do you want to try it?""

Li Xiyan shook her head directly.

An Liang waved his hand again,"Excuse me, farewell!"

An Liang took Li Xiyan and left the Linfei BBQ restaurant. The two went to the straw-roasted tofu shop. This was the shop that Li Xiyan wanted to go to at the beginning.

This shop is very unique. Their tofu is made by themselves. , and used straw as the fire source, and then used bamboo strips woven fences as kitchen utensils for roasting tofu.

When the straw burns, the smoke first smokes the tofu through the bamboo strips fences, and then the heat of the flame comes up to grill the tofu. At the same time, carbonize the bamboo strips.

In this process, it is very important to control the heat. If the heat is too high, the bamboo strips will burn directly. If the heat is too low, the tofu will not be cooked.

Only a master chef can control such subtlety. He was the master chef of the Straw Tofu Shop. An Liang heard from An Shengyu that he had been roasting tofu for at least thirty years.

When An Liang and Li Xiyan came to the Straw Tofu Shop, the owner Yang Shiyou also recognized An Liang and Li Xi. Yan, he took the initiative to say hello,"Anliang, long time no see. An

Liang replied casually,"I'm studying in college in Tianfu, and I only come back during the holidays. Is there any tofu?""

"There are some more, how many do you want?"Anorexia asked.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before responding,"Half a catty first, the one with the chili sauce, and the beggar's chicken wings and drumsticks?"

Beggar's chicken wings and beggar's chicken legs are also specialties of the straw grilled tofu shop, but the quantity per day is very small and the price is a bit expensive.

"Exactly the same and there are two more."Yang Shiyou responded

"That’s all. This is a dry dish with condiments. An Liang added, then looked at Li Xiyan,"Baby, what do you want to eat?""

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