Sneak attacks with calculated calculations and unintentional secrets are the traditional skills of Renyi Security Company!

This trick was used to perfection by Renyi Security Company.

When Renyi Security Company first emerged, it used this trick to gain a lot of advantages.

Even though Renyi Security Company has attracted much attention now and has long been unable to hide in the darkness, Renyi Security Company still likes to conduct secret attacks.

For example, the Bald Eagle branch of Renyi Security Company secretly attacked the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau and achieved very good results.

The moment the secret attack began, Zhang Dahai was directly hit.

The agents of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau who followed Zhang Dahai were also attacked, and some unlucky ones were even directly shot in the head.

The entire attack process was very short, lasting less than ten seconds.

The sound of the gunfire, which was silenced, was obscured by the fire alarm.

Several field personnel from the Bald Eagle branch of Renyi Security Company came to Zhouyou wearing full-coverage tactical helmets, and two fully armed field personnel were checking the condition of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau agent who fell to the ground. Indiscriminate refills.

The so-called indiscriminate refilling means that there is no use in pretending to be dead!

Zhang Dahai is pretending to be dead!

Zhang Dahai, who was suspicious by nature, was actually wearing a bulletproof vest. When the first shot hit his heart, it did not kill him. Even if his arms and legs were shot, it still did not kill him.

But now the indiscriminate refilling of guns made Zhang Dahai unable to continue pretending. He quickly said,"Wait!"

Two field personnel from the Bald Eagle Branch of Renyi Security Company who were refilling their guns pointed their guns at Zhang Dahai. He didn't even wait for Zhang Dahai to talk nonsense before he shot directly.



Two dull gunshots blocked what Zhang Dahai wanted to say. Two small holes oozing blood appeared on Zhang Dahai's forehead. He was too dead to die!

"Hello, Albatross, we are responsible for rescuing you and leaving."Nicholas said while wearing a full-coverage tactical helmet.

Zhou Youzheng covered Zhou Xiao's eyes, and he responded affirmatively,"Thank you."

Adonis, the first team leader, reported,"The processing is completed."

"Close the team!"Nicholas ordered.

The entire secret attack lasted less than two minutes. All field personnel from the Bald Eagle branch of Renyi Security Company drove away from the underground garage.

Before leaving, members of the technical team had already transferred the equipment of the Children's Rehabilitation Center to The security monitoring system was completely destroyed, including the video records of the security monitoring system and the underground garage license plate recognition system records, as well as their corresponding servers. Even some vehicles in the underground parking garage were equipped with driving recorders. It was determined in advance by the technical team that the dash cam camera was destroyed by laser, leaving no evidence. After all the operators of the Bald Eagle branch of Renyi Security Company left, the New Jersey Children's Rehabilitation Center was still in chaos with the fire alarm. During the incident, none of them realized that there was a fierce conflict in the underground parking garage.

On the way back to New York, the field personnel of the Bald Eagle Division of Renyi Security Company remained fully armed and had no intention of taking off their full-coverage helmets..Nicholas handed an encrypted mobile phone to Zhou You and motioned for Zhou You to answer the call.

"Here is a tour. Zhou You put the encrypted phone to his ear and took the initiative to speak in English.

An Liang replied with a smile,"Congratulations, you are free!"

Zhou You smiled and said,"Thank you!""

"I have one more thing to tell you. Zhou You took the initiative and said,"When I returned to the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the guy responsible for invading the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center said that your Shiliwan Life Science Research Center threatened the national security of the Bald Eagle.""

"I think this matter may not be just a simple talk. Zhou You said his judgment.

An Liang frowned slightly,"What was the situation at that time?""

Zhou You described the situation in detail, and then added,"Although the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has no bottom line, the kidnapping of the daughter of a former employee like this is still a little too abnormal, because it is actions that are likely to cause concern to other employees"

"However, the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau still allowed the actions of Roger, the High Commissioner of the Department of Asian Affairs, which shows that Roger had reason to have the senior officials of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau support him." Zhouyou added

"If he is just coveting the formula and related information of Miracle Salvia Pills, the probability that the senior management of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau will support him is very small, so I suspect that Roger may really be using the Shiliwan Life Science Research Center to threaten the national security of Bald Eagle. reasons to do this." Zhou You analyzed.

Zhou You added,"Mr. An, if your Shiliwan Life Science Research Center does not threaten the national security of the Bald Eagle, I am worried that the Department of Asian Affairs may be doing some conspiracy against you."

"Thank you for your information, this information is very important. An Liang said gratefully,"We will investigate later. Thank you again.""

"I would also like to thank Mr. An again for his rescue. Zhou Tong responded kindly.

An Liang skipped the topic of thanks and asked inquiringly,"Where does Mr. Zhou want to go next?""

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