Facing Zhang Dahai's key question, Zhou You deliberately showed hesitation,"I don't know how to expose it.""

"So what did you do before you were caught?"Zhang Dahai asked.

Zhou You responded truthfully,"I am checking the relevant experimental data of Miracle Salvia Pills."

"Where to check?"Zhang Dahai asked again

"In the computer, of course. After Zhou You responded, he asked rhetorically,"Do you suspect that I triggered the security protocol when I checked the information?""

"very possible."Zhang Dahai responded,"Since you are viewing information on the computer, there are too many situations that can trigger the security protocol!"

Zhou Youjia thought for a moment before responding,"Let me explain a situation first. The password I obtained was not obtained through forced questioning, but by getting the target drunk and then inducing the other party to reveal the truth of the password. The security is very high and it should not be a honeypot password."

The so-called 'honeypot password' refers to the password trap in the security system. Although the password is still correct, when the honeypot password is verified, the corresponding security protocol will be activated, and the honeypot password cannot obtain full permissions.

Zhouyou He added,"I actually suspect that the pressure sensor caused the exposure."

"I suspect that there is a pressure sensor corresponding to the computer's keyboard, so that the user's identity can be determined by the typical value of key pressure."Explanation of Zhou You's analysis.

Zhang Dahai thought silently for a few seconds, then nodded affirmatively,"It may really be the pressure sensor of the keyboard. This thing is very hidden, and most people won't pay attention to it."

Zhou You sighed,"I only paid attention to the honeypot password and the security system on the surface, but I didn't think about the keyboard pressure sensor at all."

"Since the password you got is not a honeypot password, does that mean you got the complete formula of Miracle Salvia Pills?"Zhang Dahai grasped another key point.

Zhou You once again refused to answer,"Mr. Roger, please stop testing. I have said before that I refuse to disclose any relevant information before obtaining permission from the witness protection program."

Zhou You knew very well the principle of saying too much and making mistakes, so he refused without hesitation.

Zhang Dahai smiled and nodded,"No problem, let's go see your daughter first."

Zhou You glanced out the window and answered casually,"This is the express way to New Jessey. Should we go to New Jessey? Zhang

Dahai nodded without denying,"Yes, we arranged your daughter in New Jessey. Can you guess where it is in New Jessey?""

"Can't guess. Zhou You didn't try to guess.

Zhang Dahai asked with a half-smile,"You really don't want to guess?""

Before Zhou You answered, Zhang Dahai took out a wireless earphone and put it on his left ear. He clicked on the wireless earphone and asked,"Is anyone following us?"

Hearing Zhang Dahai's inquiry, Zhou You was calm on the surface, but secretly shuddered in his heart.

The Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was indeed still suspicious of him as he had guessed, and had arranged a backup plan. Now he only hopes that Renyi Security Company will be more reliable.

"No tracking found."The observer reported to Zhang Dahai

"Continue to observe."Zhang Dahai ordered

"receive."The observer responded.

Zhang Dahai didn't care at all about Zhou You and heard his order from the side, because in the third row of the Chevrolet Suburban, two agents from the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau used pistols to silently aim at Zhou You. If there was anything unusual about Zhou You, If you move, you will be attacked by thunder

"Mr. Roger doesn't believe me?"Zhou You proactively asked.

Zhang Dahai responded calmly,"You were once a member of us. You should know that this is a normal test process. You have performed controversial actions, and we legitimately need to test you.. Zhou

You sneered and mocked,"It should be that you have carried out controversial actions, so you are worried about my problem.""

Facing Zhou You's ridicule, Zhang Dahai didn't care at all. If Zhang Dahai cared about these little things, how could he hold Zhou You's daughter hostage to threaten Zhou You?

"We arranged for your daughter to be admitted to the New Jersey Children's Rehabilitation Center, which is a well-known professional treatment institution for child psychology. Let me tell you the good news that your daughter's autism has improved." Zhang Dahai explained.

Zhang Dahai continued to add,"Although we have held your daughter hostage, it does not mean that we are devils. Maybe we just want to add a layer of insurance?"

Zhou You sneered in his heart. Although Zhang Dahai said it nicely, in essence he still held his daughter hostage and threatened him.

As for arranging for his daughter to enter the New Jersey Children's Rehabilitation Center, it seemed more like a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate!

After Zhang Dahai revealed the location of Zhou You's daughter, he secretly observed Zhou You, as if waiting for Zhou You to reveal the news.

But there was no movement at all from Zhou You. He and Zhang Dahai had battled wits and courage for so many rounds. How can you not see through Zhang Dahai's thoughts?

Zhang Dahai still doesn't trust him!

Fortunately, Zhou You and An Liang have already discussed and made all preparations, and now there is no need for Zhou You to risk any action.

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