When Anliang and Dmitri discussed supporting local forces in Guiyar to fight against the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, the Guriya branch of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau was also discussing how to respond to the counterattack of Renyi Security Company.

In the confidential conference room of the Bald Eagle Intelligence and Investigation Bureau's Guilia branch, branch director Adrian Tallon presided over a confidential meeting.

The meeting was attended by Director of Intelligence Information Dennis Houck, Director of Field Operations Matt Thompson, and two senior intelligence investigators Julianne Yahn and Wilt Maguire who were dispatched from the Bald Eagle Intelligence Bureau headquarters..

Adrian first placed several documents bound on A4 printing paper on the conference table and motioned for others to pick them up. Then he added,"After confirmation from the intelligence department, we have currently blocked Renyi Security Company's plan in Guria. , but what kind of counterattack the other side will have next is what we should consider."

Senior intelligence investigator Julianne quickly checked the file information, then put the file down, and she spoke first,"I think we need to further attack Renyi Security The company's plan to incite people in Guria!"

"According to my investigation, Renyi Security Company arranged for at least one hundred people to visit overseas agricultural planting bases in other countries. We have only dealt with less than forty people so far, so I suggest continuing to crack down on those visitors."Julian added.

This time, the person who proposed the plan to target people's hearts was the senior intelligence investigator Julianne Yaun. She personally investigated the list of visitors, investigated the content of the visitors' visits to overseas agricultural planting bases, and even formulated a crackdown Visitors’ plan.

Faced with Juliane’s proposal, Adrian, the director of the Guinea Branch, did not directly agree,"Be patient, Julianne. Although we have not eliminated all visitors, the remaining visitors are no longer promoting overseas. Things about agricultural planting bases. Matt

Thompson, director of field operations, seconded,"Because of our cleanup operations, considerable controversy has arisen in the local area. If we take further actions, it is very likely to affect the stability of the local situation.""

Dennis Hawke, Director of Intelligence and Information, seconded,"Based on the intelligence we have collected, we are also worried about the outbreak of unstable factors in the local area. If unstable factors do occur, under the current situation, these unstable factors will definitely be affected by Renyi. Security companies take advantage of this, so I also recommend suspending targeting related visitors."

Julian silently glanced around the three giants of the Guria branch, and she snorted,"I reserve my own opinion. Adrian ignored Julianne and reminded him again,"We should pay attention to the counterattack of Renyi Security Company now!" Dennis

, director of intelligence and information, seconded,"We should really pay attention to the counterattack of Renyi Security Company." According to our analysis, Renyi Security Company is very likely to build their own forces in Guria to confront us."

The intelligence department of the Guria Branch of the Bald Eagle Intelligence Investigation Bureau has long analyzed the situation of the Human Heart Plan, and also analyzed the possible options of Renyi Security Company after the failure of the Human Heart Plan.

This is a game between masters, and everyone knows the opponent's moves.

"According to the information sent by the headquarters, we can determine that the target of Renyi Security Company is most likely the Simang Iron Mine, so I suggest that we focus on setting up defenses around the Simang Iron Mine to avoid being attacked by Renyi Security Company."Dennis added.

Matt, the director of field operations, seconded,"The situation near the Simang Iron Mine is very complicated. In addition to the forces under the imperial court, there are also many anti-imperial forces. Among them, the anti-imperial forces pose a threat to the imperial power. There are seven of them"

"We are worried that Renyi Security Company will contact them and instead encircle and suppress the court forces around the Simang Iron Mine, and eventually occupy the Simang Iron Mine."Matt, the director of field operations, added.

Although Matt is the director of field operations and not the director of intelligence and information, Matt is also a smart man. He is very aware of the situation around the Ximang Iron Mine and also knows that Renyi Security Company may be in the Ximang Iron Mine. What are you doing nearby?

Senior intelligence investigator Wilt Maguire answered,"We can target the anti-imperial forces around the Simang Iron Mine in advance. As long as we solve these anti-imperial forces, Renyi Security Company can rely on It will be much less. However ,

Matt directly denied it,"This is indeed a good idea, but the problem is that even if we solve all the anti-imperial forces around the Simang Iron Mine, it will still have no effect.""

Dennis echoed,"This is indeed the current situation. If Renyi Security Company is prepared to support local forces in Guria, even if we destroy the anti-imperial forces around the Simang Iron Mine, they can still look for anti-imperial forces from other places, or even directly disguise themselves as anti-imperial forces."

"Everyone understands the situation in Guiyar. We can support local forces here, and Renyi Security Company can naturally support local forces. I am afraid that the next step will be a chess war between us and Renyi Security Company."Dennis said with a sigh.

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