The technical advantages of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are very huge, thus forming a technology monopoly in many fields, so it has absolute say in product pricing.

Take graphene lithium-ion batteries as an example. The same graphene lithium-ion batteries are sold to Apple and Petal, and there is a huge difference in price.

Even if Apple knew about this situation and that they were indeed being subjected to a price discrimination strategy by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, Apple still chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, as if it had not noticed.

The reason is very simple, that is, only the graphene batteries of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group have been commercialized globally.

All other graphene battery technologies are lying in the laboratory!

In view of the huge advantages of graphene lithium-ion batteries in the consumer electronics market, Apple can only choose to accept the price discrimination of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

The same is true for the current pricing strategy for unmanned delivery machines. Only the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can design and manufacture unmanned delivery machines globally. Even if its cost is very low, the pricing strategy is not yet the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The final word?

An Liang said that the price of the unmanned delivery machine is 100,000 Xia Guoyuan, which is 100,000 Xia Guoyuan.

Whether it is the former chief minister of Neon or Hongyue Zhicong, they can only accept that it is impossible for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to disclose the relevant cost list.

Of course, the most critical reason is still that the unmanned delivery plan is profitable and a huge benefit.

Therefore, the former chief minister of Neon and Hongyue Zhicong are very cooperative.

What if there is no benefit?


"Where are you planning to hold this year’s investment conference?"Zhao Wanxi changed the topic and asked.

The annual investment conference is a grand gathering of the Baiyujing Club in the sky, and it is also an important event to unite the Baiyujing Club in the sky.

Faced with Zhao Wanxi's inquiry, An Liang did not make a decision directly. He instead Come over and ask Zhao Wanxi for her opinion,"Where do you think it is suitable? Zhao

Wanxi thought for a moment before responding,"I think there are two choices. The first is the Imperial Capital, and the second is Tianfu.""

"Didu is the headquarters of our club, and Tianfu is the headquarters of Anxin Investment. No matter which one you choose, it is very suitable."Zhao Wanxi added the reason.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Then choose the Imperial City!"

"The specific location selection issues will be left to you. An Liang added,"As for the specific time of the event, it is not yet certain."

Zhao Wanxi responded immediately,"How about choosing the National Hotel as the address?""

"no problem!"An Liang affirmed.

The National Hotel is indeed very suitable. It contains both a banquet hall and a conference hall, and the environment is very private. It fully meets the requirements of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club's annual investment conference.

"By the way, Wanxi, how many peripheral members do we have now?" An Liang asked casually.

Zhao Wanxi responded,"There are more than 2,200 peripheral members. These peripheral members mainly come from overseas agricultural planting base plans and cold chain transportation projects, covering every region in the country."

"There are so many people!"An Liang said with emotion.

Although there are many peripheral members, the peripheral members are just peripheral members. It is more because of the combination of interests. The real core is still the official member of Tianshang Baiyujing Club.

But since Tianshang Baiyujing Club The club has formed a network of peripheral members all over the country, and An Liang doesn't mind strengthening the network of peripheral members.

"Invite some peripheral members to participate in this annual investment conference. 10 invitation quotas will be given to formal members, 15 invitation quotas will be given to members on the first floor and above, and 20 invitation quotas will be given to four founding members and four honorary members.."An Liang explained the invitation rules.

"OK Zhao Wanxi first answered affirmatively, and then asked curiously,"Are you planning to invest the amount of money for peripheral members?""

Zhao Wanxi is very smart. She guessed An Liang's thoughts from An Liang's invitation to peripheral members to attend the annual investment conference of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club.

An Liang did not deny it,"Yeah!"

"The development of Anxin Investment and Anxin Bank is very good. As long as the return rate on investment shares given to peripheral members is slightly lower, the two can squeeze out more investment shares."An Liang explained

"Understood, I will notify Xiaoyu after a while, and then let Xiaoyu notify the corresponding news in the club."Zhao Wanxi responded

"Well, I will trouble you on this matter. I will contact Brother Yuan immediately to discuss the construction of our club headquarters."An Liang explained.

Zhao Wanxi ended the call sensibly and immediately contacted Hu Xiaoyu. She first sent Hu Xiaoyu in text what An Liang had explained before, and then asked Hu Xiaoyu to inform the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club. Official member.

Hu Xiaoyu is the little steward of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky. He is the one who needs to receive contribution salary every month. These matters are naturally handled by Hu Xiaoyu.

"Sister Wanxi, is it up to us to decide on the specific invitation selection of peripheral members?"Hu Xiaoyu asked the key question.

Zhao Wanxi responded affirmatively,"Yes, the specific invitation quota is completely decided by you."

Zhao Wanxi added in detail the relevant information about inviting peripheral members.

"Got it, I'll notify the official members of the club immediately."Hu Xiaoyu said in agreement.

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