Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a large amount of technical reserves, which play a huge role in the development of new products, thus significantly reducing the cost of new product research and development.

For example, the core technologies of the Guardian series robots are all technologies already reserved by the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

This includes the image recognition system from the Lighthouse Project, the operating system from the Guardian prosthetic framework, and the artificial intelligence chip technology from the Titan Project, as well as the chip manufacturing capabilities from Dark Core Technologies.

Coupled with gifts from the military, the research and development costs of the Guardian series robots have almost dropped to the extreme.

The current research and development work on unmanned delivery machines is almost the same as that of the Guardian series robots.

The main structure of the unmanned delivery machine is inherited from the flying motorcycle, and the supporting robotic arm is derived from the Guardian prosthetic frame. As for the core image recognition system, flight control system, and robotic arm control system, these are all ready-made and do not need to be used at all. Additional R&D.

As long as Anliang has the demand, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can 'develop' an unmanned delivery machine without any technical difficulty at all.

"We plan to invest a large number of unmanned delivery machines in your neon city to update the rules of the takeout industry and at the same time update the rules of terminal delivery in the express delivery industry."An Liang said his ambition

"this..."The former chief minister of Neon warned,"Our Neon market is relatively exclusive. According to your idea, you will completely monopolize the two markets through unmanned delivery machines. I'm afraid this will..."

Hong Yue Zhi Cong seconded,"I'm also worried about the troubles caused by completely monopolizing two markets."

An Liang laughed,"You don't seem to understand us?"

The former chief minister of Neon wanted to complain that he didn't understand An Liang. ?

That’s nonsense!

The former chief minister of Neon knew Anliang from many channels and levels. It was precisely because of his understanding of Anliang that the former chief minister of Neon formed an alliance of interests with Anliang.

Hong Yue Zhi Cong also knew An Liang. Since the"Return Gift Plan", Hong Yue Zhi Cong secretly investigated An Liang's situation. After learning about the powerful power controlled by An Liang, Hong Yue Zhi Cong completely became a filial son.

Although the hatred for killing his father was irreconcilable, when the enemy was too powerful, Hongyue Zhicong had no choice but to sever the father-son relationship with Prince Hongyue.

Anyway, Prince Hongyue is already cold. Even if the relationship between father and son is severed, there shouldn't be any big problem, right?

"Have we ever felt sorry for you?"An Liang asked casually

"Although the relationship between us is only a cooperative relationship of interest, I can be 100% sure that we have not sorry for you. Even if there is a conflict between the two of us, it is caused by you. We are just passive defense and counterattack."An Liang explained calmly.

In fact, this is also true!

What is the conflict between An Liang and the former chief minister of Nihong?

At most, it is just an interest dispute caused by different positions.

Now that both parties have a common interest position, there will naturally be no more. Contradiction.

As for Hongyue Zhicong?

If Prince Hongyue hadn't contacted the mathematician to try to break the rules and target Anliang, Anliang would definitely not have carried out the [return gift plan]】

"This time we plan to update the takeout and express delivery industry in your neon, and we do not intend to monopolize the benefits."An Liang first determined the major premise

"In fact, we plan to hand over a relatively controlling stake to you, Neon."An Liang added

"you mean..."Neon's former chief minister was surprised.

Hongyue Zhicong was also secretly surprised.

An Liang continued to explain,"We plan to enter the neon market through the VIE variable entity interest framework. We only need to occupy 49% of the shares, and you two occupy 51% of the shares."

"As for how to distribute the 51% of the shares you hold and to whom, that is what you need to consider. I only want one result, which is to allow us to enter Neon smoothly and use the new unmanned delivery machine Transforming the takeout and express delivery industries."An Liang added

"For example, regarding the terminal distribution issue in the express delivery industry, I don’t care whether you cooperate with an express delivery company or build your own express delivery station and use unmanned delivery machines for secondary delivery. I only want one result, which is to completely revolutionize the express delivery industry."An Liang gave an example.

"Another example is the food delivery industry. I hope to completely eliminate UberEats. After all, this inefficient delivery model cannot meet the needs of customers at all."An Liang gave an example again.

The so-called UberEats is a new business reopened after Uber's online ride-hailing business was ruled illegal by the Neon Court, specifically for takeout delivery. The

Neon Court did pass a law that made online ride-hailing illegal, so Anliang There is no plan to enter the neon taxi field through the Titan project for the time being.

Hongyue Zhicong asked hesitantly,"If we want to occupy the takeout industry and express delivery industry, we will not only need advanced hardware equipment, but also relevant software supporting equipment. We do not have Related software packages, how to solve this problem?"

This is indeed a problem!

Only advanced hardware equipment cannot completely dominate the takeout and express delivery industry in Neon!

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