Shuji Ikeda released eight videos at once on social networks telling the story of him and Sachiko Ikeda, allowing the masses to understand loyal partners.

After the eight videos were released, a large number of people on the neon Internet discussed the situation of loyal partners.




This loyal companion is truly outrageous!

After watching the eight videos posted by Ikeda-san, I would rather believe that Sachiko is a real-life cosplayer. How could she be a robot?

This is impossible!

I can't believe this fact!

I can't accept this fact either!

Finally, when will the price of Loyal Companion be reduced?

If only the price dropped a little, I'd really like to buy a loyal companion.

Because she really is the perfect dream partner!


There are a lot of fans like Arakino, and they are more willing to believe that Sachiko Ikeda is a real cosplayer, not a robot.

After all, what can a robot do?

That is indeed outrageous!

But in fact it is so outrageous! dark coreAlthough the research and development of technology companies in the field of carbon-based chips is a bit lagging, the joint ternary computer team has made great progress in the research of artificial intelligence chips.

Does this count as indifference?


Kaede Yamamura:

I found a problem!

When Sachiko Ikeda is so good, will Ikeda-san be incompetent?

After all, how many women can achieve the level of Sachiko Ikeda?

When Ikeda-san gets used to Sachiko Ikeda's meticulous care and unconditional obedience, is it really possible for Ikeda-san to fall in love with someone else?

Is this a huge problem?

This is probably the trouble of rich people!


A large number of melon-eaters discussed Kaede Yamamura’s views. Quite a few otakus supported Kaede Yamamura, but a small number of people refuted it.


Dark Cloud Psychology:

The troubles of rich people?

Your perspective is truly amazing!

What worries do rich people have?

Is a loyal partner a worry?

Or is the inability to love a problem?

Neither is a worry!

Loyal partners effectively solve the problem of food, clothing, housing and transportation for rich people. It can take care of rich people in all aspects.

As for being unable to love, is it a worry?

I’m afraid you don’t know the happiness of rich people!

Why do rich people need love?

You don’t really think that everyone is a love brain, do you?


The view of dark cloud psychology has also been partially recognized. After all, Neon is a country with low desire and low fertility rate. In this environment, there are a lot of Neon people who don't want to fall in love.

In such a situation, wouldn’t a loyal partner be the best choice?

While a large number of people were discussing Sachiko Ikeda, another loyal partner user posted a video about loyal partners on social networks.


Shirasatsu Mitsuyo:

First of all, I would like to prove to @ikeda-san that the video he posted must be a loyal partner and definitely not a real-life cosplay actor.

Because we also have loyal companions in our family!

【Video: Grandpa’s Companion: Yukiko Shiramatsu!】

【Video: Yubuko does housework!】

【Video: Yufuko’s Neon Cuisine cooking skills!】

【Video: Yufuko takes great care of her grandfather! 】

I have shot a lot of videos like this, and I can tell you 100% that the level of artificial intelligence of a loyal partner is very powerful. Most of the time, you can treat your loyal partner as a normal human being.

I agree with Ikeda-san's advice and strongly recommend purchasing a loyal companion if financial conditions permit.

Although the functions of a loyal companion seem to be ordinary, whether it is cooking, cleaning, or even shopping alone, these functions seem to be very sparse and ordinary, and can be completely replaced by various alternatives.

But in fact, the feelings brought by a loyal partner are completely different!

At least our family has decided to purchase a second Loyal Companion.

In addition, we suggest that Xia Guo’s dream future graphene technology group develop lightweight loyal companions, because according to the current weight of loyal companions, they will not be able to take public transportation, and naturally they will not be able to accompany them anytime and anywhere.

This is a huge regret!

I hope to have a lightweight and loyal companion in the future, and I hope to take her around the world!


This is a very good suggestion!

In fact, this proposal is also the direction that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is working towards.

According to the vision of the Guardian Robot Department of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, household Guardian robots will also be divided into two types in the future.

One of them is naturally the household guardian robot currently on sale. This household guardian robot is still essentially a security guardian robot, but it is loaded with household functions.

As long as there is a need, this type of household guardian robot can be directly transformed into a security guardian robot.

As for the second kind of home-type guardian robot, it is the lightweight type proposed by Shirasatsu Mitsuye.

The lightweight household guardian robot will not have the security functions of the security guardian robot and will be completely changed into a household robot that can only meet household functions.

However, in view of the demand for battery life, the requirements for frame strength, and overall stability considerations, lightweight design is not easy, and it is only a proposal now.

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