Shengqing, traffic management department.

An Liang brought Li Xiyan over to interview the smart city project. As the interview progressed, An Liang also revealed the situation of the smart city app.

Li Xiyan immediately grabbed the key point and asked,"What functions does this smart city app have?"

An Liang responded,"At present, the main functions of smart city apps are still focused on the public transportation system, including querying the operating status of the public transportation system. For example, the location information of rail transit trains and buses."

An Liang continued,"Not only that, the smart city app can also check the passenger capacity of light rail and buses, as well as the remaining positions, etc."

Li Xiyan asked with interest,"Can the smart city app determine the remaining positions inside light rail and buses?"

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Yes, this technology comes from the judgment made by the image recognition solution of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, and it is very accurate."

"Not only that, the smart city app can also track the health status of bus drivers to make health assessments in advance." An Liang added.

Zhong Xueming added on the side,"Our transportation management department has agreed to collect relevant data for the smart city project. All operating companies of the public transportation system will also update the management terms to include the driver's health assessment in the management assessment.."

Although bus drivers usually work one day and have one day off, and it seems that their work is very relaxed, there are always a few bad apples who do not take a good rest on their rest days. Instead, they have all kinds of carnivales, and then bring their tired state into work, thus posing a potential threat..

Once the smart city project is launched, as long as the traffic management department and the public transportation system allow it, the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system can completely collect the health data of employees in the public transportation system, so as to avoid accidents to the greatest extent.

An Liang continued to explain," The smart city app can also handle the non-sense payment system. Users can directly apply for non-sense payment of the public transportation system through the smart city app, thereby opening up a new public transportation riding experience."

"Starting from 4 o'clock this afternoon, all rail transit will fully activate the contactless payment channel, and it is planned to complete a new security inspection system within a month to further simplify the entry process, thereby improving traffic efficiency."An Liang explained

"Starting from 0:00 on the 17th, we will update the bus fare collection system, and it is expected that the coverage of all bus contactless payment systems will be completed before 7:00 on the 17th. An Liang added.

Li Xiyan asked another key question,"When do you plan to launch the smart city app?""

"Three o'clock this afternoon."An Liang responded.

Regarding Shengqing's smart city app, An Liang only plans to promote it on Weibo and does not plan to advertise on a large scale.

Because An Liang is very sure that the users of the smart city app will spread by themselves. After all, for ordinary citizens, The smart city app will improve their experience of taking public transportation.

Besides, An Liang has a trump card!

After Li Xiyan heard An Liang’s response, she said quickly,"Then we have to report the news quickly!"

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Xiyan's interview ended, and she organized the press release in the traffic management department to save time.

In less than ten minutes, after Li Xiyan organized the press release, she contacted the director of the news channel Cai Mingzhe explained the situation.

Cai Mingzhe naturally supported Li Xiyan to report immediately.

Li Xiyan used Shengqing TV’s official account on Weibo and short video platforms to publish reports on the smart city project.

An Liang used Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s The account forwarded information from Shengqing TV official blog account


Dreaming about future graphene:

【Forward: @深圳tv: Shengqing is about to launch a smart city project! 】

Learn about the image recognition system in the Shengqing Smart City project, which is provided by our company!


The official blog account of Shengqing TV Station is very unpopular on Weibo. After the news was released, both the number of likes and the number of comments were pitifully low. It was only after Anliang forwarded it using the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group that Got a little bit popular


The second handsome man in Shengqing:

Our Shengqing smart city project?

And a smart city app?

Officially launched at three o'clock in the afternoon?

Are these all true?


Brother Pao doesn’t show off:

【Link: Smart City Official Website]

After reading the detailed introduction of the Smart City app, why do I feel that it is a bit unreal?

Is this kind of advanced system something we in Shengqing can have?

It seems that Shengqing is the first in the country?



Friendly reminder: Select to allow the website to read location information in the upper right corner of the official smart city website. As long as the location is Shengqing, you can download the smart city app in advance.

[Screenshot of Smart City app]

I have successfully registered and passed the certification of the sensorless payment system. The recharge method of this sensorless payment system is very convenient, including not only conventional online banking, but also Zhifubao and WeChat, as well as Pay with confidence.

I read that you can also store cash at light rail stations.

[Screenshot of No. 404 bus route]

Through the smart city app, you can really see the bus location information, and you can see whether there is a location on the bus, etc. This smart city app is quite amazing.


These comments are naturally under the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. As for the official blog account of Shengqing TV Station?

No one went to see it at all!

It can only be said that Shengqing TV Station really has no schedule!

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