Frog in the Well Restaurant, private room in midsummer.

An Liang used his mobile phone to dial the contact information of Zhi Tianming, the artificial intelligence system of the smart city project. In fact, the artificial intelligence system [Zhi Tianming] was the clone subsystem of Tianji Artificial Intelligence.

It’s just a matryoshka vest!

"Hello, Mr. An, I know the fate of heaven. What are your orders?"Zhitianming artificial intelligence system asked in a neutral voice

"I need to search for Yu Zhien’s location information."An Liang issued the order

"Sorry, Mr. An, I did not find the relevant authorization. Please provide the authorization information provided by the Shengqing Police System."Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System responded.

An Liang clicked on the screen of his mobile phone, switched the camera of the video call to the rear camera, and then pointed it at Song Yuanhang, Chief Constable of the Shengqing Police System

"Mr. Song, I need your authorization."Anliang uses

"Song Yuanhang, the top administrator of the Shengqing imperial police system, was detected. Did Mr. Song Yuanhang authorize Mr. An Liang to inquire about Yu Zhien’s location information?"Zhitianming artificial intelligence system asked.

Song Yuanhang responded deliberately,"I didn't hear your question clearly."

Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System repeated the explanation once, and added a reminder,"Mr. Song Yuanhang, I have sent relevant questions to your mobile phone, please pay attention to check the information."

Song Yuanhang's cell phone indeed sent out a text message ringtone. He checked the text message, which indeed explained the problem in detail, and said that if authorized, he could call 110986 for verification.

Song Yuanhang immediately dialed 110986, and the voice of the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system came to Song Yuanhang again. The receiver of his mobile phone rang, asking Song Yuanhang if he had authorized An Liang.

"I agree to authorize."Song Yuanhang responded

"Please wait, the system is querying. In order to save query time, Mr. An can further provide Yu Zhien's detailed information to narrow the scope of the query."The Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System prompted.

Less than ten seconds after the prompt, the Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System prompted again,"I have found out that there are three Yu Zhien within the system monitoring range. The relevant information has been sent to the mobile phone. Please select a specific target, Mr. An."

An Liang showed his phone to Yu Yonggang for review, and Yu Yonggang chose the second one, Yu Zhien.

"Sorry, Mr. An, the target of your query involves the Governor of the Shengqing Imperial Court, and the authorization of the Chief Arrester Song Yuanhang is insufficient. I have automatically recorded the relevant operational records between you and the Chief Arrester Song Yuanhang, and will immediately formally notify the Governor of the Shengqing Imperial Court."Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System responded.

An Liang explained on the side,"In order to protect the privacy of important personnel and the safety of relevant personnel, we have set up a smart city project that will search the population information database through the police system to establish a corresponding protective measures."

Yu Yonggang's mobile phone sent out an incoming call notification, and the number was 110986. After he answered the call, the Zhitianming artificial intelligence system indeed explained the details.

"May I ask if Governor Yu has given corresponding authorization or notified the patrol system to handle the matter?"Zhitianming artificial intelligence system asked.

Yu Yonggang responded,"Allow Anliang to inquire about Yu Zhien's information."

"After receiving it, I will notify Mr. An Liang of the corresponding result, and the authorization is only for this single authorization. Once used, the authorization will immediately expire. If Mr. An Liang does not use the authorization, the corresponding authorization will automatically expire after five minutes."Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System explained in detail.

Yu Yonggang nodded with satisfaction after listening.

An Liang also smiled. These detailed considerations are naturally based on the results of human nature analysis.

"Mr. An, you have obtained the authorization from Governor Yu to inquire about the whereabouts of Yu Zhien. Do you want to inquire?"Zhitianming Artificial Intelligence System issued a query

"Inquire!"An Liang responded

"I have locked the location information of Yu Zhien. He is at No. 112 Entertainment Street."Zhitianming artificial intelligence system responded.

Yu Yonggang frowned,"Can you check Yu Zhien's location information in the past three days?"

"If Governor Yu authorizes it, I can query Yu Zhien's location information for the past 90 days. If Governor Yu further authorizes me to obtain query permission from the financial system, I can also query Yu Zhien's consumption records."Zhitianming artificial intelligence system explained in detail.

Yu Yonggang glanced at An Liang, and he asked bluntly,"Do you still want to access the financial system?"

"I have this idea, but it is up to you to decide whether you want to open the permissions. An Liang answered.

Yu Yonggang asked bluntly,"What do you want this authority for?""

"In fact, it is useless. It just further assists the police system. An Liang responded,"I believe Governor Yu should understand us. In fact, our various products are basically not directly facing ordinary users, so we don't need this permission at all.""

In fact, this is indeed the case.

However, if you can obtain the query authority of the financial system, it will further promote the accuracy of crime prediction in the smart city project, thereby better protecting the stable environment of Shengqing.

Yu Yonggang does know the situation of Anliang, he He also knew that Anliang's companies did not have much to do with ordinary consumers, so he was more curious about why Anliang needed the query authority of the financial system.

‘Could it be...’Yu Yonggang secretly guessed.

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