Whether it is a security guardian robot or a household guardian robot, as long as it is a robot designed and manufactured by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, it will comply with the laws of the corresponding sales region.

For example, the security guardian robots sold by Bald Eagle fully comply with Bald Eagle federal court laws and local state laws when performing security tasks.

Another example is that the household guardian robots sold in Xia Kingdom naturally abide by the laws of Xia Kingdom.

There is no possibility that Zhao Zhuangkang is worried.

After An Liang and Zhao Wanxi explained together, Zhao Zhuangkang proposed a more extreme situation

"The robots you produce will eventually be handed over to customers for use. What if bad guys with malicious intentions get their hands on your robots and modify your robot settings through technical means?"Zhao Zhuangkang tried to find a loophole.

An Liang responded with a smile,"Grandpa means that if an expert gets hold of our group's robot, he can then hack our robot settings through hackers, right? Zhao

Zhuangkang nodded affirmatively,"Yes, what should you do if your robot encounters a hacker?""

"Grandpa, please check the home-type guardian robot first."An Liang signaled Zhao Zhuangkang to check the home-type Guardian robot.

Zhao Zhuangkang cooperated in checking the No. 1 home-type Guardian robot. He quickly discovered the problem. The assembly process of the No. 1 home-type Guardian robot was very exquisite, and all the screw holes were extra Anti-tamper varnish has been added.

These anti-tamper varnishes can not only determine whether the user has disassembled the household Guardian robot privately, but can also further enhance the waterproof performance.

When Zhao Zhuangkang was inspecting, An Liang explained cooperatively,"Grandpa, our group The robot has no external communication interface unless the robot is forcibly disassembled."

"However, our group's robots are equipped with sensors on all screw ports in the core module area. Once unauthorized disassembly is detected, the robot's operating system will automatically report it to our group's security department."An Liang added

"Even if the user disassembles the robot in an isolated network environment, it still needs to break through the security firewall of the robot's internal system. Let's not talk about how powerful the security firewall of the robot's internal system is. Our group has multiple security certification links for robots."An Liang added

"For example, if the internal system detects that the screw port of the core module has been disassembled, the internal operating system will automatically lock up and require the user to reconnect the robot to the Internet and pass our group's internal security audit before the robot can be safely brought online again."An Liang explained in detail

"In addition, this security lock system is an encryption chip independent of the main system, and it is an encryption chip that only allows reading. It does not allow modification or rewriting, and it is impossible to be tampered with by the outside."An Liang further elaborated

"For example, grandpa disassembled the No. 1 household guardian robot and used certain technical means to crack the security firewall of the robot's internal system. He also understood the language and rules of the robot's operating system, and then modified the robot's permission system so that the robot could Bypass legal restrictions and obey only the orders of the top administrator."An Liang cited examples

"Under such circumstances, logically speaking, Home Guardian Robot No. 1 should completely obey Grandpa's orders, even if the orders are against the law."An Liang teased with a smile.

"However, this is not actually possible, because after the No. 1 home guardian robot is restarted, it will detect modifications in the core area, thus requiring it to connect to the network for security inspection."An Liang continued

"Once connected to the network for security verification, it will be impossible to pass our group's authentication. Our group will even directly target suspected persons who have tampered with the robot based on the authentication information."An Liang summarized the results.

Zhao Zhuangkang nodded with satisfaction,"It seems that your group's robots are really foolproof.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"If it wasn’t foolproof, we wouldn’t dare to promote it to the outside world."

Dinner time, in the dining room.

Two household guardian robots help serve dishes and rice, and provide services such as adding drinks, cleaning up kitchen waste, and adding rice.

"Xingguo, is this robot good?"Zhao Zhuangkang asked with a hint of ostentation.

Zhao Xingguo naturally agreed,"It's indeed pretty good."

"Except the price is a bit expensive." Zhao Zhuangkang sighed deliberately digging a hole.

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi explained the pricing strategy to Zhao Zhuangkang in detail before, so Zhao Zhuangkang wanted to test Zhao Xingguo.

However, Zhao Xingguo responded negatively,"This price is just right, otherwise it is very likely to impact Traditional human resources structure, thus causing a massive wave of unemployment."

How could a high-ranking official like Zhao Xingguo not see through Dream Future Graphene Technology Group's pricing strategy for home-based guardian robots, as well as the impact that home-based guardian robots may have on the traditional human resources structure?

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