Faced with An Liang's joke, both Nihong's former chief minister and Hongyue Zhicong immediately denied it.

Because both Anbei Jinshan and Hongyue Zhicong know very well that Anliang does not want their relationship to be harmonious. After all, Anliang wants them to compete with each other.

In fact, the two are indeed competing with each other.

When the flying motorcycle project was introduced before, Hongyue Zhicong was swayed by the former chief minister of Neon, which created a gap. How could they trust each other easily now?

Besides, both of them are An Liang's chess pieces, and there are conflicts of interest between the chess pieces.

How can two people easily coexist peacefully when their interests are in conflict?

"I have an idea regarding the agency rights of household-type guardian robots in Neon."An Liang explained in neon language

"All ears."Hongyue Zhicong answered directly in Xia Guoyu. This guy has been studying Xia Guoyu recently. The former chief minister of Nihong heard Hongyue Zhicong's answer. Although he didn't understand Xia Guoyu very well, he also guessed that Hongyue Zhicong should use Xia Guoyu. In reply.

This situation gave the former chief minister of Neon a sense of crisis.

Facing Hongyue Zhicong's answer in Xiaguo, Anliang was noncommittal. He still explained in Neon,"I plan to divide the agency power according to the size of the city."

"For example, in the case of Tokyo or Pingjing Prefecture, the agency rights of each large city are allocated independently."Anliang added.

Hong Yue Zhicong and Nihong's former chief minister listened to the plan explained by Anliang and understood what Anliang meant. Anliang was working on a plan of differentiation and competition.

Nihong's former chief minister asked tentatively,"If I obtain He obtained the agency rights of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and he obtained the agency rights of the Pingjing Prefecture. When we both sell household guardian robots, how will the specific pricing be implemented?"

Hong Yue Zhi Cong is also very concerned about this issue.

An Liang understood the subtext of the former chief minister of Neon. He was asking about the issue of free pricing rights and free sales rights.

"You have all heard of Amgen, right?"An Liang asked

"Heard it."Neon's former chief minister affirmed

"certainly."Hongyue Zhicong also answered affirmatively.

"In our cooperation with Amgen, we have granted Amgen free pricing and free sales rights, and the same is true for our three-party cooperation. We are only responsible for delivering the home-type Guardian robot to you, and the corresponding transportation issues and tariff issues, It's all your own responsibility."An Liang explained

"As for the internal sales of Neon, it is up to you to decide. You can set the price freely, and you can even do business at a loss. Anyway, our group is only a supplier."An Liang added.

For cross-border cooperation like this, and it is a controversial cross-border cooperation, An Liang prefers to simply act as a supplier, rather than forming a sales network with local forces.

After all, under the strategy of seed discrimination and regional discrimination, The products of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group are generally much more expensive in overseas regions. If Dream Future Graphene Technology Group personally participates, it will inevitably suffer from infamy.

Therefore, in cross-border cooperation projects, it prefers to only act as a supplier. That’s it, let the local partner companies bear all the blame.

"Understood."The former chief minister of Neon responded.

Hongyue Zhicong asked,"How should the agency rights of different cities be distributed?"

The best sales area for neon should be Tokyo, where a large number of rich neon people are gathered, so both Abe Shinzan and Honggoe Tomato want to compete for Tokyo's agency rights.

"Our allocation plan is very simple. We first list the neon big cities, and then throw the dice to determine the order of selection. Whether you choose an odd or even number, or throw the dice twice to compare the size, it is decided according to your wishes."An Liang added

"If the Chief Minister wins, then the Chief Minister will first select the agency of a city, then His Excellency the Prince will select the agency of a city, then the Chief Minister will select, and then His Excellency the Prince will continue to select, and so on until the selection is completed. ,vice versa."An Liang explained the rules.

The former chief minister of Neon immediately discovered a loophole!

"If I obtain the agency right in Tokyo and the other party obtains the agency right in Pingkyong Prefecture, and then the other party’s sales price in Pingkyong Prefecture is cheaper, will customers in Tokyo be able to go to Pingkyong Prefecture to purchase?" asked the former chief minister of Neon.

Since the issue of agency rights is divided between cities, according to the situation described by the former chief minister of Neon, cross-city purchases cannot be allowed.

However, Anliang was originally intended to allow the two to compete, and How could you possibly care about these 'trivial' things?

"It’s up to you to decide this kind of thing. As I just said, our group will give you free pricing rights and free sales rights. As long as it is within the scope of Neon, you can decide the selling price and any sales strategy."An Liang explained.

After hearing An Liang's answer, the former chief minister of Neon and Hongyue Zhicong were secretly shocked. This so-called free pricing and free sales are definitely not a good thing for the two of them!

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