On Neon Internet, there is a topic of crowdfunding for the home-use guardian robot released by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

Given that the price of home-use guardian robots is indeed very high, it’s no problem for neon otakus to crowdfund, right?

However, as soon as the topic of crowdfunding came up, some people quickly came forward to speak against it.


Nobita Fuji:

@Hiroshima Atomic: Are you from Xiaguo?

We Neon people should not have a name like yours.

Although the crowdfunding suggestion you put forward is very good, because you are from Xiaguo and you don’t understand us, so from your perspective, in order to reduce the cost of purchasing super robots, choosing crowdfunding is a very good way.

However, for us, the super robot is not just a robot, it is also our spiritual sustenance. We will not just regard it as a robot.

I say this, do you understand?

Even if we can't afford the price of the super robot, we won't crowdfund to buy it!


To be honest, the name"Hiroshima Atom" is quite outrageous.

No normal neon person would have a name like that, right?

In addition, the neon otaku mentioned by Nobita Fuji not only regards robots as robots but also an important reason.

After all, before the home-use guardian robot was developed, Neon developed the Erica wife robot as early as 2017. Doesn’t that explain the problem?

Under such circumstances, how can neon otakus be willing to crowdfund and share their robots?


Fujisakigawa Yulang:

@Nobita Fuji: I also think @HiroshimaAtomic is from Xiaguo.

In addition, you have overlooked a huge problem!

Do you think that the super robot of the Dream Graphene Technology Group in the future only costs 265 million yen?

Please give up your fantasies!

Looking at the past of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, this company has obvious regional discrimination strategies. Whether it is our Neon, Bald Eagle, or other non-Xia country regions, they may be discriminated against by this company..

Take [Sky Knight] as an example. This company sold the two-seat version of the Sky Knight in Xia Guo for only 9.98 million Xia Guoyuan, but after the introduction of neon, the price exceeded 35 million Xia Guoyuan after discount.

Although according to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, such prices are set by local agents themselves, we all know that Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has increased ex-factory prices for different regions. In order to ensure profits, agents It can only be forced to further raise prices.

In order to protect the high profits brought by regional discrimination strategies, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has set up various regional locks and cross-border transaction protection strategies.

For example, if our users of Neon travel to Xiaguo and purchase products from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group there, if they want to bring back Neon, they need to repay the corresponding cross-border lockout to Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. The fee also needs to be paid a special service fee to the local agent of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group before it can be transferred back.

Faced with such a dream of the future Graphene Technology Group, do you still expect to buy a super robot for only 265 million yen?

Let me guess in advance that the price will be at least 700 million yen, and the price of the first batch of super robots may even exceed 1 billion yen.

As for whether the subsequent price will fall, it depends on the demand in the local market of Xia State.

If the local market demand in Xia Guo is strong, I am afraid it will be difficult for our neon market to gain the attention of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group


This analysis is very rational. After all, Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a very distinct image overseas, that is, it is a company full of discrimination.

No matter how Dream Future Graphene Technology Group explains it, it has no effect at all.

After all, the actual sales strategy of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is full of regional and seed discrimination. What’s the use of just explaining it?

They say there is no discrimination, but it is clearly reflected in the actual selling price. Can you still deceive people under such circumstances?

How could there be so many fools!

Fujisakigawa Yuro's analysis has won the support of a large number of neon otakus. Although Fujisakigawa Yuro's analysis results are difficult to accept, the facts are facts, even if they are difficult to accept.

When there were more and more discussions on the Neon Internet about household guardian robots, the former chief minister of Neon had already sent a message to Anliang.

Neon’s former chief minister discovered another business opportunity!

The former chief minister of Neon likes to make money now, because if he makes money, he will have the opportunity to buy thousand-year-old astragalus slices from An Liang, and then extend his life.

When life is linked to money, can the former chief minister not be active?

However, it is not only the former chief minister of Neon who is very active, but also Tomomi Satoshi, who succeeded the prince.

Although Hongue Zhicong does not have the same life-and-death crisis as Neon's former chief minister, Hongue Zhicong hopes to get closer to An Liang and get rid of his father's shadow.

An Liang looked at the message sent by the former chief minister of Neon and Hongyue Zhicong, and he smiled. This is the benefit of competition!

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