After Anliang used the official blog account of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group to post a 20% discount for Internet trolls, he returned his attention to the scene.

I have to say that the location for the on-site event of the household guardian robot was very good. Although there were only about 60 people attending the event, more than 30 household guardian robots had been booked in just ten minutes.

Seeing the lively atmosphere at the scene, An Liang synthesized the opinions of netizens on the Internet and sent a new message to Chen Ying.

After Chen Ying saw An Liang's new news, she immediately picked up the microphone and said,"Dear guests, let me tell you another big news!"

The guests at the scene looked at Chen Ying again, waiting for Chen Ying to announce the big news.

Chen Ying introduced,"I have just received information from the top management of our group. The top management of our group has integrated the needs of the majority of users and stated that in the future, our group will develop new functions for household guardian robots, including but It is not limited to functions such as taking care of the elderly, raising young children, or even accompanying pregnant women, etc."

"If it is for non-commercial use, these functions will be pushed and upgraded for free through OTA."Chen Ying added.

As for commercial use?

There must be a fee!

It is free for home use and charged for commercial use. This method is very common in the commercial field.

For example, various office software can be used by individual users for free, with at most some advertisements, but Commercial users basically need to pay a fee.

The guests at the scene did not think there was anything wrong with this strategy.

After all, most users buy home guardian robots just to take care of their families.

Besides, the name of"home guardian robot" is not the same Did you say 'household type'? At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the special event of household guardian robots at Xiangyi Restaurant ended perfectly. A total of 268 household guardian robots were booked on site.

Although the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is on the Internet The channel also announced a 20% off discount, but the on-site discount event will also provide an additional free after-sales service of silicone simulated skin.

Therefore, compared with online channels, the discount for on-site bookings is greater.

In online channels, household models The sales volume of Guardian robots was slightly lower, only 48 units. After all, the price of household Guardian robots was too expensive, which made people feel uneasy without having any contact with the real ones. So in the end, there were only

48 units. Sales volume.

However, what makes An Liang satisfied is that although Sha Diao netizens usually like to joke and make troubles, in this critical matter, Sha Diao netizens do not receive coupons but do not buy. This is not to say that

Sha Diao netizens Their quality is very high. There is no shortage of real cerebral palsy on the Internet. The reason why no one is causing trouble is that Anliang has set the threshold.

If you want to receive the online channel coupons issued by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, you first need to prove your assets.

Of the guys who can spend 13.33 million Xia Guoyuan, how many of them are real fools?

So after setting the threshold limit, no one caused trouble. All the users who received the online channel coupons of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, All orders were placed directly.

An Liang did a simple calculation and found that the cost of a household guardian robot was 760,000 Xia Guoyuan. A total of 316 household guardian robots were sold this time. The price of each household guardian robot was It is 13.33 million, with an additional 82% discount.

Even after the discount, only 316 home guardian robots were sold, and an operating income of 3.768064 million was obtained. After excluding the costs, and in view of the dream future graphite Enene Technology Group is currently in a tax holiday, which is equivalent to a profit of 3.4666464 million Xia Guoyuan.

Even if 48 home-type guardian robots were purchased by netizens from other places, and a certain amount of transportation costs are required, then this The net profit of a single household guardian robot is more than 3.4665 billion Xia Guoyuan.

Such a profit is very considerable!

If the profit rate in Capital is more than 300%, capital will dare to trample on all human laws.

But now the dream The profits of the home-use guardian robot developed by the Future Graphene Technology Group have exceeded one thousand percent without violating any laws.

This is the scary thing about technological monopoly!

The Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has monopolized it from multiple dimensions The technology of the home-based guardian robot, coupled with the fact that the home-based guardian robot is indeed valuable, is so profitable that it is terrifying.

As for whether the monopoly of household guardian robots will trigger antitrust investigations, this point is completely redundant.

First of all, the technological monopoly of household guardian robots is not an indispensable monopoly.

For example, the household Guardian robot can sweep the floor, and this function can be replaced by a sweeping robot.

Another example is that the home-type guardian robot can help users cook, and this function can also be replaced by a food processor.

The technology monopoly of household guardian robots is a monopoly that highly integrates multiple functions. It can be replaced by a variety of single-function products, so it will not trigger antitrust investigations.

Even if the bald eagle comes, it will not be able to launch an antitrust investigation against the home-use guardian robot!

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