When Chen Ying introduced the household guardian robot, the No. 1 household guardian robot had already completed the cooking work of Beijing sauce shredded pork.

The No. 1 household guardian robot fried a large pot of shredded pork with Beijing sauce. It first placed one portion on a six-inch plate, and then began to use disposable plates to portion out a small amount of shredded pork with Beijing sauce.

These disposable plates are naturally meant to be shared with the live audience.

Staff from Dream Future Graphene Technology Group distributed disposable plates and chopsticks to the audience.

Chen Ying introduced,"Welcome to try the cooking skills of the household guardian robot. The first dish is the familiar shredded pork with Beijing sauce."

Chen Ying added,"Please don't worry about disposable tableware. Regarding environmental protection issues, the disposable dinner plates and chopsticks we use are all made of degradable and environmentally friendly materials."

At An Liang's request, Anliang's companies are very concerned about environmental protection issues, and they really care about environmental protection, not Make profits in the name of environmental protection.

For example, Apple, a partner of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, canceled the charger that comes with their mobile phones. Is that for environmental protection?

They even canceled the graphene battery version of the mobile phone charger, and then sold the graphene version of the high-speed charger separately at a price of 1,999 yuan.

Where is this for environmental protection?

After being given the shredded pork with Beijing sauce, the audience started to taste it one after another. They were also curious about the cooking skills of the household guardian robot.

After a middle-aged woman dressed as a housewife tasted the shredded pork with Beijing sauce, she showed a surprised look because she was a cooking expert herself. She thought the shredded pork with Beijing sauce cooked by the household guardian robot was quite delicious, even Better and more delicious than her own

"tasty!"A young man praised loudly.

Following the young man's praise, compliments rang out one after another on the scene.

A middle-aged man who was a little fat also praised,"This serving of shredded pork with Beijing sauce. The taste is indeed quite good, even if it is placed in a high-end restaurant, it is still at a qualified level!"

The slightly fat middle-aged man continued to praise,"What's more important is that this serving of shredded pork with Beijing sauce is the size of a large pot. I just visually inspected it and found that it can be divided into at least fifteen servings of normal servings. This kind of pork is the size of a large pot. It’s amazing how well a large pot can be cooked!"

During the online live broadcast, netizens began to joke about it.

‘Aren’t all the audience at the scene just shills?’

‘I just noticed that the number of spectators at the scene was not large. Could it be that they were all shills?’

‘The audience was all praising it, and it felt a little fake!’

‘I feel that the scale of live events is a bit small. Why not do a large-scale event in an open environment?’

‘Anyway, we can’t eat it, so how can we believe it no matter how much the guys at the scene tout it? '

Most troll netizens are full of doubts. After all, the audience at the live event has received positive reviews. This situation does seem like they are all shills.

These people are really not shills for the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. They all saw the advertisement in the SKP mall and came to participate in the event.

However, some of the troll netizens watching the live broadcast were locals from the Imperial City. One of the troll netizens stepped forward to decipher the secret.

‘First of all, let’s do some popular science. The venue where Dream Future Graphene Technology Group holds events is the buffet restaurant Xiangyi Restaurant of the Royal Capital Ritz-Carlton Hotel.’

‘The size of this restaurant is indeed relatively small, but it is next to SKP shopping mall, which is a prime location among prime locations.’

‘In addition, those who talk about dreaming about the future graphene technology group hiring shills can stop for a moment. Let’s do some friendly science on the fat middle-aged man in the live broadcast just now. He is Ye Hao, the former chef of Triumph Restaurant. He is a super chef and is currently making his own food. Media, you will know by searching the short video yourself’

‘The middle-aged woman next to Ye Hao, the one who looks very ordinary, is Mr. Sun Huamei from Huayu Capital. Although Huayu Capital is not particularly famous, its scale exceeds one billion.’

‘You said that the event organized by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group was not big enough, but this event does not need a big event, right?’

‘The event venue chosen by Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is actually very good. They chose the buffet restaurant of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel next to the SKP shopping mall. In fact, it has been screened twice.’

‘First of all, SKP shopping mall is a high-end shopping mall. Most of the people shopping here are high-spending people, which directly eliminates most of the ordinary onlookers.’

‘The second choice is to choose the Ritz-Carlton Aroma Restaurant next door to the SKP shopping mall, which further narrows down the potential customer base. After all, not all people shopping in SKP will buy personal guardian robots. Only if they are willing to go to the Ritz-Carlton next door Only by participating in the event can they show their willingness to buy’

‘Dream Future Graphene Technology Group’s household guardian robot is expensive and not a luxury product that ordinary people can consume. Why does Dream Future Graphene Technology Group carry out activities in public?’

‘Look at those high-end luxury brands. Which one does not hold activities on a small scale?’

‘This time the activity of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is just that! '

I have to say that there are smart people among the netizens who have almost perfectly analyzed the details of the behind-the-scenes planning of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group event.

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